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Created December 7, 2016 16:54
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Radare2 r2pipe script to decode Meterpreters Single Byte XOR Countdown Encoder
# Radare2 r2pipe script to decode Meterpreters Single Byte XOR Countdown Encoder
import r2pipe
import sys
def dump(addr):
def startEsil():
r.cmd('e io.cache=true') # We aren't writing to disk, we will be dumping from memory
r.cmd('e asm.bits=32') # This is used for the 32 bit payload
r.cmd('e asm.arch=x86')
r.cmd('aei') # Initialise the ESIL VM
r.cmd('aeim 0xffffd000 0x2000 stack') # Create our stack
def emulate():
# First we need to find our current address
cmd = r.cmdj('pdj 1')
base = cmd[0]['offset']
print "Base address: %x" % (base)
cmd = r.cmdj('oj')
end = cmd[0]['size']
print "Size of payload: %x" % (end)
# Next we need to find the LOOP opcode
cmd = r.cmdj('pdj 100')
for c in cmd:
if c['opcode'].startswith('loop'):
decoded = c['offset'] + 2
print "Length of Decoder: %d bytes" % (decoded - base)
# Now we emulate until we are beyond the loop and the orig payload has been decoded
r.cmd('aecu %d' % (base + (decoded - base)))
print r.cmd('pD %d @ %d' % (end - (decoded - base), base + (decoded - base)))
raw = r.cmdj('p8j %d @ %d' % (end - (decoded - base), decoded))
with open('out.bin', 'w') as f:
f.write(''.join(map(chr, raw)))
print "Raw code is now in ./out.bin"
r =[1])
r.cmd('e asm.comments=false');
r.cmd('e asm.lines=false');
r.cmd('e asm.flags=false');
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