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Created April 5, 2017 03:34
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Channel ID: -83394797
Channel Name: Private Chat (Marcus Binchiette)
Listener: Faby Rasputin
Session started: 2017.04.05 02:57:35
[ 2017.04.05 02:57:40 ] Faby Rasputin > wassup
[ 2017.04.05 02:57:51 ] Marcus Binchiette > Why the pod?
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:10 ] Faby Rasputin > why didn't you warp it out?
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:16 ] Marcus Binchiette > I did
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:23 ] Marcus Binchiette > there must have been lag
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:24 ] Faby Rasputin > if you had warped it out, I wouldn't have killed it
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:24 ] Faby Rasputin > lol
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:35 ] Marcus Binchiette > don't lol please
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:40 ] Marcus Binchiette > it isn't funny
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:41 ] Faby Rasputin > why?
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:43 ] Faby Rasputin > are you serious?
[ 2017.04.05 02:58:51 ] Marcus Binchiette > yes.... very
[ 2017.04.05 02:59:20 ] Faby Rasputin > well I'm sorry... taht you can't take this game for what it is and get so upset for some reason
[ 2017.04.05 02:59:55 ] Marcus Binchiette > I do like it for what it is. It is a free world environment which allows people to make their own descisions.
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:03 ] Marcus Binchiette > What I ahve a problem with is you.
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:10 ] Marcus Binchiette > why the pod?
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:17 ] Faby Rasputin > What you should have a problem with is your decision to not warp your pod out
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:29 ] Marcus Binchiette > I DID WARP THE POD OUT
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:33 ] Faby Rasputin > not fast enough
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:34 ] Marcus Binchiette > I told you that before.
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:40 ] Marcus Binchiette > there was lag issues.
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:55 ] Marcus Binchiette > why did you shoot. have you no shame?
[ 2017.04.05 03:00:59 ] Faby Rasputin > Then you should have a problem with your decision to play on a laggy internet connection
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:24 ] Marcus Binchiette > I have a problem with you shooting, and no other considerations impact on this.
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:43 ] Faby Rasputin > Since you were so upset about losing
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:44 ] Faby Rasputin > it
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:45 ] Faby Rasputin > here
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:47 ] Faby Rasputin > Corpse Male (Item Exchange)
[ 2017.04.05 03:01:49 ] Faby Rasputin > you can buy it back
[ 2017.04.05 03:02:15 ] Marcus Binchiette > That isn't what concerns me.
[ 2017.04.05 03:02:48 ] Faby Rasputin > Okay, take a deep breath. reflect on your life. Reflect on this situation. Now ask yourself, is this worth getting upset over?
[ 2017.04.05 03:03:11 ] Marcus Binchiette > yes
[ 2017.04.05 03:03:30 ] Faby Rasputin > Then I suggest going to sleep cause you probably have to get up early for high school tomorrow
[ 2017.04.05 03:03:43 ] Marcus Binchiette > I'm not at high school
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:25 ] Faby Rasputin > Look buddy
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:27 ] Faby Rasputin > This is a game
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:29 ] Faby Rasputin > a PVP game
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:33 ] Faby Rasputin > where you kill people
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:35 ] Faby Rasputin > you got killed
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:37 ] Faby Rasputin > this is what this game is
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:45 ] Faby Rasputin > if you don't like it, find a different game where people can't kill you
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:47 ] Marcus Binchiette > That;'s not the issue.
[ 2017.04.05 03:05:57 ] Marcus Binchiette > I don't care about the ship. I care about this...
[ 2017.04.05 03:06:01 ] Faby Rasputin > And instantly forget about this weird idea that for some reason people shouldn't kill your pod
[ 2017.04.05 03:06:10 ] Marcus Binchiette > [Want A Gift] (Item Exchange)
[ 2017.04.05 03:06:19 ] Faby Rasputin > haha
[ 2017.04.05 03:06:42 ] Faby Rasputin > Please explain to me this weird notion you have that people shouldn't kill your pod
[ 2017.04.05 03:06:58 ] Marcus Binchiette > Destroying that pod gave you nothing, you had not benefit by it.
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:11 ] Faby Rasputin > It gave me this entertaining conversation
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:15 ] Faby Rasputin > It gave me a 100m killmail
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:21 ] Marcus Binchiette > so what.
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:24 ] Faby Rasputin > It gave me the joy of taking ISK away from a carebear
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:26 ] Marcus Binchiette > what is a kill mail?
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:35 ] Faby Rasputin > Kill: Marcus Binchiette (Capsule)
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:38 ] Faby Rasputin > this is a killmail
[ 2017.04.05 03:07:57 ] Marcus Binchiette > furthermore, if I were a carebear I wouldn't be in lowsec you dumb cow.
[ 2017.04.05 03:08:26 ] Faby Rasputin > Carebears come in all shapes and sizes
[ 2017.04.05 03:08:34 ] Marcus Binchiette > Yes
[ 2017.04.05 03:08:47 ] Marcus Binchiette > like the ones who only fight fights they can win... like you
[ 2017.04.05 03:08:51 ] Faby Rasputin > Like the guy who tries to PvE in lowsec in a shit fit and then whines when he gets podded
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:22 ] Faby Rasputin > You are bad a this game, get over it and get better
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:26 ] Marcus Binchiette > It's not a shit fit when you consider it's intended purpose.
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:34 ] Faby Rasputin > YOU are the reason I podded you, YOU are the reason I got to kill you
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:45 ] Marcus Binchiette > you're a fool
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:48 ] Faby Rasputin > Unless it's intended purpose was to get me an easy killmail, it's a shit fit
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:51 ] Marcus Binchiette > you don't know anything about me.
[ 2017.04.05 03:09:56 ] Faby Rasputin > I know enough about you
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:00 ] Faby Rasputin > I know you don't watch your dscan
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:01 ] Marcus Binchiette > no you don't
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:05 ] Faby Rasputin > I know you don't rat aligned
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:06 ] Marcus Binchiette > I did
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:09 ] Marcus Binchiette > I saw you
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:10 ] Faby Rasputin > I know you don't know how to warp out
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:25 ] Marcus Binchiette > I wasn't overly concerned by it
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:26 ] Faby Rasputin > Well if you watched dscan and didn't warp out then you are even dumber than I thought
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:33 ] Marcus Binchiette > no
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:41 ] Marcus Binchiette > I just know that you have targeting delay
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:45 ] Faby Rasputin > Lol
[ 2017.04.05 03:10:53 ] Faby Rasputin > Apparnetly not enough for you
[ 2017.04.05 03:11:22 ] Marcus Binchiette > I have AU lag, and there were problems at the time of your fight
[ 2017.04.05 03:11:31 ] Marcus Binchiette > So your assertions don't mean anything
[ 2017.04.05 03:11:34 ] Faby Rasputin > Lol
[ 2017.04.05 03:11:46 ] Faby Rasputin > You died, that's a fact that you can't argue yourself out of
[ 2017.04.05 03:11:51 ] Faby Rasputin > especially not with such dumb arguments
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:00 ] Marcus Binchiette > Very hard to perform the level of control you speak of when the game is getting bugged like that.
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:11 ] Faby Rasputin > Then don't try to rat in low sec when your game is bugged
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:13 ] Faby Rasputin > Simple
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:20 ] Faby Rasputin > my game was bugged earlier, I got 5 FPS
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:21 ] Faby Rasputin > guess what
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:24 ] Marcus Binchiette > I DIED BECAUSE OF YOU... AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:27 ] Faby Rasputin > I didn't try to do things until I fixed it
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:31 ] Faby Rasputin > As are you
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:45 ] Marcus Binchiette > Maybe I created the situation... But it was you who pulled the trigger.
[ 2017.04.05 03:12:53 ] Faby Rasputin > You're trying to blame me for exploiting your shortcoming instead of understanding that you need to fix your shortcomings
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:17 ] Marcus Binchiette > I have no shortcomings only a questionably internet connection at this time of playing.
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:23 ] Faby Rasputin > LOL
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:31 ] Faby Rasputin > then your shortcoming is playing while your internet is fucked
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:41 ] Faby Rasputin > stop averting the responsibility of your mistakes
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:46 ] Marcus Binchiette > ... and I'm blaming you for your actions. Which I see as perfectly acceptable.
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:49 ] Faby Rasputin > You are ratting in low sec, you are making yourself a free target
[ 2017.04.05 03:13:59 ] Marcus Binchiette > A PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:02 ] Faby Rasputin > Yes
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:03 ] Marcus Binchiette > no one else
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:06 ] Marcus Binchiette > you .
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:07 ] Marcus Binchiette > you shot
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:10 ] Marcus Binchiette > your action
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:13 ] Faby Rasputin > you are responsible for your actions. Like undocking and ratting here while you are lagging
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:15 ] Marcus Binchiette > your responsibility.
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:18 ] Faby Rasputin > I know I shot
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:24 ] Faby Rasputin > I can take responsibility for my actions
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:31 ] Faby Rasputin > I saw a free kill and I took it
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:33 ] Faby Rasputin > And you offered it
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:40 ] Faby Rasputin > We both played our parts
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:42 ] Faby Rasputin > get over it
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:42 ] Marcus Binchiette > I wasn't laggin when ratting. I lagged when you came it. It was a transitory thing.
[ 2017.04.05 03:14:57 ] Marcus Binchiette > No
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:18 ] Faby Rasputin > So you lagged just as I arrived?
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:23 ] Faby Rasputin > Then blame it on your bad luck
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:32 ] Faby Rasputin > But you need to stop pretending like I did a bad thing by killing you
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:32 ] Marcus Binchiette > I blame you
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:34 ] Faby Rasputin > It happened, get over it
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:50 ] Faby Rasputin > If you are gonna get this upset every time someone kills you on EVE you're gonna have a bad time
[ 2017.04.05 03:15:50 ] Marcus Binchiette > I generally don't pod my kills
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:01 ] Marcus Binchiette > I AM HAVING A BAD TIME.
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:15 ] Faby Rasputin > Your choice not to pod
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:20 ] Faby Rasputin > Don't complain cause I do
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:25 ] Marcus Binchiette > AND WHEN I'M HAVING A BAD TIME I SEEK TO MAKE OTHERS HAVE A BAD TIME TOO.
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:37 ] Faby Rasputin > Dude
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:40 ] Faby Rasputin > you need some perspective
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:44 ] Faby Rasputin > Log off eve
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:45 ] Marcus Binchiette > So please consider that next time you pod someone.
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:46 ] Faby Rasputin > go outside or something
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:48 ] Faby Rasputin > have a drink of water
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:50 ] Faby Rasputin > No
[ 2017.04.05 03:16:54 ] Marcus Binchiette > yes
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:02 ] Faby Rasputin > I don't come here to consider everyone else's feeling
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:12 ] Faby Rasputin > I come here to do whatever I feel like, and if you are not okay with that, don't play EVE
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:15 ] Marcus Binchiette > If you're idea of enjoyment is making other people miserable then you are a sick sick person.
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:20 ] Marcus Binchiette > Grow the fuck up
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:24 ] Faby Rasputin > It's not my fault you are miserable
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:29 ] Marcus Binchiette > yes it is
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:29 ] Faby Rasputin > You need to grow the fuck up
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:40 ] Faby Rasputin > Do you play chess with people and then blame them for beating you?
[ 2017.04.05 03:17:59 ] Marcus Binchiette > you should have anticipated this as the likely outcome of your actions.... your said it yourself
[ 2017.04.05 03:18:07 ] Faby Rasputin > Everytime you undock a ship in EVE you need to be prepared to die and get podded
[ 2017.04.05 03:18:18 ] Marcus Binchiette > The reason why you podded me was so that we could have this "entertaining conversation"
[ 2017.04.05 03:18:19 ] Faby Rasputin > If you are not okay with that then you need to stop playing or accept that you will get upset
[ 2017.04.05 03:18:35 ] Faby Rasputin > I also podded the other guy who showed up, he isn't crying about it
[ 2017.04.05 03:18:56 ] Marcus Binchiette > well we're having this conversations.... And at take it that your purpose in that action was to make me upset so taht you could enjoy it.
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:00 ] Marcus Binchiette > I think you're sick
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:06 ] Faby Rasputin > no
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:10 ] Marcus Binchiette > yes
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:11 ] Faby Rasputin > my purpose was to kill you
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:12 ] Faby Rasputin > and I did that
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:18 ] Faby Rasputin > you getting upset over it is your choice
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:19 ] Marcus Binchiette > why the pod.
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:24 ] Faby Rasputin > why not
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:28 ] Marcus Binchiette > no. your words
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:35 ] Faby Rasputin > If you had podded me I wouldn't be convoing you crying about it
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:42 ] Faby Rasputin > because when I undocked my ship, I was ready to lose my pod
[ 2017.04.05 03:19:51 ] Marcus Binchiette > you said you did it so we could have this "entertaining conversation". Is that not what you said?
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:01 ] Faby Rasputin > I didn't say that was my intention
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:05 ] Marcus Binchiette > Faby Rasputin I would not have podded you.
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:07 ] Faby Rasputin > how would I know you would come here crying about it
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:20 ] Faby Rasputin > it's a game, when I pod people, most people move on with their life
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:22 ] Faby Rasputin > and don't convo me at all
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:36 ] Faby Rasputin > I don't care if you would or wouldn't have podded me
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:37 ] Marcus Binchiette > they do when they loose 90 million in implants
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:42 ] Faby Rasputin > lol
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:56 ] Faby Rasputin > Kill: Faby Rasputin (Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant)
[ 2017.04.05 03:20:59 ] Marcus Binchiette > When was the last time you lost a 90 million ISK pod?
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:03 ] Faby Rasputin > haha
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:09 ] Faby Rasputin > how ironic
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:30 ] Faby Rasputin > that's a 450mill pod
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:36 ] Faby Rasputin > in high sec
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:43 ] Faby Rasputin > And yes, I convo'd that guy, to congratulate him on the kill
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:47 ] Marcus Binchiette > well if you can laugh about it it probably wasn't a big hit for your... it's all relative.
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:48 ] Faby Rasputin > because I screwed up
[ 2017.04.05 03:21:57 ] Faby Rasputin > and he got a nice kill
[ 2017.04.05 03:22:06 ] Faby Rasputin > I had a nice chat with him and then I moved on with my life
[ 2017.04.05 03:22:22 ] Marcus Binchiette > Well I convoed you to congradulate you, and then to tell you to go shoot yourself.... Bye.
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