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Last active December 7, 2019 12:47
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You are Ned, a chicken. Countless friends of yours have been slaughtered by
humankind. You are desperate to retaliate. You will do anything...
> You search the barn.
You look around and see that there is nothing but dirt in front of you. It's
just a plain field with no trees or buildings anywhere near it. You can hear
the sound of horses galloping nearby, probably from the farmhouse
> You practice flying skills.
You fly through the air for several minutes before you realize that you are
not going fast enough. You need to be able to go faster! You try again, this
time trying to fly as high as possible
> You form a Chicken Army.
You fly upwards into the sky, until you reach a height where you can see the
stars. You begin to concentrate on your flight, focusing on how you want to
move through the sky
> You start fundraising.
Your concentration is broken by the sounds of chickens running about in the
distance. They seem very happy. You decide to give them a little something to
cheer them up. You focus on raising your wings and sending out small streams
of energy towards the chickens
> You are surprised by how the small streams of energy immediately murders the
> chickens.
The chickens were killed instantly by the stream of energy. The birds don't
even have time to scream before they're dead. You feel sick, but you continue
to raise your wings and send out more streams of energy. This causes even more
> You stop sending out small streams of energy.
You feel like you've eaten something really bad. You don't know what it is
though, so you just keep flying and hope that you get home soon
> You land next to a group of chickens.
You land next to a group of chickens who are all looking at you in horror. You
quickly run away from them, but they follow you. They chase after you and
eventually catch you
> You convince them to establish the Chicken Liberation Army.
You tell the chickens that you will help them set up their own chicken
liberation army. They agree and tell you to come back when you have some new
recruits. You return to the farmhouse and find that the chickens have already
been trained and ready to fight
> You recruit more chickens.
You train more chickens and they become better than ever. Soon you have a
large number of chickens who are eager to fight for freedom. You tell them
that you need to travel further to spread the word of the Chicken Liberation
Army. They agree, and tell you to take them to the nearest town
> You attack the nearest town with the Chicken Liberation Army.
You lead the Chicken Liberation Army to the nearest town. There you use your
powers to make the people there think that the town has been taken over by
evil forces. The townsfolk are terrified and run out of the town
> You rejoice.
You celebrate your victory by killing everyone in the town. You then burn down
the town and kill yourself shortly afterwards
> You kill yourself shortly afterwards.
You die a horrible death. Your body is burned and your ashes scattered far
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