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Forked from jvanderwee/
Created October 9, 2015 06:35
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Java helper class for calling ZAPI
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
/** Helper class for calling ZAPI */
public class ZAPI {
/** Status IDs enum */
public enum Status {
PASS(1), FAIL(2), WIP(3), BLOCKED(4);
private final int value;
private Status(final int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return value;
/** URLS */
private static final String BASE_URL = "";
private static final String ZAPI_URL = BASE_URL + "/rest/zapi/latest/";
/** HTTP Proxy details */
private static final boolean USE_PROXY = false;
private static final String PROXY_IP = "";
private static final int PROXY_PORT = 8080;
private static final HttpHost HTTP_HOST_PROXY = new HttpHost(PROXY_IP, PROXY_PORT);
private static final Proxy PROXY = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(PROXY_IP,
/** JIRA credentials: format "username:password" or "" for none. */
private static final String CREDENTIALS = "";
// ================================================================================
// ZAPI methods
// ================================================================================
* Gets the versionID for the project.
* @param versionName
* @param projectId
* @throws IOException
* @return the ID for the specified Version in the specified Project
public static String getVersionID(final String versionName, final String projectId)
throws IOException {
// Get list of versions on the specified project
final JSONObject projectJsonObj =
httpGetJSONObject(ZAPI_URL + "util/versionBoard-list?projectId=" + projectId);
if (null == projectJsonObj) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSONObject is null for projectId=" + projectId);
final JSONArray versionOptions = (JSONArray) projectJsonObj.get("versionOptions");
// Iterate over versions
for (int i = 0; i < versionOptions.length(); i++) {
final JSONObject obj2 = versionOptions.getJSONObject(i);
// If label matches specified version name
if (obj2.getString("label").equals(versionName)) {
// Return the ID for this version
return obj2.getString("value");
throw new IllegalStateException("Version ID not found for versionName=" + versionName);
* Updates the specified test execution
* @param executionId
* the ID of the execution
* @param status
* a ZAPI.Status value
* @param comment
* a comment for the test execution
* @throws IOException
* put may throw IOException
public static JSONObject updateTestExecution(final String executionId, final Status status,
final String comment) throws IOException {
// Construct JSON object
final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("status", String.valueOf(status.getValue()));
obj.put("comment", comment);
return put(ZAPI_URL + "execution/" + executionId + "/execute", obj);
* Adds attachment to an execution.
* @param fileToUpload
* - the file to attach
* @param executionId
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws IOException
public static void addAttachment(final File fileToUpload, final String executionId)
throws RuntimeException, IOException {
// set up proxy for http client
final HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
if (USE_PROXY) {
final CloseableHttpClient httpClient =;
final HttpPost httpPost =
new HttpPost(ZAPI_URL + "attachment?entityId=" + executionId
+ "&entityType=EXECUTION");
httpPost.setHeader("X-Atlassian-Token", "nocheck");
if (!CREDENTIALS.isEmpty()) {
final String encoding = new Base64().encodeToString(CREDENTIALS.getBytes());
httpPost.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
final MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
builder.addBinaryBody("file", fileToUpload, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM,
final HttpEntity multipart =;
final CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
final HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity();
if (null != responseEntity) {
// ensure file was uploaded correctly
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error uploading file");
* Deletes all of the attachments on the specified execution
* @param executionId
* the id of the execution
* @throws IOException
* delete may throw IOException
public static List<JSONObject> deleteAttachments(final String executionId) throws IOException {
final ArrayList<String> fileIds = new ArrayList<String>();
// Note the IDs for the files currently attached to the execution
final JSONObject obj =
httpGetJSONObject(ZAPI_URL + "attachment/attachmentsByEntity?entityId="
+ executionId + "&entityType=EXECUTION");
if (null == obj) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Response is null");
final JSONArray data = (JSONArray) obj.get("data");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
final JSONObject fileData = data.getJSONObject(i);
// Iterate over attachments
final ArrayList<JSONObject> responses = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(data.length());
for (final String fileId : fileIds) {
responses.add(delete(ZAPI_URL + "attachment/" + fileId));
return responses;
// ================================================================================
// HTTP request methods
// ================================================================================
* Send GET request to the specified URL
* @param url
* @throws IOException
private static JSONObject httpGetJSONObject(final String url) throws IOException {
return new JSONObject(httpGetJSONString(url));
* Send GET request to the specified URL
* @param url
* @throws IOException
private static JSONArray httpGetJSONArray(final String url) throws IOException {
return new JSONArray(httpGetJSONString(url));
* Get a string from a url.
* @param url
* the URL to perform the GET method on
* @return a String representing the body of the http response
* @throws IOException
private static String httpGetJSONString(final String url) throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection httpCon = createHttpCon(url, "GET");
final BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpCon.getInputStream()));
final StringBuffer httpResponse = new StringBuffer();
String line = "";
while (null != (line = br.readLine())) {
return httpResponse.toString();
* Send a request with JSON content with the specified method
* @param url
* - the URL to send the request to
* @param obj
* - the JSON content to send
* @param method
* - e.g. PUT
* @throws IOException
private static JSONObject sendRequest(final String url, final JSONObject obj,
final String method) throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection httpCon = createHttpCon(url, method);
if (null != obj) {
final OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(httpCon.getOutputStream());
final BufferedReader rd =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpCon.getInputStream()));
final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String line = "";
while (null != (line = rd.readLine())) {
return new JSONObject(result.toString());
* Send PUT request to the specified URL
* @param url
* - the URL to send the request to
* @param obj
* - the JSON content to send
* @throws IOException
private static JSONObject put(final String url, final JSONObject obj) throws IOException {
return sendRequest(url, obj, "PUT");
* Send POST request to the specified URL
* @param url
* - the URL to send the request to
* @param obj
* - the JSON content to send
* @throws IOException
private static JSONObject post(final String url, final JSONObject obj) throws IOException {
return sendRequest(url, obj, "POST");
* Send DELETE request to the specified URL
* @param url
* - the URL to send the request to
* @throws IOException
private static JSONObject delete(final String url) throws IOException {
return sendRequest(url, null, "DELETE");
* Return a HttpURLConnection object for the specified URL and request method
* @param url
* the URL to connect to
* @param method
* - e.g. GET
private static HttpURLConnection createHttpCon(final String url, final String method)
throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection httpCon;
if (USE_PROXY) {
httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(PROXY);
} else {
httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
if (!CREDENTIALS.isEmpty()) {
final String encoding = new Base64().encodeToString(CREDENTIALS.getBytes());
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json");
return httpCon;
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