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xogeny/ Secret

Last active December 24, 2015 14:19
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This is a gist for a simple package manager for Modelica
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import zipfile
import StringIO
import urllib2
import base64
import json
import sys
import re
import os
import colorama
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
use_color = True
use_color = False
class GitHub(object):
BASE = ""
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, token=None):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.token = token
def _req(self, path, headers={}, raw=False, isurl=False):
# Construct base URL
if isurl:
url = path
url = self.BASE+path
# If we have an OAuth token, add it to the URL
if self.token!=None:
url = url+"?access_token="+str(self.token)
# If we have a username and password, create the appropriate
# Basic Authorization header
if self.username!=None and self.password!=None:
base64string = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (self.username,
base64string.replace("\n", "")
headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % (base64string,)
# Formulate request
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)
# Get response
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
if raw:
# If the request is for the raw response, return the
# (file-like) response object
return response
# Convert reponse (which should be JSON) into a python dictionary
# and return it
return json.loads(
def getRepos(self, user):
repos = self._req("/users/"+user+"/repos")
return repos
except Exception as e:
print "Error fetching repositories: "+str(e)
def getTags(self, user, repo):
tags = self._req("/repos/"+user+"/"+repo+"/tags")
return tags
except Exception as e:
print "Error accessing repository tags: "+str(e)
def getFile(self, url):
return self._req(url, isurl=True, raw=True)
except Exception as e:
print "Error downloading file: "+str(e)
def cache_file_name():
return os.path.expanduser("~/.impact_cache")
def load_cache_file():
with open(cache_file_name(), "r") as fp:
return json.load(fp)
def parse_semver(tag):
pat = """v?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"""
c = re.compile(pat)
m = c.match(tag)
if m==None:
return None
major =
minor =
patch =
return {"version": "%s.%s.%s" % (major, minor, patch),
"major": major, "minor": minor, "patch": patch}
def process_user(repo_data, user, github):
# Get a list of repositories
repos = github.getRepos(user)
# Iterate over each repository
for repo in repos:
# Extract the repository name
name = repo["name"]
if args.verbose:
print "Repository: "+name
# Initialize data for current repository
data = {}
# Pull out various pieces of information about the repository
# and store it.
data["description"] = repo["description"]
# Prepare to extract all versions of this library
data["versions"] = {}
# Get the list of tags from GitHub
tags = github.getTags(user, name)
# Iterate over each tag
for tag in tags:
# Get the name of the tag
tagname = tag["name"]
if args.verbose:
print " Tag: "+tagname
# Parse the tag to see if it is a semantic version number
ver = parse_semver(tagname)
if ver==None:
print " '"+tagname+"' is not a semantic version number"
print " Semantic version info: "+str(ver)
# TODO: extract dependency information
# Create a data structure for information related to this version
tagdata = ver
tagdata["zipball_url"] = tag["zipball_url"]
tagdata["tarball_url"] = tag["tarball_url"]
data["versions"][ver["version"]] = tagdata
# Add data for this repository to master data structure
repo_data[name] = data
def refresh(args):
# Setup connection to github
github = GitHub(username=args.username, password=args.password,
# Initialize respository data. This is what we are refreshing
# and what we will store eventually.
repo_data = {}
# Process all 3rd party libraries
process_user(repo_data, "modelica-3rdparty", github)
# This gives the "modelica" user priority over "modelica-3rdparty"
# in case of naming conflict
process_user(repo_data, "modelica", github)
# Write out repository data collected
cache_file = cache_file_name()
if args.verbose:
print "Cache file: "+cache_file
with open(cache_file, "w") as fp:
json.dump(repo_data, fp, indent=4)
if args.verbose:
print "Refresh completed"
def get_package(pkg):
repo_data = load_cache_file()
if not pkg in repo_data:
msg = "No package named '"+pkg+"' found"
if use_color:
print Fore.RED+msg
print msg
return None
return repo_data[pkg]
def semver_cmp(v1, v2, versions):
maj1 = int(versions[v1]["major"])
maj2 = int(versions[v2]["major"])
if maj1==maj2:
min1 = int(versions[v1]["minor"])
min2 = int(versions[v2]["minor"])
if min1==min2:
pat1 = int(versions[v1]["patch"])
pat2 = int(versions[v2]["patch"])
return pat1>pat2
return min1>min2
return maj1>maj2
def latest_version(versions):
if len(versions)==0:
return None
sorted_versions = sorted(versions,
cmp=lambda x, y: semver_cmp(x, y, versions))
print "sorted_versions = "+str(sorted_versions)
return sorted_versions[0]
def install_version(pkg, version, github):
repo_data = load_cache_file()
pdata = get_package(pkg)
if pdata==None:
versions = pdata["versions"]
vdata = None
for ver in versions:
if ver==version:
vdata = versions[ver]
if vdata==None:
msg = "No version '"+str(version)+"' found for package '"+str(pkg)+"'"
if use_color:
print Fore.RED+msg
print msg
zipurl = vdata["zipball_url"]
if args.verbose:
print " URL: "+zipurl
zfp = StringIO.StringIO(github.getFile(zipurl).read())
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfp)
def install(args):
pkg = args.pkgname[0]
pdata = get_package(pkg)
if pdata==None:
version = args.version
if version==None:
version = latest_version(pdata["versions"])
if args.verbose:
print " Choosing latest version: "+version
if version==None:
msg = "No (semantic) versions found for package '"+pkg+"'"
if use_color:
print Fore.RED+msg
print msg
msg = "Installing version '"+version+"' of package '"+pkg+"'"
if use_color:
print Fore.GREEN+msg
print msg
# Setup connection to github
github = GitHub(username=args.username, password=args.password,
install_version(pkg, version, github)
def search(args):
repo_data = load_cache_file()
term = args.term[0]
matches = []
for repo in repo_data:
match = False
data = repo_data[repo]
if repo.find(term)>=0:
match = True
if fnmatch(repo, term):
match = True
if "description" in data and data["description"].find(term)>=0:
match = True
if match:
matches.append((repo, data["description"], data["versions"]))
if len(matches)==0:
print "No matches found for search term '"+term+"'"
for m in matches:
if args.description:
if use_color:
print Fore.RED+m[0]+Fore.RESET+" - "+Fore.GREEN+m[1]
print m[0]+" - "+m[1]
if use_color:
print Fore.RED + m[0]
print m[0]
if args.verbose:
if len(m[2].keys())==0:
versions = "None"
versions = ", ".join(m[2].keys())
msg = " Available versions: "+versions
if use_color:
print Fore.GREEN + msg
print msg
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='impact')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='command help')
parser_refresh = subparsers.add_parser('refresh',
help='Refresh package cache')
parser_refresh.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Verbose mode", required=False)
parser_refresh.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None,
help="GitHub username", required=False)
parser_refresh.add_argument("-p", "--password", action=None,
help="GitHub password", required=False)
parser_refresh.add_argument("-t", "--token", default=None,
help="GitHub OAuth token", required=False)
parser_search = subparsers.add_parser('search',
help="Search for term in package")
parser_search.add_argument("term", nargs=1)
parser_search.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Verbose mode", required=False)
parser_search.add_argument("-d", "--description", action="store_true",
help="Include description", required=False)
parser_install = subparsers.add_parser('install',
help="Install a named package")
parser_install.add_argument("pkgname", nargs=1)
parser_install.add_argument("version", nargs="?")
parser_install.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Verbose mode", required=False)
parser_install.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None,
help="GitHub username", required=False)
parser_install.add_argument("-p", "--password", action=None,
help="GitHub password", required=False)
parser_install.add_argument("-t", "--token", default=None,
help="GitHub OAuth token", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
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