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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save xthexder/9026678 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Revel SessionFilter for storing sessions in redis. Adds a config option for setting and verifying CSRF tokens.
package app
import (
const (
var (
expireAfterDuration time.Duration
csrfEnabled bool
func init() {
// Set expireAfterDuration, default to 30 days if no value in config
revel.OnAppStart(func() {
var err error
if expiresString, ok := revel.Config.String("session.expires"); !ok {
expireAfterDuration = 30 * 24 * time.Hour
} else if expiresString == "session" {
expireAfterDuration = 0
} else if expireAfterDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(expiresString); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("session.expires invalid: %s", err))
csrfEnabled = revel.Config.BoolDefault("session.csrf", false)
// Saves the session into redis
// Returns an http.Cookie containing the signed session token or nil on error
func saveSession(s revel.Session) *http.Cookie {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
var sessionValue string
sessionToken := s.Id()
if _, ok := s[CSRF_TOKEN_KEY]; !ok && csrfEnabled {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(buf)
if err == nil {
s[CSRF_TOKEN_KEY] = hex.EncodeToString(buf)
} else {
for key, value := range s {
if key == SESSION_ID_KEY {
if strings.ContainsAny(key, ":\x00") {
panic("Session keys may not have colons or null bytes")
if strings.Contains(value, "\x00") {
panic("Session values may not have null bytes")
sessionValue += "\x00" + key + ":" + value + "\x00"
redisConn := Redis.Get()
defer redisConn.Close()
params := []interface{}{"session:" + sessionToken, sessionValue}
if expireAfterDuration != 0 {
params = append(params, "EX", int(expireAfterDuration/time.Second))
_, err := redisConn.Do("SET", params...)
if err != nil {
return nil
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: revel.CookiePrefix + "_SESSION",
Value: revel.Sign(sessionToken) + "-" + sessionToken,
Path: "/",
HttpOnly: revel.CookieHttpOnly,
Secure: revel.CookieSecure,
if expireAfterDuration != 0 {
cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(expireAfterDuration).UTC()
} else {
cookie.Expires = time.Time{}.UTC()
return cookie
// Returns a Session from redis with the session id pulled from a signed cookie.
// Returns a blank session if the session has expired or there was an error
func restoreSession(req *http.Request) revel.Session {
session := make(revel.Session)
cookie, err := req.Cookie(revel.CookiePrefix + "_SESSION")
if err != nil {
return session
// Separate the token from the signature.
hyphen := strings.Index(cookie.Value, "-")
if hyphen == -1 || hyphen >= len(cookie.Value)-1 {
return session
sig, token := cookie.Value[:hyphen], cookie.Value[hyphen+1:]
// Verify the signature.
if !revel.Verify(token, sig) {
revel.INFO.Println("Session cookie signature failed")
return session
redisConn := Redis.Get()
defer redisConn.Close()
data, err := redis.String(redisConn.Do("GET", "session:"+token))
if err != nil {
return session
revel.ParseKeyValueCookie(data, func(key, val string) {
session[key] = val
session[SESSION_ID_KEY] = token
if csrfToken, ok := session[CSRF_TOKEN_KEY]; ok && csrfEnabled {
csrfCookie, err := req.Cookie(revel.CookiePrefix + CSRF_COOKIE)
if err != nil || csrfCookie.Value != csrfToken {
err = RevokeSession(&session)
if err != nil {
return session
if req.Method != "GET" && req.Method != "HEAD" {
csrfHeader := req.Header.Get(CSRF_HEADER)
if csrfHeader != csrfToken {
err = RevokeSession(&session)
if err != nil {
return session
return session
func RevokeSession(s *revel.Session) error {
token, ok := (*s)[SESSION_ID_KEY]
*s = make(revel.Session)
if !ok {
return nil
revel.INFO.Println("Revoking session:", token)
redisConn := Redis.Get()
defer redisConn.Close()
_, err := redis.Int(redisConn.Do("DEL", "session:"+token))
return err
func SessionFilter(c *revel.Controller, fc []revel.Filter) {
c.Session = restoreSession(c.Request.Request)
// Make session vars available in templates as {{}}
c.RenderArgs["session"] = c.Session
fc[0](c, fc[1:])
// Store the session (and sign it) if it isn't empty.
cookie := saveSession(c.Session)
if cookie != nil {
if csrfEnabled {
Name: revel.CookiePrefix + CSRF_COOKIE,
Value: c.Session[CSRF_TOKEN_KEY],
Path: "/",
Expires: cookie.Expires,
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kokizzu commented Jun 11, 2014

Hi, thanks for this gist, but how to use this?

(Where should i put it on revel and is there anything i should write after putting the file?)

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