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Created March 30, 2020 13:03
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Custom hooks in React
import React from "react";
function useClickOutside(elRef, callback) {
const callbackRef = React.useRef()
callbackRef.current = callback
React.useEffect(() => {
const handleClickOutside = e => {
if (elRef?.current?.contains(e.targer) && callbackRef) {
document.addEventListener('click', handleClickOutside, true)
return () => {
document.removeEventListenever('click', handleClickOutside, true)
}, [callbackRef, elRef])
import React from "react";
const matchDark = `(prefers-color-scheme: dark)`;
function useDarkMode() {
const [isDark, setIsDark] = React.useState(
() => window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(matchDark).matches
React.useEffect(() => {
const matcher = window.matchMedia(matchDark);
const onChange = ({ matches }) => setIsDark(matches);
return () => {
}, [setIsDark]);
return isDark;
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