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Created October 4, 2023 21:07
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import struct
import sys
def take_uint8(data, index):
r = struct.unpack("B", data[index:index+1])
return r[0]
def take_uint32(data, index):
r = struct.unpack("I", data[index:index+4])
return r[0]
def take_blob(data, index, count):
r = struct.unpack(f"{count}s", data[index:index+count])
return r[0]
def parseEntry(data, index):
# Entry structure:
# typedef struct _TrustCacheEntry2 {
# uint8_t CDHash[kTCEntryHashSize];
# uint8_t hashType;
# uint8_t flags;
# uint8_t constraintCategory;
# uint8_t reserved0;
# } __attribute__((packed)) TrustCacheEntry2_t;
cdhash = take_blob(data, index, 20)
hashType = take_uint8(data, index + 20)
flags = take_uint8(data, index + 21)
constraintCategory = take_uint8(data, index + 22)
reserved0 = take_uint8(data, index + 23)
return (cdhash, hashType, flags, constraintCategory, reserved0)
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: <extracted_trust_cache_file>")
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as fd:
data =
# Verify header (_TrustCacheModule2)
version = take_uint32(data, 0)
if version != 2:
print("Unknown version")
cacheUUID = take_blob(data, 4, 16)
entryCount = take_uint32(data, 20)
print(f"Cache: {cacheUUID.hex()}")
print(f"Number of entries: {entryCount}")
# Parse entries (_TrustCacheEntry2)
for i in range(entryCount):
entry = parseEntry(data, 24 + i * 24)
print(f"CDHASH: {entry[0].hex()} HashType:{entry[1]} Flags:{entry[2]} ConstraintCategory:{entry[3]}")
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