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Last active August 23, 2019 09:28
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PowerShell: Restore SQL Database
# The bak file from which the restore will be performed
# The directory where the databse files (MDF and LDF) will be saved/restored to
# The name of the database that is being restored
# The server in which the database is hosted
[string]$server = '(local)\SQLExpress2012',
# A flag to specify whether or not to use integrated security.
# If set to false, then SQL Authentication will be used
[boolean]$useIntegratedSecurity = $True,
# Username for when SQL Authentication is being used
[string]$username = "",
# Password for when SQL Authentication is being used
[string]$password = ""
# Ensure that the specified bak file exists.
if(-not(Test-Path $file -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Specified BAK file not found: $file" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
# Ensure that the file is a BAK file by checking it's extension
if(-not([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($file) -eq ".bak"))
Write-Host "Specified file is not a BAK file: $file" -ForegroundColor red
exit 1
# Check if the specified directory where the MDF and LDF files are to be located actually exists.
# If it doesn't, then we should create that directory.
if(-not(Test-Path $directory -PathType Container))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $directory
# Specify the location of the SQL file that contains the TSQL to restore the database.
$sqlfile = "./RestoreDatabase.sql"
# Define the locations of where the MDF and LDF files should be located when restoring the database
$mdfFileLocation = "$directory\$database.mdf"
$ldfFileLocation = "$directory\$database.ldf"
# Fix any issues with incorrect path separators
$mdfFileLocation = $mdfFileLocation.Replace("/", "\").Replace("\\", "\")
$ldfFileLocation = $ldfFileLocation.Replace("/", "\").Replace("\\", "\")
# Define the variables that need to be passed to the SQL script.
# Within the SQL script, these should be referenced as $(VariableName).
$sqlVar_BakFile = "BakFileToRestoreFrom=$file"
$sqlVar_MdfFile = "MdfFileLocation=$mdfFileLocation"
$sqlVar_LdfFile = "MdfFileLocation=$mdfFileLocation"
$sqlVar_DbName = "DatabaseName=$database"
# Create the object that will be passed as to the -Variables paramaeter
$sqlVariables = $sqlVar_BakFile, $sqlVar_MdfFile, $sqlVar_LdfFile, $sqlVar_DbName
# Check how we should be authenticating with SQL server. integrated security or SQL Authentication
if(-not($useIntegratedSecurity) -and $username.Length -gt 0 -and $password.Length -gt 0)
# Execute SQL script using SQL Authentication
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Username $username -Password $password -InputFile $sqlfile -Variable $sqlVariables
# Execute SQL script using integrated security.
# The user that will execute the SQL script is the same user that is running the PowerShell session
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -InputFile $sqlfile -Variable $sqlVariable
USE [master]
-- When using this SQL file some varaibles need to be passed when running the script.
-- This can be specified using the -Variable parameter when calling Invoke-SqlCmd from PowerShell.
-- - $(BakFileToRestoreFrom) - The location of the BAK file
-- - $(MdfFileLocation) - The location of where the MDF (DATA) file is to be located
-- - $(LdfFileLocation) - The location of where the LDF (Logs) file is to be located
-- - $(DatabaseName) - The name of that database that is to be restored (or created if it doesn't exist)
-- Declare a Table varaible that will hold the data obtained from running RESTORE FILELISTONLY
DECLARE @fileListTable TABLE (
[LogicalName] NVARCHAR(128),
[PhysicalName] NVARCHAR(260),
[Type] CHAR(1),
[FileGroupName] NVARCHAR(128),
[Size] NUMERIC(20,0),
[MaxSize] NUMERIC(20,0),
[CreateLSN] NUMERIC(25,0),
[DropLSN] NUMERIC(25,0),
[ReadOnlyLSN] NUMERIC(25,0),
[ReadWriteLSN] NUMERIC(25,0),
[BackupSizeInBytes] BIGINT,
[SourceBlockSize] INT,
[FileGroupID] INT,
[DifferentialBaseLSN] NUMERIC(25,0),
[IsReadOnly] BIT,
[IsPresent] BIT,
[TDEThumbprint] VARBINARY(32) -- remove this column if using SQL 2005
-- Declare and set a variable to specify the location of the BAK file that is to be used for the restore
SET @BakFile = '$(BakFileToRestoreFrom)'
-- Declare a variable to specify the location of the MDF file (Data) where the database is to be restored to
SET @MdfFile = '$(MdfFileLocation)'
-- Declare and set a variable to specify the location of the LDF file (Logs) where the database is to be restored to
SET @LdfFile = '$(LdfFileLocation)'
-- Declare and set a variable to specify the database name
DECLARE @DatabaseName NVARCHAR(200)
SET @DatabaseName = '$(DatabaseName)'
-- Retrive the information about the BAK file
-- Store this data within @fileListTable Table variable
-- We need to be able to retrieve certain data from this and making it available within a table a way to do that
-- Retrieve the Logical name for the MDF file (Data)
-- We need this to be able to tell the restore to move the MDF file (Data) to the new location
DECLARE @LogicalName_Data NVARCHAR(128)
SELECT @LogicalName_Data = LogicalName FROM @fileListTable WHERE [Type] = 'D' ;
-- Retrieve the Logical name for the LDF file (Logs)
-- We need this to be able to tell the restore to move the LDF file (Log) to the new location
DECLARE @LogicalName_Log NVARCHAR(128)
SELECT @LogicalName_Log = LogicalName FROM @fileListTable WHERE [Type] = 'L' ;
-- Generate a series of KILL statements to terminate any existing connections to the specified database.
-- This does not KILL the sessions here it only generates the statement that we still need to execute.
SELECT @kill + 'kill ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), session_id) + ';'
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE database_id = db_id(@DatabaseName)
-- Execute the KILL statements
-- We need to do this to ensure that there are no existing connections to the database prior to restoring the database.
-- This should prevent the error where it states that "Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use"
-- Execute the restore
MOVE @LogicalName_Data TO @MdfFile,
MOVE @LogicalName_Log TO @LdfFile,
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