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Created September 26, 2024 06:55
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Smallpt with QoI output as a Zig "hello world".
const std = @import("std");
fn vsop(v: [3]f32, s: f32, comptime op: anytype) [3]f32 {
var ret: [3]f32 = undefined;
for (0.., v) |i, vv| ret[i] = op.aufruf(vv, s);
return ret;
fn vmuls(v: [3]f32, s: f32) [3]f32 {
return vsop(v, s, struct {
fn aufruf(a: f32, b: f32) f32 {
return a * b;
fn vdivs(v: [3]f32, s: f32) [3]f32 {
return vsop(v, s, struct {
fn aufruf(a: f32, b: f32) f32 {
return a / b;
fn vvop(a: [3]f32, b: [3]f32, comptime op: anytype) [3]f32 {
var ret: [3]f32 = undefined;
for (0.., a, b) |i, av, bv| ret[i] = op.aufruf(av, bv);
return ret;
fn vaddv(a: [3]f32, b: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
return vvop(a, b, struct {
fn aufruf(av: f32, bv: f32) f32 {
return av + bv;
fn vsubv(a: [3]f32, b: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
return vvop(a, b, struct {
fn aufruf(av: f32, bv: f32) f32 {
return av - bv;
fn vmulv(a: [3]f32, b: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
return vvop(a, b, struct {
fn aufruf(av: f32, bv: f32) f32 {
return av * bv;
fn vneg(vec: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
var ret: [3]f32 = undefined;
for (0.., vec) |i, v| ret[i] = -v;
return ret;
fn vabs(vec: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
var ret: [3]f32 = undefined;
for (0.., vec) |i, v| ret[i] = @abs(v);
return ret;
fn ssplat(s: f32) [3]f32 {
return [_]f32{ s, s, s };
fn dot(a: [3]f32, b: [3]f32) f32 {
var sum: f32 = 0.0;
for (a, b) |va, vb| sum += va * vb;
return sum;
fn length(vec: [3]f32) f32 {
return std.math.sqrt(dot(vec, vec));
fn normalized(vec: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
return vdivs(vec, length(vec));
const ray = struct {
origin: [3]f32,
direction: [3]f32,
const material = union(enum) {
lambertian: [3]f32,
light: [3]f32,
mirror: f32,
dielectric: f32,
const sphere = struct {
center: [3]f32,
radius: f32,
mat: material,
const intersection = struct {
t: f32,
point: [3]f32,
fn raysphere(r: ray, s: sphere) ?f32 {
const dir_sphere = vsubv(r.origin,;
const temp = dot(r.direction, dir_sphere);
const delta = temp * temp - (dot(dir_sphere, dir_sphere) - s.radius * s.radius);
if (delta < 0) return null;
const sq_delta = std.math.sqrt(delta);
const s0 = -temp + sq_delta;
const s1 = -temp - sq_delta;
if (s0 < 0 and s1 < 0) return null;
if (s0 < 0) return s1;
if (s1 < 0) return s0;
return @min(s0, s1);
fn vreflect(r: [3]f32, on: [3]f32) [3]f32 {
return vsubv(r, vmuls(on, 2 * dot(r, on)));
fn schlick(cos_theta_i: f32, n1: f32, n2: f32) f32 {
const sqrt_r0 = (n1 - n2) / (n1 + n2);
const r0 = sqrt_r0 * sqrt_r0;
const r = r0 + (1 - r0) * std.math.pow(f32, 1 - cos_theta_i, 5);
return r;
fn vrefract(r: [3]f32, on: [3]f32, n1: f32, n2: f32) ?struct { ray: [3]f32, refl_prob: f32 } {
const index_ratio = n1 / n2;
const cos_theta_i = dot(vneg(r), on);
const sin_sq_theta_i = 1 - cos_theta_i * cos_theta_i;
const sin_sq_theta_t = index_ratio * index_ratio * sin_sq_theta_i;
if (sin_sq_theta_t > 1) {
return null;
const cos_theta_t = std.math.sqrt(1 - sin_sq_theta_t);
return .{
.ray = vaddv(vmuls(r, index_ratio), vmuls(on, index_ratio * cos_theta_i - cos_theta_t)),
.refl_prob = schlick(cos_theta_i, n1, n2),
fn trace_one(first_ray: ray, bounces: usize, prng: *const std.Random) [3]f32 {
const box_base = 1000.0;
const box_dims = vdivs([_]f32{ 5.0, 4.0, 17.5 }, 3.0);
const sphere_rad = 0.28;
const sphere_offset = 0.1;
const sphere_depth = 0.6;
const spheres = [_]sphere{
.center = vaddv(vaddv( //
[_]f32{ -box_dims[0] / 2, -box_dims[1] / 2, box_dims[2] / 2 }, //
[_]f32{ sphere_rad, sphere_rad, -sphere_rad } //
), [_]f32{ sphere_offset, 0, -sphere_offset }),
.radius = sphere_rad,
//.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 1, 1, 1 } },
.mat = .{ .mirror = 0.999 },
.center = vaddv(vaddv( //
[_]f32{ box_dims[0] / 2, -box_dims[1] / 2, box_dims[2] / 2 - sphere_depth }, //
[_]f32{ -sphere_rad, sphere_rad, -sphere_rad } //
), [_]f32{ -sphere_offset, 0, sphere_offset }),
.radius = sphere_rad,
//.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 1, 1, 1 } },
.mat = .{ .dielectric = 1.5 },
.center = [_]f32{ 0, box_base / 50 + box_dims[1] / 2 - 0.0001, box_dims[2] / 2 - sphere_offset - sphere_depth },
.radius = box_base / 50,
.mat = .{ .light = [3]f32{ 12, 12, 12 } },
.center = [_]f32{ box_base + box_dims[0] / 2, 0, 0 },
.radius = box_base,
.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 0.25, 0.25, 0.75 } },
.center = [_]f32{ 0, box_base + box_dims[1] / 2, 0 },
.radius = box_base,
.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } },
.center = [_]f32{ box_base - box_dims[0] / 2, 0, 0 },
.radius = box_base,
.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 0.75, 0.25, 0.25 } },
.center = [_]f32{ 0, box_base - box_dims[1] / 2, 0 },
.radius = box_base,
.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } },
.center = [_]f32{ 0, 0, box_base + box_dims[2] / 2 },
.radius = box_base,
.mat = .{ .lambertian = [3]f32{ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } },
var attenuation = [_]f32{ 1, 1, 1 };
var accumulation = [_]f32{ 0, 0, 0 };
var cur_ray = first_ray;
for (0..bounces) |_| {
var closest_t: ?f32 = null;
var closest_sphere: sphere = undefined;
for (spheres) |s| {
const res = raysphere(cur_ray, s) orelse continue;
if (res > closest_t orelse std.math.inf(f32)) continue;
closest_t = res;
closest_sphere = s;
const t = closest_t orelse break;
const pt = vaddv(cur_ray.origin, vmuls(cur_ray.direction, t));
const n = vdivs(vsubv(pt,, closest_sphere.radius);
const going_in = dot(n, cur_ray.direction) < 0;
const on = if (going_in) n else vneg(n);
if (true) {
//return vabs(on);
switch (closest_sphere.mat) {
.light => |brightness| {
accumulation = vaddv(accumulation, vmulv(attenuation, brightness));
else => {},
// Dot product factor Times BRDF Over PDF
var dtbop: f32 = undefined;
const new_dir = switch (closest_sphere.mat) {
.light, .lambertian => ret: {
const theta = prng.float(f32) * 2 * std.math.pi;
const cos_phi = 2 * prng.float(f32) - 1;
const sin_phi = std.math.sqrt(1 - cos_phi * cos_phi);
const sin_theta = std.math.sin(theta);
const cos_theta = std.math.cos(theta);
const rand_vec = [_]f32{ sin_theta * sin_phi, cos_theta * sin_phi, cos_phi };
const oriented_vec = if (dot(rand_vec, on) < 0) vneg(rand_vec) else rand_vec;
dtbop = dot(oriented_vec, on);
break :ret oriented_vec;
.dielectric => |ior| ret: {
dtbop = 1;
const n_i = if (going_in) 1.0 else ior;
const n_t = if (going_in) ior else 1.0;
const dice_roll = prng.float(f32);
const refract_res = vrefract(cur_ray.direction, on, n_i, n_t) orelse {
break :ret vreflect(cur_ray.direction, on);
//if (true) return refract_res.ray;
//if (true) return ssplat(refract_res.refl_prob);
if (dice_roll < refract_res.refl_prob) {
//if (true) @panic("asd");
break :ret vreflect(cur_ray.direction, on);
break :ret refract_res.ray;
.mirror => vreflect(cur_ray.direction, on),
cur_ray.direction = new_dir;
cur_ray.origin = vaddv(pt, vmuls(if (dot(new_dir, on) < 0) vneg(on) else on, 0.001));
switch (closest_sphere.mat) {
.lambertian => |color| {
attenuation = vmulv(attenuation, vmuls(color, dtbop));
.light => {
attenuation = vmuls(attenuation, dtbop);
.mirror => |reflectivity| {
attenuation = vmuls(attenuation, reflectivity);
.dielectric => {
attenuation = vmuls(attenuation, dtbop);
return accumulation;
const pixel = [3]f32;
const config = struct {
no_threads: usize,
dims: [2]usize,
samples: usize,
bounces: usize,
fn lienar_to_srgb(v: f32) f32 {
return if (v <= 0.00031308) 12.92 * v else 1.055 * std.math.pow(f32, v, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
fn thread(id: usize, pixels: []pixel, cfg: *const config) void {
const float_dims = [_]f32{
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(cfg.dims[0])),
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(cfg.dims[1])),
var prng = std.rand.Xoshiro256.init(seed_val: {
var seed: u64 = undefined;
std.posix.getrandom(std.mem.asBytes(&seed)) catch unreachable;
break :seed_val seed;
const rand = prng.random();
var row = id;
while (row < cfg.dims[1]) : (row += cfg.no_threads) {
if (row >= cfg.dims[1]) break;
for (0..cfg.dims[0]) |col| {
const idx = col + row * cfg.dims[0];
var sum = [_]f32{ 0, 0, 0 };
for (0..cfg.samples) |_| sum = vaddv(sum, trace_one(ray{
.origin = [_]f32{ 0, 0.1, 0 },
.direction = normalized([_]f32{
((@as(f32, @floatFromInt(col)) + rand.float(f32)) / float_dims[0] - 0.5) * float_dims[0] / float_dims[1],
1 - (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(row)) + rand.float(f32)) / float_dims[1] - 0.5,
}, cfg.bounces, &rand));
const linear = vdivs(sum, @floatFromInt(cfg.samples)); // magick doesn't respect the linear channel declaration
const srgb = [_]f32{
pixels[idx] = srgb;
fn qoi_hash(pix: [4]u8) u8 {
return (pix[0] *% 3 +% pix[1] *% 5 +% pix[2] *% 7 +% pix[3] *% 11) % 64;
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
const cfg: config = .{
.no_threads = 7,
.dims = [_]usize{ 600, 400 },
.samples = 1024,
.bounces = 5,
const pixels: []pixel = try allocator.alloc(pixel, cfg.dims[0] * cfg.dims[1]);
var threads: []std.Thread = try allocator.alloc(std.Thread, cfg.no_threads);
for (0..cfg.no_threads) |thread_id| {
threads[thread_id] = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, thread, .{ thread_id, pixels, &cfg });
//thread(thread_id, pixels, &cfg);
for (threads) |t| t.join();
const stdout_file =;
var bw =;
const stdout = bw.writer();
_ = stdout.write(&[_]u8{ 'q', 'o', 'i', 'f' }) catch unreachable;
_ = stdout.write(&std.mem.toBytes(std.mem.nativeToBig(u32, cfg.dims[0]))) catch unreachable;
_ = stdout.write(&std.mem.toBytes(std.mem.nativeToBig(u32, cfg.dims[1]))) catch unreachable;
_ = stdout.write(&[_]u8{ 4, 0 }) catch unreachable;
var pixel_table: [64][4]u8 = .{[_]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }} ** 64;
var last_pixel: [4]u8 = .{ 0, 0, 0, 255 };
var cur_run: u8 = 0;
for (pixels) |pix| {
const cur_pix = [_]u8{
@as(u8, @intFromFloat((std.math.clamp(pix[0], 0, 1)) * 255.0)),
@as(u8, @intFromFloat((std.math.clamp(pix[1], 0, 1)) * 255.0)),
@as(u8, @intFromFloat((std.math.clamp(pix[2], 0, 1)) * 255.0)),
defer last_pixel = cur_pix;
defer pixel_table[qoi_hash(cur_pix)] = cur_pix;
if (cur_run == 62) {
_ = stdout.writeByte(0xC0 | (cur_run - 1)) catch unreachable;
cur_run = 0;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, &cur_pix, &last_pixel)) {
cur_run += 1;
if (cur_run != 0) {
_ = stdout.writeByte(0xC0 | (cur_run - 1)) catch unreachable;
cur_run = 0;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, &cur_pix, &pixel_table[qoi_hash(cur_pix)])) {
_ = stdout.writeByte(qoi_hash(cur_pix)) catch unreachable;
const dr = cur_pix[0] -% last_pixel[0];
const dg = cur_pix[1] -% last_pixel[1];
const db = cur_pix[2] -% last_pixel[2];
if ((dr +% 2) < 4 and (dg +% 2) < 4 and (db +% 2) < 4) {
const delta = ((dr +% 2) << 4) | ((dg +% 2) << 2) | (db +% 2);
_ = stdout.writeByte(0x40 | delta) catch unreachable;
const drdg = dr -% dg;
const dbdg = db -% dg;
if ((dg +% 32) < 64 and (drdg +% 8) < 16 and (dbdg +% 8) < 16) {
_ = stdout.writeByte(0x80 | (dg +% 32)) catch unreachable;
_ = stdout.writeByte(((drdg +% 8) << 4) | (dbdg +% 8)) catch unreachable;
if (last_pixel[3] == cur_pix[3]) {
_ = stdout.write(&[_]u8{ 0xFE, cur_pix[0], cur_pix[1], cur_pix[2] }) catch unreachable;
} else {
_ = stdout.write(&[_]u8{ 0xFF, cur_pix[0], cur_pix[1], cur_pix[2], cur_pix[3] }) catch unreachable;
if (cur_run != 0) {
_ = stdout.writeByte(0xC0 | (cur_run - 1)) catch unreachable;
cur_run = 0;
_ = stdout.write(&[_]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }) catch unreachable;
try bw.flush();
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