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Created June 25, 2013 18:48
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Typescript Dictionary
interface IDictionary {
add(key: string, value: any): void;
remove(key: string): void;
containsKey(key: string): bool;
keys(): string[];
values(): any[];
class Dictionary {
_keys: string[] = new string[];
_values: any[] = new any[];
constructor(init: { key: string; value: any; }[]) {
for (var x = 0; x < init.length; x++) {
this[init[x].key] = init[x].value;
add(key: string, value: any) {
this[key] = value;
remove(key: string) {
var index = this._keys.indexOf(key, 0);
this._keys.splice(index, 1);
this._values.splice(index, 1);
delete this[key];
keys(): string[] {
return this._keys;
values(): any[] {
return this._values;
containsKey(key: string) {
if (typeof this[key] === "undefined") {
return false;
return true;
toLookup(): IDictionary {
return this;
var persons = new PersonDictionary([
{ key: "p1", value: { firstName: "F1", lastName: "L2" } },
{ key: "p2", value: { firstName: "F2", lastName: "L2" } },
{ key: "p3", value: { firstName: "F3", lastName: "L3" } }
alert(persons["p1"].firstName + " " + persons["p1"].lastName);
// alert: F1 L2
if (!persons.containsKey("p2")) {
alert("Key no longer exists");
// alert: Key no longer exists
alert(persons.keys().join(", "));
// alert: p1, p3
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