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Created March 22, 2020 17:28
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Haxlike (Java)
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Value;
public class ListNode<T> implements Node<List<T>> {
List<Node<T>> elements;
public List<Resolvable<?, ?>> allResolvables() {
return elements
.flatMap(node -> node.allResolvables().stream())
public <V, R extends Resolvable<V, R>> Node<List<T>> injectValue(
R resolvable,
V value
) {
final List<Node<T>> injected = elements
.map(node -> node.injectValue(resolvable, value))
if ( {
return new ValueNode<>(
return new ListNode<>(injected);
public static <T> ListNode<T> of(Node<T>... elements) {
return new ListNode<>(List.of(elements));
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Value;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node<?> n = ListNode
.of(new TestResolvable(14).map(v -> v + 2), new TestResolvable(14))
x -> {
System.out.println("list is:" + x);
return x.size();
public static <T> T resolve(Node<T> node) {
Node<T> n = node;
while (!n.hasValue()) {
n = resolveNext(n);
return n.getValue();
private static <T, V, R extends Resolvable<V, R>> Node<T> resolveNext(
Node<T> node
) {
final List<R> batch = selectBatch(node);
final List<V> results = batch.get(0).resolveAll(batch);
Node<T> n = node;
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
n = n.injectValue(batch.get(i), results.get(i));
return n;
private static <T, V, R extends Resolvable<V, R>> List<R> selectBatch(
Node<T> n
) {
final List<Resolvable<?, ?>> resolvables = n.allResolvables();
final Class<R> cls = (Class<R>) resolvables.get(0).getClass();
return resolvables
.filter(r -> r.getClass().equals(cls))
private static class TestResolvable
implements Resolvable<Integer, TestResolvable> {
Integer value;
public List<Integer> resolveAll(List<TestResolvable> batch) {
System.out.printf("resolving %d TestResolvables%n", batch.size());
return batch
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Value;
public class MapNode<T, R> implements Node<R> {
Node<T> inner;
Function<T, R> f;
public List<Resolvable<?, ?>> allResolvables() {
return inner.allResolvables();
public <V, I extends Resolvable<V, I>> Node<R> injectValue(
I resolvable,
V value
) {
return new MapNode<>(inner.injectValue(resolvable, value), f);
public boolean hasValue() {
return inner.hasValue();
public R getValue() {
return f.apply(inner.getValue());
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.List;
public interface Node<T> {
List<Resolvable<?, ?>> allResolvables();
<V, R extends Resolvable<V, R>> Node<T> injectValue(R resolvable, V value);
default boolean hasValue() {
return false;
default T getValue() {
throw new IllegalStateException("This node does not have a value.");
default <R> Node<R> map(Function<T, R> f) {
return new MapNode<>(this, f);
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.List;
public interface Resolvable<T, R extends Resolvable<T, R>> extends Node<T> {
List<T> resolveAll(List<R> batch);
default List<Resolvable<?, ?>> allResolvables() {
return List.of(this);
default <V, I extends Resolvable<V, I>> Node<T> injectValue(
I resolvable,
V value
) {
if (this.equals(resolvable)) {
return new ValueNode<>((T) value);
return this;
package yannick.haxl;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Value;
public class ValueNode<T> implements Node<T> {
T value;
public List<Resolvable<?, ?>> allResolvables() {
return List.of();
public boolean hasValue() {
return true;
public <V, R extends Resolvable<V, R>> Node<T> injectValue(
R resolvable,
V value
) {
return this;
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