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Created September 21, 2009 10:51
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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* Paypal Payment Driver. Express Checkout transactions consist of 3 stages with
* a separate API call for each: SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckout (optional)
* and DoExpressCheckout. This class has a corresponding array of fields for each
* call these are used to construct the required name value pairs for the request
* to each API call.
* $Id: Paypal.php 1978 2008-03-25 12:05:32GMT by atomless -
* @package Payment
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Payment_Paypal_Driver implements Payment_Driver {
// this array details the required fields within the arrays $set_express_checkout_fields,
// $get_express_checkout_fields, $do_express_checkout_fields as well as the
// fields wihtin api_connection and api_authorization
private $required_fields = array
'AMT' => FALSE, // payment amount
//-- RESPONSE to setExpressCheckout calls will take the form:
//--{20 single byte character timestamped token}
//-- this token is passed back and forth throughout the stages of the express checkout process
private $set_express_checkout_fields = array
//-- REQUIRED --//
'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout',
'RETURNURL' => '',
'CANCELURL' => '',
'AMT' => '', // payment amount - MUST include decimal point followed by two further digits
//-- OPTIONAL --//
'ALLOWNOTE' => '',
'CUSTOM' => '', //freeform field as optionally set by you in the setExpressCheckout call
'CURRENCYCODE' => '', // default is USD - only required if other currency needed
'MAXAMT' => '',
// USERACTION defaults to 'continue'
// if set to 'commit' the submit button on the paypal site transaction page is labelled 'Pay'
// instead of 'continue' - meaning that you can just go ahead and call DoExpressCheckout
// right away on the RETURNURL page on your site without needing a further order review page
// with a 'pay now' button.
'USERACTION' => 'commit',
'INVNUM' => '', // Your own unique invoice / tracking number
//-- set ADDROVERRIDE to '1' if you want to collect the shipping address on your site
//-- and have that over-ride the user's stored details on paypal
//-- if set to '1' you will of course also need to pass the shipping details!
'SHIPTOZIP' => '',
'SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE' => '', // list of country codes here:
'LOCALECODE' => 'US', // Defaults to 'US' - list of country codes here:
//-- If YOU WANT TO APPLY CUSTOM STYLING TO PAYAPAL PAGES - see under SetExpressCheckout Request for descriptions here:
'PAGESTYLE' => '', //set this to match the name of any page style you set up in the profile subtab of your paypal account
'HDRIMG' => '', //header image displayed top left, size: 750px x 90px. defaults to business name in text
'ITEMAMT' => '',
'TAXAMT' => '',
'L_NAME0' => '', // max 127 single-byte characters product/item name
'L_NUMBER0' => '', // max 127 single-byte characters product/item number
'L_DESC0' => '', // description
'L_QTY0' => '', // positive integer
'L_TAXAMT0' => '', // item sales tax amount
'L_AMT0' => '', // cost of item
// there are several other optional settings supported
// see under SetExpressCheckout Request here :
private $get_express_checkout_fields = array
'METHOD' => 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails',
'TOKEN' => '' // this token is retrieved from the response to the SetExpressCheckout call
//-- associative array filled by the paypal api response to a call to the GetExpressCheckout method
private $get_express_checkout_response = array();
// responses contain these fields:
// PAYERID - paypal customer id - 13 single byte alpha numeric
// PAYERSTATUS - verified or unverified
// SALUTATION - 20 single byte characters
// FIRSTNAME - 25 single byte characters
// LASTNAME - 25 single byte characters
// MIDDLENAME - 25 single byte characters
// SUFFIX - payer's suffix - 12 single byte character
// COUNTRYCODE - list of country codes here:
// BUSINESS - payer's business name
// ADDRESSSTATUS - status of the street address on file with paypal
// CUSTOM - freeform field as optionally set by you in the setExpressCheckout call
// INVNUM - invoice tracking number as optionally set by you in the setExpressCheckout call
// PHONENUM - Note: PayPal returns a contact telephone number only if your Merchant account profile settings require that the buyer enter one.
// REDIRECTREQUIRED - flag to indicate whether you need to redirect the customer to back to PayPal after completing the transaction.
private $do_express_checkout_fields = array
//-- REQUIRED --
'METHOD' => 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment',
'TOKEN' => '', // this token is retrieved from the response to the setExpressCheckout call
'PAYERID' => '',
'AMT' => '', // payment amount - MUST include decimal point followed by two further digits
//-- OPTIONAL --
'CUSTOM' => '', //freeform field as optionally set by you in the setExpressCheckout call
'CURRENCYCODE' => '', // default is USD - only required if other currency needed
'INVNUM' => '',
'ITEMAMT' => '', // sum cost of all items in order not including shipping or handling
'TAXAMT' => '',
'INSURANCEAMT' => '', // Total shipping insurance cost for this order.
'ALLOWNOTE' => '', // Provide a value of 1 to indicate that thebuyer may enter a note to you on the PayPal Review page during checkout
/* these fileds would obviously need setting dynamically but shown here as an example
'L_NAME0' => '', // max 127 single-byte characters product/item name
'L_NUMBER0' => '', // max 127 single-byte characters product/item number
'L_DESC0' => '', // description
'L_QTY0' => '', // positive integer
'L_TAXAMT0' => '', // item sales tax amount
'L_AMT0' => '', // cost of item
private $api_authroization_fields = array
'USER' => '',
'PWD' => '',
'SIGNATURE' => '',
'VERSION' => '3.2',
private $api_connection_fields = array
'ENDPOINT' => '',
'PAYPALURL' => '',
'ERRORURL' => '',
private $array_of_arrays;
private $test_mode = TRUE;
private $nvp_response_array = array();
// after successful transaction $nvp_response_array will contain
// TOKEN - The timestamped token value that was returned by SetExpressCheckout
// TRANSACTIONID - Unique transaction ID of the payment. 19 single-byte characters
// TRANSACTIONTYPE - possible values: 'cart' or 'express-checkout'
// PAYMENTTYPE - Indicates whether the payment is instant or delayed. possible values: 'non', 'echeck', 'instant'
// ORDERTIME - Time/date stamp of payment
// AMT - The final amount charged, including any generic shipping and taxes set in your Merchant Profile.
// CURRENCYCODE - 3 char currency code:
// FEEAMT - PayPal fee amount charged for the transaction
// SETTLEAMT - Amount deposited in your PayPal account after a currency conversion.
// TAXAMT - Tax charged on the transaction.
// EXCHANGERATE - Exchange rate if a currency conversion occurred.
// PAYMENTSTATUS - possible values: 'Completed' or 'Pending'
// PENDINGREASON - possible values: 'none', 'address', 'echeck', 'int1', 'multi-currency', 'verify', 'other'
// REASONCODE - The reason for a reversal if TransactionType is reversal. possible values: 'none', 'chargeback', 'guarantee', 'buyer-complaint', 'refund', 'other'
// for more info see :
* Sets the config for the class.
* @param array config passed from the library
public function __construct($config)
$this->array_of_arrays = array
$this->test_mode = $config['test_mode'];
if ($this->test_mode)
$this->api_authroization_fields['USER'] = $config['SANDBOX_USER'];
$this->api_authroization_fields['PWD'] = $config['SANDBOX_PWD'];
$this->api_authroization_fields['SIGNATURE'] = $config['SANDBOX_SIGNATURE'];
$this->api_connection_fields['ENDPOINT'] = $config['SANDBOX_ENDPOINT'];
$this->api_connection_fields['PAYPALURL'] = '';
$this->api_connection_fields['ENDPOINT'] = '';
$this->curl_config = $config['curl_config'];
$this->session = Session::instance();
Kohana::log('debug', 'PayPal Payment Driver Initialized');
*@desc set fields for nvp string
public function set_fields($config)
foreach ($config as $key => $val)
// Handle any necessary field name translation
switch ($key)
case 'amount':
$key = 'AMT';
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->required_fields) AND !empty($val))
$this->required_fields[$key] = TRUE;
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