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Created May 15, 2018 08:55
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function run(bytes playerData, uint8[4] eventTypes, uint8[2][4] eventColors) public onlyOperator {
require(playerData.length == 128 * PLAYER_SIZE);
uint8[] memory colorSelection = new uint8[](8);
colorSelection[0] = 0;
colorSelection[1] = 1;
colorSelection[2] = 0;
colorSelection[3] = 1;
colorSelection[4] = 0;
colorSelection[5] = 1;
colorSelection[6] = 0;
colorSelection[7] = 1;
uint[4] memory totalScores;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint8 majorColor = eventColors[i][colorSelection[i]];
uint8 minorColor = eventColors[i][colorSelection[i]^1];
uint[4] memory roundScores = _round(playerData, EventType(eventTypes[i]), EventColor(majorColor), EventColor(minorColor));
totalScores[0] += roundScores[0];
totalScores[1] += roundScores[1];
totalScores[2] += roundScores[2];
totalScores[3] += roundScores[3];
AllFinished(totalScores[0], totalScores[1], totalScores[2], totalScores[3]);
uint maxScore;
uint maxCount;
uint8[4] memory candidates;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (maxScore < totalScores[i]) {
maxScore = totalScores[i];
maxCount = 0;
candidates[maxCount++] = i + 1;
} else if (maxScore == totalScores[i]) {
candidates[maxCount++] = i + 1;
assert(maxCount > 0);
if (maxCount == 1) {
WinnerTeam(candidates, candidates[0]);
} else {
WinnerTeam(candidates, candidates[_random256() % maxCount]);
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