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Last active April 23, 2021 16:08
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Stacky Language (For Educational Purposes) V.3 – With Stack Machine Back-End
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
'use strict'
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
function replicate (times, n) {
let arr = []
if (times <= 0) { return arr }
arr.push (n)
return arr.concat (replicate (times - 1, n))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
const exampleProgram = [
['function', 'replicate', ['times', 'n'], [ // function replicate (times, n) {
['let', 'arr', ['[]']], // let arr = []
['if', ['<=', 'times', 0], [ // if (times <= 0) {
['return', 'arr'] // return arr
]], // }
['push', 'arr', 'n'], // arr.push (n)
['return', ['concat', 'arr', ['replicate', ['-', 'times', 1], 'n']]] // return arr.concat (replicate (times - 1, n))
['console.log', ['replicate', 5, 2]] // console.log (replicate (5, 2))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
function* transpile (...exprs) {
for (const x of exprs) {
if (!Array.isArray (x)) {
yield x
} else {
const [key, ...what] = x
switch (key) {
case 'function': {
const [name, params, body] = what
yield ['function', name, params, [...transpile (...body)]]
case 'if': {
const [condition, body] = what
yield undefined // обозначает окончание списка аргументов
yield* transpile (condition)
yield ['if', [...transpile (...body)]]
case 'let': {
const [name, value] = what
yield undefined // обозначает окончание списка аргументов
yield* transpile (value)
yield ['let', name]
default: { // return, function calls...
yield undefined // обозначает окончание списка аргументов
yield* transpile (...what.reverse ()) // загружает аргументы на стек в обратном порядке
yield key
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
console.dir ([...transpile (...exampleProgram)], { depth: null })
[ 'times', 'n' ],
[ 'let', 'arr' ],
[ 'if', [ undefined, 'arr', 'return' ] ],
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
function interpret (program) {
const builtinFunctions = {
'<=' (a, b) { return a <= b },
'-' (a, b) { return a - b },
'[]' (...elements) { return elements },
push (array, value) { array.push (value) },
concat (a, b) { return a.concat (b) },
'console.log' (...args) { console.log (...args) }
const userFunctions = {}
// current stack frame
let currentStatements = program
let currentStatementIndex = 0
let currentDepth = 0
let localVariables = {}
let isFunction = true
const stack = []
function pushFrame (newFrame) {
if (stack.length > 10000) throw new Error ('stack overflow!')
stack.push ({ currentStatements, currentStatementIndex, currentDepth, localVariables, isFunction })
;({ currentStatements, currentStatementIndex = 0, currentDepth = currentDepth+1, localVariables = {}, isFunction = false } = newFrame)
function popFrame () {
const [prevFrame, ...values] = [...popUntil (x => x && x.currentStatements)].reverse ()
;({ currentStatements, currentStatementIndex, currentDepth, localVariables, isFunction } = prevFrame)
for (const x of values) stack.push (x)
function* popUntil (fn) {
while (stack.length) {
const x = stack.pop ()
yield x
if (fn (x)) return
throw new Error ('stack underflow!')
function popArguments () { return [...popUntil (x => x === undefined)].slice (0, -1) }
function popArgument () { return popArguments ()[0] }
while (true) {
const x = currentStatements[currentStatementIndex++]
if (x !== undefined) console.log ('→' + ' '.repeat (currentDepth), x)
if (!Array.isArray (x)) {
if (typeof x !== 'string') {
stack.push (x)
} else if (x === 'return') {
// Q: How do we know if there is a return value on the stack?
// A: We don't! We don't need it here, because it is the calling side who is suppose to take care
// of extracting the value from the stack (if there is expected any)...
while (!isFunction) popFrame ()
popFrame ()
} else if (x in localVariables) {
stack.push (localVariables[x])
} else if (x in builtinFunctions) {
stack.push (builtinFunctions[x] (...popArguments ()))
} else if (x in userFunctions) {
const { paramNames, body } = userFunctions[x]
const args = popArguments ()
const localVariables = {}
paramNames.forEach ((name, i) => localVariables[name] = args[i])
pushFrame ({ currentStatements: body, localVariables, isFunction: true })
} else {
throw new Error (`symbol is not defined: ${x}`)
} else {
const [key, ...what] = x
switch (key) {
case 'function': {
const [name, paramNames, body] = what
userFunctions[name] = { paramNames, body }
case 'if': {
const [body] = what
if (popArgument ()) pushFrame ({ currentStatements: body, localVariables })
case 'let': {
const [name] = what
localVariables[name] = popArgument ()
throw new Error (`unknown instruction: ${key}`)
if (currentStatementIndex >= currentStatements.length) {
if (currentDepth > 0) popFrame ()
else break
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
interpret ([...transpile (...exampleProgram)])
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
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