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imjp94 /
Last active January 10, 2023 18:21
Build script to help exporting Godot project.
extends SceneTree
const PLATFORM_ANDROID = "Android"
const PLATFORM_IOS = "iOS"
const PLATFORM_LINUX = "Linux/X11"
const PLATFORM_MAC = "Mac OSX"
const PLATFORM_WINDOWS = "Windows Desktop"

Reverse interview


  1. What tech stack do you use? Are you rolling out new technologies or sunsetting older ones? Do you have any legacy system that you need to maintain?
  2. What is your maturity stage? Finding a direction, feature work, maintenance...
  3. What are the next big engineering challenges you will face?
  4. How are requirements delivered to the engineering teams? How are technical decisions made and communicated?
  5. What level of involvement do engineers have in relation to architecture and system design? How much freedom for decision making do individual developers have? What happens if an engineer identifies areas of improvement?
  6. What is the junior/senior balance of the team?
xphere / .gitconfig
Last active March 24, 2022 07:45
Allows to store/recover state of current git branch. Like stash but keeping index and branch tracking.
index-is-clean = !git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD
recover = !f() { local REV=$(git rev); [ "$(git commit-message)" = ::modified ] && git reset -q HEAD~; [ "$(git commit-message)" = ::indexed ] && git reset -q --soft HEAD~; [ $(git rev) = $REV ] || echo 'Current state recovered'; }; f
rev = rev-parse HEAD
store = !f() { local REV="$(git rev)"; git index-is-clean || git unsafe-commit '::indexed'; git working-is-clean || $(git add -A && git unsafe-commit '::modified'); [ "$(git rev)" = "$REV" ] || echo 'Current state stored'; }; f
shader_type particles;
//render_mode disable_velocity,disable_force,keep_data;
uniform sampler2D map;
uniform float map_mipmap=2.0;
uniform vec2 collider_position;
uniform float collider_radius;
uniform float particle_radius;
uniform float sample_range=5.0;
uniform float sample_step=1.0;
xphere /
Last active July 17, 2023 20:44
Empty template for a Godot 4.1 plugin in GDScript
extends EditorPlugin
func _enter_tree() -> void:
func _exit_tree() -> void:
func _apply_changes() -> void:

Godot Scene Manager

Simple scene manager with simple transition effects using RPG Maker greyscale images. Doesn't do async loading at all, but that's fine for small games that just want a little pizzaz to their visuals. Just drop the file into your project and add it to your Autoloads. Then start doing SceneManager.change_scene('res://myscene.tscn') instead of get_tree().change_scene('res://myscene.tscn') and you'll be good to go.

solilokiam /
Last active August 27, 2023 14:22
React and 7.5 Million Daily Users | Proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf 2017

This is a proposal for a ⚡lightning talk at the Reactive 2017 conference.

🌟 Please star it so we can make it to the top 10 and be choosen to make it.

React and 7.5 Million Daily Users

1 year ago our design team came with the idea of redesigning our frontend... We decided to do it with React. One year later and some millions of satisfied users it's time to share the amazing and hard lessons we have learned. Some of those lessons are about:

  • SSR and SPA SEO
brownl / markdown.css
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18 — forked from imjasonh/markdown.css
* {
font-size: 12pt;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
cursor: default;
mmoreram /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Dependency Injection and TDD

La mayoría de los proyectos ya existen. ¿Que quiero decir con esto? Bueno, creo que la mayoría de desarrolladores en la era de las grandes documentaciones simplemente abusan de la superficialidad que estas nos permiten. Y creo que esto puede estar bien en cierto modo, pero también creo que son las grandes implementaciones las que, en última instancia, nos hacen crecer como profesionales.

Es por esto que en la documentación del proyecto que quiero pseudodocumentar hoy empieza con una de las frases más conocidas por el homo-developer. "Oh, no way... another Dependency Injection container written in PHP?". Pues me temo

b = branch
bl = branch-list
bn = rename-branch
br = branch -r
c = checkout
cm = commit -m
cp = cherry-pick
d = diff
df = commits-of-changed-files