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Created March 18, 2014 21:56
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connected groups
SQL> @tests/3
SQL> /*
SQL> drop table test purge;
SQL> create table test as
SQL> select rownum clientid,ceil(rownum/3) accountid from xmltable('1 to 3000000');
SQL> begin
SQL> for r in (
SQL> select min(group_member_id) as group_max_id, accountid, clientid
SQL> from (select clientid as group_member_id
SQL> , connect_by_root accountid as accountid
SQL> , connect_by_root clientid as clientid
SQL> from test
SQL> connect by nocycle decode(accountid, prior accountid, 1, 0)
SQL> + decode(clientid, prior clientid, 1, 0)
SQL> = 1
SQL> ) a
SQL> group by accountid, clientid
SQL> order by group_max_id, accountid
SQL> )
SQL> loop
SQL> null;
SQL> end loop;
SQL> end;
SQL> /
SQL> */
SQL> declare
2 type int_array is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;
3 type arr_elems is table of sys.ku$_objnumset index by pls_integer;
4 root int_array;
5 root_elems arr_elems;
7 n int;
8 clients int_array;
9 accounts int_array;
11 l integer:=dbms_utility.get_time();
13 procedure print(v in varchar2) is
14 begin
15 dbms_output.put_line(to_char((dbms_utility.get_time-l)/100,'0999.99')||' '||v);
16 l:=dbms_utility.get_time();
17 end;
20 function get_root(n int) return pls_integer is
21 begin
22 if root.exists(n) then
23 return root(n);
24 else
25 return null;
26 end if;
27 end;
29 procedure update_root(old_root pls_integer,new_root pls_integer) is
30 i pls_integer;
31 elem pls_integer;
32 cnt_old pls_integer;
33 cnt_new pls_integer;
34 begin
35 if old_root!=new_root then
36 --root_elems(new_root):=root_elems(new_root) multiset union all root_elems(old_root);
37 cnt_old:=root_elems(old_root).count;
38 cnt_new:=root_elems(new_root).count;
39 root_elems(new_root).extend(cnt_old);
40 for i in 1..cnt_old
41 loop
42 elem := root_elems(old_root)(i);
43 root(elem):=new_root;
44 root_elems(new_root)(cnt_new+i):=elem;
45 end loop;
46 root_elems(old_root).delete;
47 end if;
48 end;
50 procedure add_elem(p_root pls_integer, p_elem pls_integer) is
51 begin
52 if not root_elems.exists(p_root) then
53 root_elems(p_root):=sys.ku$_objnumset(p_elem);
54 else
55 root_elems(p_root).extend();
56 root_elems(p_root)(root_elems(p_root).count):=p_elem;
57 end if;
58 end;
60 procedure add_link(clientid pls_integer,accountid pls_integer) is
61 r1 pls_integer;
62 r2 pls_integer;
63 new_root pls_integer;
64 begin
65 r1:=get_root(clientid);
66 r2:=get_root(accountid);
68 if r1 is null or r2 is null then
69 new_root := coalesce(r1,r2,clientid);
70 if r1 is null then add_elem(new_root,clientid ); root(clientid) :=new_root; end if;
71 if r2 is null then add_elem(new_root,accountid); root(accountid):=new_root; end if;
72 else
73 new_root := least(r1,r2);
74 root(clientid) :=new_root;
75 root(accountid):=new_root;
76 update_root(greatest(r1,r2),new_root);
77 end if;
78 end;
80 function str_format(p int) return varchar2 is
81 begin
82 return utl_lms.format_message('(%d, %d) = group #%d'
83 ,clients(p)
84 ,accounts(p)
85 ,get_root(clients(p))
86 );
87 end;
88 begin
89 print('start');
90 select clientid,accountid
91 bulk collect into clients,accounts
92 from test
93 -- where rownum<=1000
94 ;
95 print('fetched');
96 n:=clients.count;
97 dbms_output.put_line('count='||n);
98 for i in 1..n loop
99 add_link(clients(i),accounts(i));
100 end loop;
101 print('processed');
102 ---
103 /*
104 for i in 1..n loop
105 dbms_output.put_line(str_format(i));
106 end loop;
107 -- */
108 end;
109 /
Elapsed: 00:00:25.74
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