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Created June 16, 2012 10:15
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MCAU PvP Mod guidelines
We've had a few discussions about this on IRC, and this is a quick document outlining what we expect from
the mods/admins on the PvP Server.
You don't have creative, you don't have god. You're just the same as every other player. You just have a
few extra powers.
1: Mute
This is probably the most common punishment. As attacking other players is part of the game, they can't
REALLY whinge about it too much.
2: Modreq commands (/check, claim, tp-id, etc).
It's unlikely that these will be used all that much. Pretty much everything is managed by the faction
administrator. We shouldn't be getting involved. But, there's also the possibility of admin trolling.
Which is why you have the following two commands:
3: Tempban and Ban
Tempbans and bans should be rarely used.
Some guidlines on timings, that I've purely made up:
Someone's running hacks and is dumping a lot of nocheat warnings to you?
Tell them to turn off their hacks. If they keep it up, ban them for 2 hours. Double it for each
additional infringement (we don't have banq at the moment, so.. just remember)
Actively trying to trick people into traps (eg, 'tp to me for free diamonds', and then slaughtering
Same as above. 2/4/8/16/24/48/permaban. They get a warning before the first tempban.
Actively tricking a MOD into a trap
Ban for 48 hours. Doing it again, disbanding of faction. Note that the faction admin should be
made aware of this the first time it's happened, so they have the opportunity to kick the user
out (use /mail)
4: Disbanding a faction
/f disband factionname
You can disband a faction for maliciousness (see above), or for an inappropriate name. This is purely
in the eye of the beholder. If you think the name is annoying, tell the admin to change it (they have
to disband and create a new faction). Examples of disband-worthy names are things like 'penis',
'jews4hitler', that sort of stuff. Anything that's designed to annoy someone else. Not acceptable.
That's it!
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