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Last active December 9, 2022 17:56
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⍝ Read data, separate into vectors for direction and magnitude
d←⍉↑' '(≠⊆⊢)¨⊃⎕nget'd/9'1
⍝ Convert to complex offsets of the magnitude in specified direction
moves←1 0J1 ¯1 0J¯1[dir]×mag
⍝ Expand the 'gaps' -- 0 4 means 0 1 2 3 4 etc. This gives the path of
⍝ the head knot
⍝ Helper func: if tail is more than 1 step either vertically or horizontally,
⍝ move diagonally. If within 1 step in both, remain. Otherwise, move 1 step
⍝ towards head.
g←{1.5>||⍵-⍺:⍺⋄⍺+0j1⊥×11 9○⍵-⍺}
⍝ First tail: follow the head
tailpath←tailp headpath
≢∪tailpath ⍝ part1
⍝ part2: 10-tails -- actually rather easy: repeatedly do part1, but
⍝ with the previous tail as the new head.
paths ← ⊂headpath⋄_←{paths,←⊂p←tailp ⍵⋄p}⍣9⊢headpath
⍝ Only look at the _actual_ tail positions.
1+≢∪9⊃paths ⍝ part2
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