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Last active December 16, 2015 11:49
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace CodeRetreat2013
public class LifeGame
private HashSet<Tuple<int,int>> alive;
private LifeGame(params Tuple<int, int>[] alive)
this.alive = new HashSet<Tuple<int, int>>(alive);
private LifeGame MakeStep()
alive = new HashSet<Tuple<int, int>>(
return this;
private bool ShouldBeAlive(Tuple<int, int> xy)
return WillAliveWithThatNeighboursCount(xy,
Neighbours(xy).Where(neighb => !xy.Equals(neighb)).Count(alive.Contains));
private bool WillAliveWithThatNeighboursCount(Tuple<int, int> xy, int aliveCount)
return aliveCount == 3 || aliveCount == 2 && alive.Contains(xy);
private IEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>> Neighbours(Tuple<int, int> xy)
return Enumerable.Range(xy.Item1 - 1, 3).SelectMany(
x => Enumerable.Range(xy.Item2 - 1, 3).Select(y => Tuple.Create(x, y))
.Where(c => !c.Equals(xy)));
public string ToString(int minX, int width, int minY, int height)
return string.Join(
Enumerable.Range(minY, height).Select(y => LineToString(y, minX, width)));
private static readonly IDictionary<bool, char> cellSymbols =
new Dictionary<bool, char> { { false, ' ' }, { true, '#' } };
public string LineToString(int y, int minX, int width)
return new string(
Enumerable.Range(minX, width).Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, y))
.Select(cell => cellSymbols[alive.Contains(cell)]).ToArray());
private static readonly IDictionary<bool, Action<LifeGame>> nextStep =
new Dictionary<bool, Action<LifeGame>>
{ { true, g => { } }, { false, VisualizeGame } };
public static void VisualizeGame(LifeGame game)
Console.WriteLine(game.MakeStep().ToString(-10, 20, -10, 20));
WaitAndContinue(nextStep[Console.KeyAvailable], game);
private static void WaitAndContinue(Action<LifeGame> continuation, LifeGame game)
public static void Main()
Console.CursorVisible = false;
VisualizeGame(new LifeGame(Tuple.Create(1, 0), Tuple.Create(2, 0),
Tuple.Create(3, 0), Tuple.Create(1, 1), Tuple.Create(2, 2)));
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По мотивам прошедшего
Game of life с ограничениями:

  1. Нет циклов
  2. Нет условных операторов
  3. Не более трех строк на метод
  4. Нет переменных

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ahitrin commented May 31, 2013

Стал ли код читабельней?

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andgein commented Jul 10, 2013

Переходите на Хаскелл, не мучайте C# :)

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