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Last active April 19, 2023 09:04
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Save xse/755a79a8dd053a13c8601abb5186dfad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* updates 'summary' sheet
* uses 'a/c' sheet to link characters and accounts [[header_row],[account1,char1,char2,char3],[account2,....]]
* triggered onOpen
* assume script timezone is set or is by default correct
function summary() {
const timezone = Session.getScriptTimeZone();
const offsetRow = 6;
const offsetCol = 2;
const defaultFontColor = '#ffffff';
// easier to start with characters and merge in accounts later
let characters = GESI.getAuthenticatedCharacters();
// use fn to then keep track of which response is what
const fn = ['characters_character_location', 'characters_character_wallet', 'characters_character_skills', 'characters_character_skillqueue'];
let rqs = [];
Object.keys(characters).forEach(c => {
let client = GESI.getClient(c);
fn.forEach(f => rqs.push(client.setFunction(f).buildRequest()));
const rsp = UrlFetchApp.fetchAll(rqs);
if(rsp.some(r => r.getResponseCode() != 200))
throw 'esi response code != 200';
let raw = []; // [[char1fn1httpresponse, ...], [char2fn1httpresponse, ...], ...]
while(rsp.length > 0)
raw.push(rsp.splice(0, fn.length));
// characters: { .... { [fn[i]]: {response}, ... } .. }
Object.keys(characters).forEach((c, i) => fn.forEach((f, j) => characters[c][f] = JSON.parse(raw[i][j].getContentText())));
// small helper to avoid repetitions, no need to specify character in client
const getMultiple = (...args) => { // [{fn, arr, key}, {fn, arr, key}, ..]
let rqs = [];
args.forEach(a => {
let client = GESI.getClient().setFunction(a.fn);
a.arr = [... new Set(a.arr)]; // uniqueness matters to limit requests => rqs.push(client.buildRequest({[a.key]: id})));
let rsp = UrlFetchApp.fetchAll(rqs);
if(rsp.some(r => r.getResponseCode() != 200))
throw 'esi response code != 200';
let data = {}; // {[fn1]: {arr[i]: {response}, ..}, [fn2]: {..}, ..}
args.forEach(a => {data[a.fn] = {}; a.arr.forEach(id => data[a.fn][id] = JSON.parse(rsp.shift().getContentText()))});
return data;
let a = {fn: 'universe_systems_system', arr: Object.values(characters).map(e => e.characters_character_location.solar_system_id), key: 'system_id'};
let b = {fn: 'alliances_alliance', arr: Object.values(characters).map(e => e.alliance_id).filter(Boolean), key: 'alliance_id'};
let c = {fn: 'corporations_corporation', arr: Object.values(characters).map(e => e.corporation_id), key: 'corporation_id'};
const { universe_systems_system, alliances_alliance, corporations_corporation } = getMultiple(a, b, c);
// get an accounts obj
const ss_ac = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('a/c');
const ac_raw = ss_ac.getRange(2, 1, ss_ac.getDataRange().getNumRows() - 1, ss_ac.getDataRange().getNumColumns()).getValues(); // offset header row
let accounts = {}; // { account1: { character1: {}, .. } .. }
ac_raw.forEach(row => accounts[row[0]] = [row[1], row[2], row[3]].filter(Boolean).reduce((ac, char) => ({, [char]: null }), {}));
// header used as reference for lots of stuff
const headers = [' account ', ' character ', ' corporation ', ' alliance ', ' location ', ' wallet ', ' skills ', ' skillqueue_ends_hidden ', ' skillqueue ends '];
let data = [headers]; // 2d array to be written
// create our rows and merge characters in accounts if authed
for(let a in accounts) {
for(let c in accounts[a]) { // todo: push vs concat ? push must be better for perf ? concat might be more readable
let row = [];
row.push(a); // account
row.push(c); // character
if(c in characters) { // if authed
accounts[a][c] = characters[c];
row.push('['+corporations_corporation[accounts[a][c].corporation_id].ticker+']'); // corporation ticker
(accounts[a][c].alliance_id === null)
? row.push('')
: row.push('['+alliances_alliance[accounts[a][c].alliance_id].ticker+']'); // alliance ticker if any
row.push(universe_systems_system[accounts[a][c].characters_character_location.solar_system_id].name); // location as system name
row.push(accounts[a][c].characters_character_wallet); // wallet
row.push(accounts[a][c].characters_character_skills.total_sp); // total SP
let lastq = accounts[a][c].characters_character_skillqueue.pop();
(lastq == undefined || !('finish_date' in lastq)) // some queues are empty, other are paused
? row.push('-')
: row.push(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(lastq.finish_date), timezone, 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss')); // skillqueue finish date formatted (hidden)
row.push(''); // padding for countdown
} else { // if NOT authed
row = row.concat(Array(headers.length - row.length).fill('-'));
// write data + cosmetics
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('summary');
const bckgrndRange = sheet.getRange('A1:Z100')
const dataRange = sheet.getRange(1+offsetRow,1+offsetCol,data.length,data[0].length);
headers.forEach((h, i) => {
.setFontFamily('Courier New')
.setBorder(true, true, true, true, true, true, '#ffd666', SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.SOLID)
.setNumberFormat('@STRING@'); // avoid automatic detection issues until it doesn't cause any problem
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1+offsetCol, 1+offsetCol+data[0].length);
// write countdown cells (file->spreadsheet settings->calculations->on change and every minute) differenciate done, empty and still going
const countdown = '=iferror(if(int(R[0]C[-1]-now())<0,"done",int(R[0]C[-1]-now())&"d "&hour(mod(R[0]C[-1]-now(),1))&"h "&Minute(mod(R[0]C[-1]-now(),1))&"m"), "-")';
const bandings = sheet.getDataRange().getBandings();
(bandings.length === 0)
? dataRange.applyRowBanding(SpreadsheetApp.BandingTheme.LIGHT_GREY, false, false).setFirstRowColor('#4a4a4a').setSecondRowColor('#222222')
: bandings.forEach(b => b.setRange(dataRange));
// font colors (using static font colors on everything except countdown cells)
const fontColors = Array(data.length).fill(null).map(() => Array(data[0].length).fill(defaultFontColor));
const walletRainbow = new Rainbow(); //
walletRainbow.setNumberRange(0, Math.max( => r[headers.indexOf(' wallet ')]).filter(Number.isFinite)));
walletRainbow.setSpectrum('#da3f32', '#e46740', '#ec874b', '#f6af59', '#ffd666', '#cfcf70', '#abc978', '#87c380', '#57bb8a');
data.forEach((r, i) => {
// location colors
Object.values(universe_systems_system).forEach(s => {
if( == r[headers.indexOf(' location ')]) {
if(s.security_status > 0.5) {
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' location ')] = '#57bb8a'; // High sec
} else if(s.security_status < 0.5 && s.security_status >= 0.1) {
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' location ')] = '#ffd666'; // Low sec
} else if(s.security_status < 0) {
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' location ')] = '#da3f32'; // Null sec
// wallet colors
if(Number.isFinite(r[headers.indexOf(' wallet ')]))
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' wallet ')] = '#'+walletRainbow.colourAt(r[headers.indexOf(' wallet ')]);
// skills colors
if(Number.isFinite(r[headers.indexOf(' skills ')])) {
if(r[headers.indexOf(' skills ')] < 4900000)
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' skills ')] = '#da3f32'; // way below alpha limits
else if(r[headers.indexOf(' skills ')] > 4900000 && r[headers.indexOf(' skills ')] < 5000000)
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' skills ')] = '#ffd666'; // close to alpha limit, near ready for SP farm
else if(r[headers.indexOf(' skills ')] > 5000000)
fontColors[i][headers.indexOf(' skills ')] = '#57bb8a'; // over alpha limit
// conditional formatting
const rules = [];
const skillqueueEndsRange = sheet.getRange(offsetRow+2,offsetCol+1+headers.indexOf(' skillqueue ends '),data.length-1,1);
// skillqueue
rules.push(SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule().whenTextEqualTo('-').setFontColor(defaultFontColor).setRanges([skillqueueEndsRange]).build()); // empty skillqueue
rules.push(SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule().whenTextEqualTo('done').setFontColor('#e67c73').setRanges([skillqueueEndsRange]).build()); // skillqueue done
rules.push(SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule().whenTextStartsWith('0d').setFontColor('#ffd666').setRanges([skillqueueEndsRange]).build()); // less than 24h before skillqueue ends
rules.push(SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule().whenCellNotEmpty().setFontColor('#57bb8a').setRanges([skillqueueEndsRange]).build()); // more than 24h in skillqueue (CellNotEmpty due to it's position in rules[] the other cases have priority)
sheet.setConditionalFormatRules(rules); // also clears previous rules
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