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Programmers I plan on covering at Flatiron School
kent beck
roy fielding
martin fowler
tim berners lee
david heniemer hansing
john resig
jesse james garret
_why the lucky stiff
marc anderseen
alan kay
Brian Behlendorf
linus trovald
dan bricklin
vincent cerf / bob kahn
Brendan Eich
larry ellison
larry wall
larry & sergey
joel spolsky
jack dorsey / evan williams
steve wozniak
dan bricklin
stephen r bourne
grady booch
alan cooper
ward cunningham
robert c martin
gang of four / design patterns
bram cohen
edsger w dijkstra
brad fitzpatrick
adele goldberg
dan ingalls
bill joy / vinod khosla / sun
ada lovelace
john mccarthy
jef raskin
adi shamir
ken thompson
edgar f codd
george boole
donald knuth
charles babbage
james gosling
bjarne stroustrup
joseph weizenbaum
jeffery zeldman
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