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Created August 25, 2012 03:44
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Migrationsscript für Sally 0.5/0.6/0.7-Updates
* Copyright (c) 2012, webvariants GbR,
* This file is released under the terms of the MIT license. You can find the
* complete text in the attached LICENSE file or online at:
// Migrationsscript für Sally 0.4/0.5/0.7 -> 0.7
// Warnung!
// Durch die Schema-Änderungen in 0.6 liegen nun alle Slice-Werte im
// gleichen Namensraum. Wenn es im Projekt innerhalb eines Moduls
// sowohl eine Medialiste foo und ein Input-Feld namens foo gab, so
// tritt nun ein Konflikt auf. Um diesen zu bereinigen müssen alle
// Duplikate einfach vorher umbenannt (z.B. die Werte der Medialiste
// in foo_media) werden.
// Vor den Schema-Änderungen hier im Script ist ein Bereich, in dem
// via SQL die Namenskonflikte gelöst werden können, indem die finder
// von Slice-Werten umbenannt werden.
// Konfiguration.
// Hier müssen die Zugangsdaten der Projektdaten eintragen werden. Dieses
// Script wird im Verlauf der Arbeit die Datenbank *in-place* migrieren.
// Da sie aber eh auf dem Master-Dump basiert, kann sie im Fehlerfall leicht
// wiederhergestellt werden.
$dbuser = '<<NUTZERNAME>>';
$dbpass = '<<PASSWORT>>';
// Quellversion
// Setze diese Variable auf 0.4, 0.5 oder 0.6, um die automatische
// Erkennung anhand des Datenbank-Schemas zu umgehen. In den meisten Fällen
// sollte die autom. Erkennung aktiviert sein.
$srcVersion = null;
// Zielversion
// Setze diese Variable auf 0.6 oder 0.7, je nach dem, zu welchem Stand die
// Datenbank migriert werden soll.
$dstVersion = 0.7;
// UTF-8-Kodierung (0.5 -> 0.6).
// Liste aller Tabellen, deren Inhalte nach UTF-8 rekodiert werden müssen.
// Jedes Element im Array nutzt als Key den Tabellennamen und besteht
// aus einer Liste der Spalten, die den Primärschlüssel darstellen ('pk')
// und eine Liste aller Spalten, deren Inhalte re-kodiert werden sollen
// ('cols'). Numerische Spalten müssen beispielsweise nicht in 'cols'
// auftauchen.
// Die Liste kann beliebig auf weitere AddOn-Tabellen ausgeweitet werden.
$utf8Tables = array(
'sly_article' => array(
'pk' => array('id', 'clang'),
'cols' => array('name', 'catname')
'sly_clang' => array(
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('name')
'sly_file' => array(
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('originalname', 'title')
'sly_file_category' => array(
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('name')
'sly_slice_value' => array(
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('value')
'sly_registry' => array(
'pk' => array('name'),
'cols' => array('value')
'sly_user' => array(
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('name', 'description', 'login')
'sly_wv2_meta' => array( // metainfo
'pk' => array('object_id', 'metainfo', 'clang', 'meta_type'),
'cols' => array('value'),
'trx' => true
'sly_wv19_guestbook_values' => array( // guestbook (old name), gets renamed later on
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('value'),
'trx' => true
'sly_wv19_entries_values' => array( // guestbook (new name)
'pk' => array('id'),
'cols' => array('value'),
'trx' => true
'sly_wv32_categories' => array( // varilog
'pk' => array('id', 'clang'),
'cols' => array('label')
'sly_wv32_categories' => array( // varilog
'pk' => array('id', 'clang'),
'cols' => array('label')
'sly_wv32_linkbacks_in' => array( // varilog
'pk' => array('article_id', 'url', 'type'),
'cols' => array('blog_name', 'title', 'excerpt')
// Umstellung auf native Datums-Typen (0.6 -> 0.7).
// Liste aller Tabellen und ihrer Spalten, die von UNIX-Timestamps auf DATETIME
// umgebaut werden sollen. Die Spaltenliste pro Tabelle ist jeweils ein Mapping
// vom Namen der Spalte auf $allowNull, also entweder auf true oder auf false.
// Die Liste kann beliebig auf weitere AddOn-Tabellen ausgeweitet werden.
$datetimeTables = array(
'sly_article' => array('createdate' => false, 'updatedate' => false),
'sly_article_slice' => array('createdate' => false, 'updatedate' => false),
'sly_file' => array('createdate' => false, 'updatedate' => false),
'sly_file_category' => array('createdate' => false, 'updatedate' => false),
'sly_user' => array('createdate' => false, 'updatedate' => false, 'lasttry' => true),
// mini library
$_rowsLeft = null;
$_lastPrint = null;
$_step = null;
function latin() {
mysql_query('SET NAMES latin1');
function utf8() {
mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8');
function escape($s) {
return mysql_real_escape_string($s);
function quote($s) {
if ($s === null) return 'NULL';
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $s)) {
$s = "'".escape($s)."'";
return $s;
function initCountdown($result) {
global $_rowsLeft, $_step, $_lastPrint;
$_rowsLeft = is_int($result) ? $result : mysql_num_rows($result);
$_step = ceil($_rowsLeft / 10.0);
$_lastPrint = $_rowsLeft; // assume the starting number has already been printed
return $_rowsLeft;
function countdown() {
global $_rowsLeft, $_step, $_lastPrint;
$diff = $_lastPrint - $_rowsLeft;
if ($diff >= $_step || $_rowsLeft === 0) {
$_lastPrint = $_rowsLeft;
print " $_rowsLeft";
// connect
mysql_connect('localhost', $dbuser, $dbpass);
// detect source version
if ($srcVersion === null) {
$srcVersion = 0.4;
print "* Detecting source version...";
if ($srcVersion === 0.4) {
// 0.5 projects have a primary key in sly_article
$res = mysql_query('SHOW INDEX FROM sly_article WHERE Key_name = "PRIMARY"');
if ($res === false) {
die(' error: '.mysql_error());
$srcVersion = mysql_num_rows($res) === 0 ? 0.4 : 0.5;
if ($srcVersion === 0.5) {
// 0.6 projects use 'catpos' instead 'catprior'
$res = mysql_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM sly_article WHERE Field = "catpos"');
if ($res === false) {
die(' error: '.mysql_error());
$srcVersion = mysql_num_rows($res) === 0 ? 0.5 : 0.6;
if ($srcVersion === 0.6) {
// 0.7 projects have a new 'serialized_values' column in sly_slice
$res = mysql_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM sly_slice WHERE Field = "serialized_values"');
if ($res === false) {
die(' error: '.mysql_error());
$srcVersion = mysql_num_rows($res) === 0 ? 0.6 : 0.7;
print " looks like $srcVersion.\n";
else {
print "* Assuming source version $srcVersion.\n";
// regular 0.4 -> 0.5 changes
if ($srcVersion < 0.5) {
print "* Schema updates: 0.4 to 0.5...";
mysql_query('UPDATE `sly_slice_value` SET `type` = REPLACE(`type`, "REX_", "SLY_") WHERE 1');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article` DROP INDEX `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `clang`)');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article_slice` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `find_article` (`article_id`, `clang`)');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_file` ADD KEY `filename` (`filename`(255))');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `clang`)');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_registry` DROP INDEX `name`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`name`)');
print " done.\n";
// pre-convert tasks
if ($dstVersion >= 0.6 && $srcVersion < 0.6) {
print "* Schema updates: Preparing update...";
// Beispiel. Das Modul 'redirect' nutzte gleichzeitig LINK[1] und VALUE[1].
// Durch die Änderungen würden nun beide Werte nur noch den finder '1'
// besitzen. Um dies zu vermeiden sollten die finder der Slice-Werte vor
// den Änderungen umbenannt werden.
// Im Beispiel wird LINK[1] nach 'article' und VALUE[1] nach 'url' umbenannt.
// @mysql_query('UPDATE sly_slice_value SET finder = "article" WHERE type = "SLY_LINK" AND slice_id IN (SELECT id FROM sly_slice WHERE module = "redirect")');
// @mysql_query('UPDATE sly_slice_value SET finder = "url" WHERE type = "SLY_VALUE" AND slice_id IN (SELECT id FROM sly_slice WHERE module = "redirect")');
print " done.\n";
// regular 0.5 -> 0.6 changes
if ($dstVersion >= 0.6 && $srcVersion < 0.6) {
print "* Schema updates: 0.5 to 0.6...";
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article` CHANGE COLUMN `catprior` `catpos` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article` CHANGE COLUMN `prior` `pos` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article_slice` CHANGE COLUMN `prior` `pos` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_file` CHANGE COLUMN `filesize` `filesize` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_file_category` CHANGE COLUMN `attributes` `attributes` TEXT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_slice_value` DROP COLUMN `type`');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_article_slice` DROP COLUMN `module`'); // if left over from 0.4->0.5 migration
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_user` CHANGE COLUMN `name` `name` VARCHAR(255) NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_user` CHANGE COLUMN `description` `description` VARCHAR(255) NULL');
print " done.\n";
// regular 0.6 -> 0.7 changes
if ($dstVersion >= 0.7 && $srcVersion < 0.7) {
print "* Schema updates: 0.6 to 0.7...";
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_user` CHANGE COLUMN `psw` `password` VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL');
mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_slice` ADD COLUMN `serialized_values` LONGTEXT NOT NULL');
print " done.\n";
print "* Schema updates: converting date columns...";
foreach ($datetimeTables as $table => $columns) {
$add = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s`', $table);
$update = sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET', $table);
$drop = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s`', $table);
$rename = sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s`', $table);
foreach ($columns as $col => $allowNull) {
$tmp = '_'.$col;
$null = $allowNull ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL';
$add .= sprintf(' ADD COLUMN `%s` DATETIME %s AFTER `%s`,', $tmp, $null, $col);
$update .= sprintf(' `%s` = FROM_UNIXTIME(`%s`),', $tmp, $col);
$drop .= sprintf(' DROP COLUMN `%s`,', $col);
$rename .= sprintf(' CHANGE COLUMN `%s` `%s` DATETIME %s,', $tmp, $col, $null);
print " $table";
mysql_query(substr($add, 0, -1));
mysql_query(substr($update, 0, -1));
mysql_query(substr($drop, 0, -1));
mysql_query(substr($rename, 0, -1));
print " done.\n";
print "* Schema updates: Changing table engines to InnoDB...";
$tables = array('sly_article', 'sly_article_slice', 'sly_clang', 'sly_file', 'sly_file_category', 'sly_registry', 'sly_slice', 'sly_user');
foreach ($tables as $table) {
print " $table";
mysql_query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE `%s` ENGINE=InnoDB', $table));
print " done.\n";
// UTF-8 encoding
if ($dstVersion >= 0.6 && $srcVersion < 0.6) {
print "* re-encoding contents to UTF-8";
foreach ($utf8Tables as $table => $def) {
$trx = false;
$res = @mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE 1');
if (!$res) continue; // table does not exist, probably a not-used addOn
if (!empty($trx)) {
$rows = initCountdown($res);
print "\n > $table ($rows)...";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$updates = array();
$wheres = array();
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$updates[] = '`'.$col.'` = '.quote($row[$col]);
foreach ($pk as $col) {
$wheres[] = '`'.$col.'` = '.quote($row[$col]);
// and update it
mysql_query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s', $table, implode(', ', $updates), implode(' AND ', $wheres)));
if (!empty($trx)) {
print "\n* done.\n";
// JSON encoding for slice values
if ($dstVersion >= 0.6 && $srcVersion < 0.6) {
print "* re-encoding slice values to JSON";
$res = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM sly_slice_value WHERE 1');
$rows = initCountdown($res);
print "\n > sly_slice_value ($rows)...";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$value = $row['value'];
// some fixes while we're at it
$value = str_replace('"sally/data/mediapool', '"data/mediapool', $value);
$value = preg_replace('#<\!--(.*?)-->#s', '', $value);
$value = preg_replace('#<style>.*?</style>#s', '', $value);
$value = str_replace('#"', '"', $value);
// JSON encoding
$value = json_encode($value);
mysql_query('UPDATE sly_slice_value SET value = '.quote($value).' WHERE id = '.intval($row['id']));
print "\n* done.\n";
// realURL2 stuff
print "* Rebuilding realURL2 tables...";
mysql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sly_wv24_cache`');
mysql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sly_wv24_route_cache`');
mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `sly_wv24_urls` (
`namespace` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, -- im Format "addon.subnamespace"
`ident` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
`path` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, -- Kategorienpfad à la "1|2|3"
`url` VARCHAR(2024) NOT NULL, -- erzeugte URL
`params` VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
PRIMARY KEY (`namespace`, `ident`),
INDEX `path` (`path`(32))
print " done.\n";
// guestbook
print "* Updating guestbook tables...";
@mysql_query('RENAME TABLE `sly_wv19_guestbook` TO `sly_wv19_entries`');
@mysql_query('RENAME TABLE `sly_wv19_guestbook_values` TO `sly_wv19_entries_values`');
@mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_wv19_entries` CHANGE COLUMN `type` `type` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL AFTER `id`');
@mysql_query('ALTER TABLE `sly_wv19_entries` ADD COLUMN `unread` TINYINT(0) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `remote_addr`');
print " done.\n";
// form evaluation (switch from wv registry to sly registry)
print "* fixing form eval registry elements...";
mysql_query('UPDATE sly_registry SET name = REPLACE(name, "wv.registry.", "") WHERE name LIKE "wv.registry.wv30%"');
print " done.\n";
// remove broken feeds (table prefix changed)
print "* remove broken feeds...";
mysql_query('DELETE FROM sly_registry WHERE name LIKE "wv21.feeds.%"');
print " done.\n";
// custom project stuff
print "* project specific stuff...";
// rename id 1 wym slices to 'html' for wymeditor value finders
$res = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM sly_slice WHERE module = '.quote('wymeditor'));
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
mysql_query('UPDATE sly_slice_value SET finder = "html" WHERE slice_id = '.$row->id.' AND finder = "1"');
print " done.\n";
// move slices into serialized_values column
if ($dstVersion >= 0.7 && $srcVersion < 0.7) {
print "* merging slice values into a JSON structure";
$res = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM sly_slice WHERE 1');
$rows = initCountdown($res);
print "\n > sly_slice ($rows)...";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$sliceID = (int) $row['id'];
$vres = mysql_query('SELECT finder, value FROM sly_slice_value WHERE slice_id = '.$sliceID.' ORDER BY finder');
$values = array();
while ($val = mysql_fetch_assoc($vres)) {
$values[$val['finder']] = json_decode($val['value'], true);
$values = json_encode($values);
mysql_query('UPDATE sly_slice SET serialized_values = '.quote($values).' WHERE id = '.$sliceID);
print "\n* done.";
print "\n > dopping sly_slice_values...";
mysql_query('DROP TABLE sly_slice_value');
print "\n* done.\n";
// done
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