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Last active July 11, 2022 09:07
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Peggy hook provides an automated way to issue and redeem an over-collateralised XRP-backed stablecoin.

Sending XRP to it creates a vault and sends back stablecoin, which can be redeemed against the vault to get back the original XRP.

The exchange rate between XRP and stablecoin is the limit set on a trustline established between two special oracle accounts.

If the value of XRP falls too far, the vault gets under a minimum collateralization threshold. This means anyone who wants to top up the vault above the threshold can come along and take it over.

to test:

  • make sure Hooks Builder has at least 5 accounts: Alice, Bob, Carol, Carlos and Charlie
  • run decode.js, twice, to convert Carlos and Charlie accounts to binary form; save the values somewhere
  • if the Carlos account number is numerically higher than Charlie, switch the accounts (either re-import them, or just switch their names in the following text)
  • set up trust limit for the stablecoin user, by running trust-user.js; the script requires 2 parameters:
    1. the user account (Alice) sends the TrustSet transaction, so that the script requires its private key
    2. the hook account (Carol) is set up as the trusted issuer
  • set up trust limit on the oracle, by running trust-oracle.js; the script requires 2 parameters:
    1. the low account (Carlos) sends the TrustSet transaction, so that the script requires its private key
    2. the high account (Charlie) is set up as the trusted issuer
  • compile peggy.c and deploy it to Carol account, with 2 parameters: 1. "oracle_lo" set Carlos binary account 2. and "oracle_hi" set to the Charlie binary account
  • set up payment transaction from Alice to Carol
  • open debug stream filtered on Carol
  • run the transaction, see it succeed:
    • "Flow:TRC rippleCredit: Carol -> Alice : before=-66669133.31781069/USD/1 amount=2466.666666092349/USD/Carol after=-66671599.98447678/USD/1" in the debug stream
    • "[tesSUCCESS]" in the development log
import rac from "";
const a = "{{ customize_input account type='select' attach='account_address' }}",
b = rac.decodeAccountID(a),
h = b.toString('hex').toUpperCase();
* Peggy.c - An oracle based stable coin hook
* Author: Richard Holland
* Date: 1 Mar 2021
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hookapi.h"
// your vault starts at 150% collateralization
// at 120% collateralization your vault may be taken over
int64_t hook(uint32_t reserved)
uint8_t currency[20] = {0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 'U', 'S', 'D', 0,0,0,0,0};
// get the account the hook is running on and the account that created the txn
uint8_t hook_accid[20];
uint8_t otxn_accid[20];
int32_t otxn_accid_len = otxn_field(SBUF(otxn_accid), sfAccount);
if (otxn_accid_len < 20)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: sfAccount field missing!!!"), 10);
// get the source tag if any... negative means it wasn't provided
int64_t source_tag = otxn_field(0,0, sfSourceTag);
if (source_tag < 0)
source_tag = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
// compare the "From Account" (sfAccount) on the transaction with the account the hook is running on
int equal = 0; BUFFER_EQUAL(equal, hook_accid, otxn_accid, 20);
if (equal)
accept(SBUF("Peggy: Outgoing transaction"), 20);
// invoice id if present is used for taking over undercollateralized vaults
// format: { 20 byte account id | 4 byte tag [FFFFFFFFU if absent] | 8 bytes of 0 }
uint8_t invoice_id[32];
int64_t invoice_id_len = otxn_field(SBUF(invoice_id), sfInvoiceID);
// check if a trustline exists between the sender and the hook for the USD currency [ PUSD ]
uint8_t keylet[34];
if (util_keylet(SBUF(keylet), KEYLET_LINE, SBUF(hook_accid), SBUF(otxn_accid), SBUF(currency)) != 34)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error, could not generate keylet"), 10);
int64_t user_peggy_trustline_slot = slot_set(SBUF(keylet), 0);
if (user_peggy_trustline_slot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: You must have a trustline set for USD to this account."), 10);
// because the trustline is actually a ripplestate object with a 'high' and a 'low' account
// we need to compare the hook account with the user's account to determine which side of the line to
// examine for an adequate limit
int compare_result = 0;
ACCOUNT_COMPARE(compare_result, hook_accid, otxn_accid);
if (compare_result == 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Invalid trustline set hi=lo?"), 1);
int64_t lim_slot = slot_subfield(user_peggy_trustline_slot, ((compare_result > 0) ? sfLowLimit : sfHighLimit), 0);
if (lim_slot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not find sfLowLimit on oracle trustline"), 20);
int64_t user_trustline_limit = slot_float(lim_slot);
if (user_trustline_limit < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not parse user trustline limit"), 1);
int64_t required_limit = float_set(10, 1);
if (float_compare(user_trustline_limit, required_limit, COMPARE_EQUAL | COMPARE_GREATER) != 1)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: You must set a trustline for USD to peggy for limit of at least 10B"), 1);
// execution to here means the invoking account has the required trustline with the required limit
// now fetch the price oracle accounts and data (which also lives in a trustline)
uint8_t oracle_lo[32];
int64_t prv = hook_param(SBUF(oracle_lo), (uint32_t)"oracle_lo", 9);
if (prv < 20)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: \"oracle_lo\" parameter missing"), 4);
uint8_t oracle_hi[32];
prv = hook_param(SBUF(oracle_hi), (uint32_t)"oracle_hi", 9);
if (prv < 20)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: \"oracle_hi\" parameter missing"), 6);
if (util_keylet(SBUF(keylet), KEYLET_LINE, oracle_lo, 20, oracle_hi, 20, SBUF(currency)) != 34)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error, could not generate keylet"), 10);
int64_t slot_no = slot_set(SBUF(keylet), 0);
if (slot_no < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not find oracle trustline"), 10);
lim_slot = slot_subfield(slot_no, sfLowLimit, 0);
if (lim_slot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not find sfLowLimit on oracle trustline"), 20);
int64_t exchange_rate = slot_float(lim_slot);
if (exchange_rate < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not get exchange rate float"), 20);
// execution to here means we have retrieved the exchange rate from the oracle
// process the amount sent, which could be either xrp or pusd
// to do this we 'slot' the originating txn, that is: we place it into a slot so we can use the slot api
// to examine its internals
int64_t oslot = otxn_slot(0);
if (oslot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not slot originating txn."), 1);
// specifically we're interested in the amount sent
int64_t amt_slot = slot_subfield(oslot, sfAmount, 0);
if (amt_slot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not slot otxn.sfAmount"), 2);
int64_t amt = slot_float(amt_slot);
if (amt < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not parse amount."), 1);
// the slot_type api allows determination of fields and subtypes of fields according to the doco
// in this case we're examining an amount field to see if it's a native (xrp) amount or an iou amount
// this means passing flag=1
int64_t is_xrp = slot_type(amt_slot, 1);
if (is_xrp < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not determine sent amount type"), 3);
// In addition to determining the amount sent (and its type) we also need to handle the "recollateralization"
// takeover mode. This is where another user, not the original vault owner, passes the vault ID as invoice ID
// and sends a payment that brings the vault back into a valid state. We then assign ownership to this person
// as a reward for stablising the vault. So account for this and record whether or not we are proceeding as
// the original vault owner (or a new vault) or in takeover mode.
uint8_t is_vault_owner = 1;
uint8_t vault_key[32] = { 0 };
if (invoice_id_len != 32)
// this is normal mode
for (int i = 0; GUARD(20), i < 20; ++i)
vault_key[i] = otxn_accid[i];
UINT32_TO_BUF(vault_key + 20, source_tag);
// this is the takeover mode
for (int i = 0; GUARD(24), i < 24; ++i)
vault_key[i] = invoice_id[i];
is_vault_owner = 0;
// check if state currently exists
uint8_t vault[16];
int64_t vault_pusd = 0;
int64_t vault_xrp = 0;
uint8_t vault_exists = 0;
if (state(SBUF(vault), SBUF(vault_key)) == 16)
vault_pusd = float_sto_set(vault, 8);
vault_xrp = float_sto_set(vault + 8, 8);
vault_exists = 1;
else if (is_vault_owner == 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: You cannot takeover a vault that does not exist!"), 1);
if (is_xrp)
// decide whether the vault is liquidatable
int64_t required_vault_xrp = float_divide(vault_pusd, exchange_rate);
required_vault_xrp =
uint8_t can_liq = (required_vault_xrp < vault_xrp);
// compute new vault xrp by adding the xrp they just sent
vault_xrp = float_sum(amt, vault_xrp);
// compute the maximum amount of pusd that can be out according to the collateralization
int64_t max_vault_pusd = float_multiply(vault_xrp, exchange_rate);
max_vault_pusd =
// compute the amount we can send them
int64_t pusd_to_send =
float_sum(max_vault_pusd, float_negate(vault_pusd));
if (pusd_to_send < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Error computing pusd to send"), 1);
// is the amount to send negative, that means the vault is undercollateralized
if (float_compare(pusd_to_send, 0, COMPARE_LESS))
if (!is_vault_owner)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is undercollateralized and your deposit would not redeem it."), 1);
if (float_sto(vault + 8, 8, 0,0,0,0, vault_xrp, -1) != 8)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error writing vault"), 1);
if (state_set(SBUF(vault), SBUF(vault_key)) != 16)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not set state"), 1);
accept(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is undercollateralized, absorbing without sending anything."), 0);
if (!is_vault_owner && !can_liq)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is not sufficiently undercollateralized to take over yet."), 2);
// execution to here means we will send out pusd
// update the vault
vault_pusd = float_sum(vault_pusd, pusd_to_send);
// if this is a takeover we destroy the vault on the old key and recreate it on the new key
if (!is_vault_owner)
// destroy
if (state_set(0,0,SBUF(vault_key)) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not destroy old vault."), 1);
// reset the key
for (int i = 0; GUARD(20), i < 20; ++i)
vault_key[i] = otxn_accid[i];
vault_key[20] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 24U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[21] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 16U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[22] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 8U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[23] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 0U) & 0xFFU);
// set / update the vault
if (float_sto(vault, 8, 0,0,0,0, vault_pusd, -1) != 8 ||
float_sto(vault + 8, 8, 0,0,0,0, vault_xrp, -1) != 8)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error writing vault"), 1);
if (state_set(SBUF(vault), SBUF(vault_key)) != 16)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not set state"), 1);
// we need to dump the iou amount into a buffer
// by supplying -1 as the fieldcode we tell float_sto not to prefix an actual STO header on the field
uint8_t amt_out[48];
if (float_sto(SBUF(amt_out), SBUF(currency), SBUF(hook_accid), pusd_to_send, -1) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not dump pusd amount into sto"), 1);
// set the currency code and issuer in the amount field
for (int i = 0; GUARD(20),i < 20; ++i)
amt_out[i + 28] = hook_accid[i];
amt_out[i + 8] = currency[i];
// finally create the outgoing txn
PREPARE_PAYMENT_SIMPLE_TRUSTLINE(txn_out, amt_out, otxn_accid, source_tag, source_tag);
uint8_t emithash[32];
if (emit(SBUF(emithash), SBUF(txn_out)) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Emitting txn failed"), 1);
accept(SBUF("Peggy: Sent you PUSD!"), 0);
// NON-XRP incoming
if (!vault_exists)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Can only send PUSD back to an existing vault."), 1);
uint8_t amount_buffer[48];
if (slot(SBUF(amount_buffer), amt_slot) != 48)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not dump sfAmount"), 1);
// ensure the issuer is us
for (int i = 28; GUARD(20), i < 48; ++i)
if (amount_buffer[i] != hook_accid[i - 28])
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: A currency we didn't issue was sent to us."), 1);
// ensure the currency is PUSD
for (int i = 8; GUARD(20), i < 28; ++i)
if (amount_buffer[i] != currency[i - 8])
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: A non USD currency was sent to us."), 1);
// decide whether the vault is liquidatable
int64_t required_vault_xrp = float_divide(vault_pusd, exchange_rate);
required_vault_xrp =
uint8_t can_liq = (required_vault_xrp < vault_xrp);
// compute new vault pusd by adding the pusd they just sent
vault_pusd = float_sum(float_negate(amt), vault_pusd);
// compute the maximum amount of pusd that can be out according to the collateralization
int64_t max_vault_xrp = float_divide(vault_pusd, exchange_rate);
max_vault_xrp =
// compute the amount we can send them
int64_t xrp_to_send =
float_sum(float_negate(max_vault_xrp), vault_xrp);
if (xrp_to_send < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Error computing xrp to send"), 1);
// is the amount to send negative, that means the vault is undercollateralized
if (float_compare(xrp_to_send, 0, COMPARE_LESS))
if (!is_vault_owner)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is undercollateralized and your deposit would not redeem it."), 1);
if (float_sto(vault, 8, 0,0,0,0, vault_pusd, -1) != 8)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error writing vault"), 1);
if (state_set(SBUF(vault), SBUF(vault_key)) != 16)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not set state"), 1);
accept(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is undercollateralized, absorbing without sending anything."), 0);
if (!is_vault_owner && !can_liq)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Vault is not sufficiently undercollateralized to take over yet."), 2);
// execution to here means we will send out pusd
// update the vault
vault_xrp = float_sum(vault_xrp, xrp_to_send);
// if this is a takeover we destroy the vault on the old key and recreate it on the new key
if (!is_vault_owner)
// destroy
if (state_set(0,0,SBUF(vault_key)) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not destroy old vault."), 1);
// reset the key
for (int i = 0; GUARD(20), i < 20; ++i)
vault_key[i] = otxn_accid[i];
vault_key[20] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 24U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[21] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 16U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[22] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 8U) & 0xFFU);
vault_key[23] = (uint8_t)((source_tag >> 0U) & 0xFFU);
// set / update the vault
if (float_sto(vault, 8, 0,0,0,0, vault_pusd, -1) != 8 ||
float_sto(vault + 8, 8, 0,0,0,0, max_vault_xrp, -1) != 8)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Internal error writing vault"), 1);
if (state_set(SBUF(vault), SBUF(vault_key)) != 16)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Could not set state"), 1);
// RH TODO: check the balance of the hook account
// finally create the outgoing txn
PREPARE_PAYMENT_SIMPLE(txn_out, float_int(xrp_to_send, 6, 0), otxn_accid, source_tag, source_tag);
uint8_t emithash[32];
if (emit(SBUF(emithash), SBUF(txn_out)) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Peggy: Emitting txn failed"), 1);
accept(SBUF("Peggy: Sent you XRP!"), 0);
return 0;
import lib from "";
import { XrplClient } from "";
import keypairs from "";
// Carlos
const low_secret = "{{ customize_input low_secret type='select' attach='account_secret' }}";
const low_keypair = lib.derive.familySeed(low_secret);
const low_account = keypairs.deriveAddress(low_keypair.keypair.publicKey);
// Charlie
const high_account = "{{ customize_input high_account type='select' attach='account_address' }}";
const client = new XrplClient('wss://');
const main = async () => {
const { account_data } = await client.send({ command: 'account_info', 'account': low_account });
if (!account_data) {
console.log('Account not found.');
const tx = {
"TransactionType": "TrustSet",
"Account": low_account,
"Fee": "12",
"Flags": 262144,
"LimitAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": high_account,
"value": "37" // $/XRP
"Sequence": account_data.Sequence
const { signedTransaction } = lib.sign(tx, low_keypair);
const submit = await client.send({ command: 'submit', 'tx_blob': signedTransaction });
console.log('Shutting down...');
import lib from "";
import { XrplClient } from "";
import keypairs from "";
// Alice
const user_secret = "{{ customize_input user_secret type='select' attach='account_secret' }}";
const user_keypair = lib.derive.familySeed(user_secret);
const user_account = keypairs.deriveAddress(user_keypair.keypair.publicKey);
// Carol
const hook_account = "{{ customize_input hook_account type='select' attach='account_address' }}";
const client = new XrplClient('wss://');
const main = async () => {
const { account_data } = await client.send({ command: 'account_info', 'account': user_account });
if (!account_data) {
console.log('Account not found.');
const tx = {
"TransactionType": "TrustSet",
"Account": user_account,
"Fee": "12",
"Flags": 262144,
"LimitAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": hook_account,
"value": "10000000000"
"Sequence": account_data.Sequence
const { signedTransaction } = lib.sign(tx, user_keypair);
const submit = await client.send({ command: 'submit', 'tx_blob': signedTransaction });
console.log('Shutting down...');
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