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Last active July 21, 2020 10:14
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  • Save xssfox/144590cad2478a8ee7903ca3e47e9062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xssfox/144590cad2478a8ee7903ca3e47e9062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
build to get
depager and multifm
"device" : {
"type" : "rtlsdr",
"deviceIndex" : 0,
"dBGainLNA" : 42
"sampleRateHz" : 1200000,
"centerFreqHz" : 148600000,
"nrSampBufs" : 16,
"decimationFactor" : 50,
"channels" : [
"outFifo" : "./ch0.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148938000, "dBGain": 0
"outFifo" : "./ch1.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148688000, "dBGain": 0
"outFifo" : "./ch2.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148637000, "dBGain": 0
"outFifo" : "./ch3.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148363000, "dBGain": 0
"outFifo" : "./ch4.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148414000, "dBGain": 0
"outFifo" : "./ch5.out",
"chanCenterFreq" : 148562000, "dBGain": 0
# filter.json
{"decimate": 3, "fractionalBw": 0.4, "lpfCoeffs": [6.23428204562515e-05, 0.00011668197839753702, 5.5790973419789225e-05, -0.0001484276435803622, -0.0003406672040000558, -0.00026285668718628585, 0.000177529058419168, 0.0006896242848597467, 0.0007295568939298391, -1.6274258462170677e-18, -0.0010882103815674782, -0.0015389483887702227, -0.0005964153679087758, 0.0013427943922579288, 0.0026854618918150663, 0.0018439546693116426, -0.001126041985116899, -0.004004622343927622, -0.003917682450264692, 6.111487471046974e-18, 0.005116068758070469, 0.006834068801254034, 0.002514755818992853, -0.005400690715759993, -0.010345476679503918, -0.006829919293522835, 0.004024161957204342, 0.013853847980499268, 0.013161227107048035, -1.3332583139913406e-17, -0.016357099637389183, -0.02141367271542549, -0.007746694143861532, 0.01641005650162697, 0.031115775927901268, 0.020411822944879532, -0.012001407332718372, -0.04143095016479492, -0.039691321551799774, 2.040963936717414e-17, 0.0512564517557621, 0.06938272714614868, 0.026296909898519516, -0.05939741060137749, -0.12308728694915771, -0.09154531359672546, 0.06478133052587509, 0.3010914623737335, 0.5143259167671204, 0.5999815464019775, 0.5143259167671204, 0.3010914623737335, 0.06478133052587509, -0.09154531359672546, -0.12308728694915771, -0.05939741060137749, 0.026296909898519516, 0.06938272714614868, 0.0512564517557621, 2.040963936717414e-17, -0.039691321551799774, -0.04143095016479492, -0.012001407332718372, 0.020411822944879532, 0.031115775927901268, 0.01641005650162697, -0.007746694143861532, -0.02141367271542549, -0.016357099637389183, -1.3332583139913406e-17, 0.013161227107048035, 0.013853847980499268, 0.004024161957204342, -0.006829919293522835, -0.010345476679503918, -0.005400690715759993, 0.002514755818992853, 0.006834068801254034, 0.005116068758070469, 6.111487471046974e-18, -0.003917682450264692, -0.004004622343927622, -0.001126041985116899, 0.0018439546693116426, 0.0026854618918150663, 0.0013427943922579288, -0.0005964153679087758, -0.0015389483887702227, -0.0010882103815674782, -1.6274258462170677e-18, 0.0007295568939298391, 0.0006896242848597467, 0.000177529058419168, -0.00026285668718628585, -0.0003406672040000558, -0.0001484276435803622, 5.5790973419789225e-05, 0.00011668197839753702, 6.23428204562515e-05], "interpolate": 2}
cd ~/multipage/
mkfifo ./ch0.out ./ch1.out ./ch2.out ./ch3.out ./ch4.out ./ch5.out
./multifm test.json pocsag_narrow.json &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch5.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch5.log &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch4.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch4.log &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch3.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch3.log &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch2.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch2.log &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch1.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch1.log &
./depager -m POCSAG -D 35 -I 56 -F filter.json -S 24000 -f 148637000 ./ch0.out | jq --unbuffered -r ' [(.capCode|tostring), .message] | join(": ") ' | tee -a ch0.log &
tail -n 0 -f -q ch*.log
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