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Last active April 20, 2021 07:04
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Webpack Common Configuration File (ReactJS)
'use strict';
* Webpack Configuration File
* This is a configuration file for Webpack module bundler. You should customize
* it to fit your project.
* To start the development server run:
* webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors --inline
* To precompile assets for production run:
* NODE_ENV=production webpack -p
* @link
* Module dependencies.
var webpack = require('webpack');
var path = require('path');
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
var BowerWebpackPlugin = require('bower-webpack-plugin');
var CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');
var I18nPlugin = require('i18n-webpack-plugin');
var HashPlugin = require('hash-webpack-plugin');
* Configuration section.
var settings = {
// Development environment indicator.
isDevelopment: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
// Assets source path.
srcPath: path.join(__dirname, 'client'),
// Assets build path.
buildPath: path.join(__dirname, 'build'),
// Assets server public address.
publicPath: 'http://' + ( || 'localhost') + ':' + (argv.port || 8080) + '/',
// I18n plugin translation root path.
localeRootPath: path.join(__dirname, 'locales'),
// List of available locales. Leave the list empty if none. Make sure that
// I18n files exist before running this script.
locales: []
function buildConfig(options) {
var outputPath = options.locale
? path.join(options.buildPath, options.locale)
: options.buildPath;
var outputFileName = options.isDevelopment
? '[name].js'
: '[name].[hash].js';
outputFileName = options.locale
? options.locale + '.' + outputFileName
: outputFileName;
return {
// Capture timing information for each module.
profile: options.isDevelopment,
// Switch loaders to debug mode.
debug: options.isDevelopment,
// Assets source files.
entry: {
// The `index` will be our main bundle.
index: [
path.join(options.srcPath, 'index')
// Assets build destination.
output: {
path: outputPath,
filename: outputFileName,
publicPath: options.publicPath
// Content manipulation.
module: {
loaders: [
// Transpiling ES6 javascript to ES5, enabling ReactJS hot reloading
// for live JSX editing.
{ test: /\.js(x)?$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel'], include: options.srcPath },
// Adding support for CSS files.
{ test: /\.css$/, loaders: ['style', 'css'] },
// Compiling Stylus stylesheets.
{ test: /\.styl$/, loaders: ['style', 'css', 'stylus'] },
// Adding support for JSON files.
{ test: /\.json$/, loaders: ['json'] },
// Adding support for Text files.
{ test: /\.txt$/, loaders: ['raw'] },
// Adding support for fonts.
{ test: /\.woff|\.woff2$/, loaders: ['url?limit=10000'] },
{ test: /\.ttf|\.eot$/, loaders: ['file'] },
// Adding support for images.
{ test: /\.(png|jpg)$/, loaders: ['url?limit=10000'] }
// Additional functions.
plugins: [
// Preventing emitting phase in case of an error (recommended for hot-reload).
? new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin()
: null,
// Adding code minification.
? null
: new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),
// Creating additional gzipped file for each bundle.
? null
: new CompressionPlugin(),
// Removing duplicated code.
? null
: new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),
// Creating a hash file holding the assets fingerprint.
? null
: new HashPlugin({ path: outputPath }),
// Enabling access to bower components.
new BowerWebpackPlugin(),
// Enabling I18n translations.
? new I18nPlugin(require(path.join(options.localeRootPath, options.locale + '.json')))
: null
// Resolving paths.
resolve: {
// Search paths.
root: [options.srcPath],
// Defining extensions that can be required without extension (e.g. `require(name)`).
extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']
// Loading external libraries.
externals: {}
* Public Interface.
module.exports = (function(options) {
// Bulding configuration without support for I18n.
if (options.locales.length === 0) {
options.locale = null;
return buildConfig(options);
// Bulding an array of localized configurations.
return {
options.locale = locale;
return buildConfig(options);
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