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Created August 26, 2020 06:51
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Swift: Convert UUID to and from Data and Int64
extension UUID {
// UUID is 128-bit, we need two 64-bit values to represent it
var integers: (Int64, Int64) {
var a: UInt64 = 0
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.0)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.1) << 8
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.2) << (8 * 2)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.3) << (8 * 3)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.4) << (8 * 4)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.5) << (8 * 5)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.6) << (8 * 6)
a |= UInt64(self.uuid.7) << (8 * 7)
var b: UInt64 = 0
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.8)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.9) << 8
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.10) << (8 * 2)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.11) << (8 * 3)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.12) << (8 * 4)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.13) << (8 * 5)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.14) << (8 * 6)
b |= UInt64(self.uuid.15) << (8 * 7)
return (Int64(bitPattern: a), Int64(bitPattern: b))
static func from(integers: (Int64, Int64)) -> UUID {
let a = UInt64(bitPattern: integers.0)
let b = UInt64(bitPattern: integers.1)
return UUID(uuid: (
UInt8(a & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> 8) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((a >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF),
UInt8(b & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> 8) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 3)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 4)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 5)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 6)) & 0xFF),
UInt8((b >> (8 * 7)) & 0xFF)
var data: Data {
var data = Data(count: 16)
// uuid is a tuple type which doesn't have dynamic subscript access...
data[0] = self.uuid.0
data[1] = self.uuid.1
data[2] = self.uuid.2
data[3] = self.uuid.3
data[4] = self.uuid.4
data[5] = self.uuid.5
data[6] = self.uuid.6
data[7] = self.uuid.7
data[8] = self.uuid.8
data[9] = self.uuid.9
data[10] = self.uuid.10
data[11] = self.uuid.11
data[12] = self.uuid.12
data[13] = self.uuid.13
data[14] = self.uuid.14
data[15] = self.uuid.15
return data
static func from(data: Data?) -> UUID? {
guard data?.count == MemoryLayout<uuid_t>.size else {
return nil
return data?.withUnsafeBytes{
guard let baseAddress = $0.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self).baseAddress else {
return nil
return NSUUID(uuidBytes: baseAddress) as UUID
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