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Last active May 30, 2019 03:29
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Merging todo.txt Dropbox conflicted copies
import os
from pprint import pprint # pretty printer
mainfile = 'todo.txt'
archive = 'done.txt'
tag = '+auto_merged'
trashbin = 'ccs'
def strip_tag(l):
'''Strips tag, like it was never there'''
# strip removes whitespaces on both line ends
new = []
for element in l:
if tag in element:
new.append(element.replace(tag, '').strip())
return new
def strip_x(l):
'''Makes done task undone by removing 'x yyyy-mm-dd' '''
# magic number: len('x yyyy-mm-dd') = 12
# 'abcdefghij'[3:] = 'defghij' -- removes first 3 chars
new = []
for element in l:
element = element.strip()
if element.startswith('x'):
return new
# list of conflicted copies files
ccs = [
f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd())
if f.startswith('todo') and 'conflicted copy' in f
# readlines() returns list of lines from file
done_tasks = strip_tag(strip_x( open(archive, 'r').readlines() ))
# just in case
undone_task_in_archive = False
done = open(archive, 'r')
for task in done:
if not task.strip().startswith('x'):
undone_task_in_archive = True
if undone_task_in_archive:
print 'You have undone task in "done.txt", is everything right?'
# there may be some logic to deal with it
# main part
# for every conflicted copy file:
for cc in ccs:
# we use 'set' to easily calculate relative complements for each tasks set,
# also work with unique lines only
# removing our tag from lines (if it exists),
# and making sure this is not the line we already finished
# (there may be logic, making sure it was completed AFTER created, but who cares)
# to make sure we won't add same lines twice next time we launch this script
tasks = set( strip_tag(strip_x( open(mainfile, 'r').readlines() )) )
tasks2 = set((s.strip() for s in open(cc, 'r').readlines()))
# lines that are in conflicted copy but not in main 'todo.txt'
candidates = tasks2 - tasks
print 'Candidates to be merged from \'', cc, '\''
to_be_merged = []
for c in candidates:
if c in done_tasks:
# it is already completed tasks, that was moved to archive
# no need to resurrect it
to_be_merged.append(c + ' ' * 3 + tag) # adding tag to the end of the line
print '-' * 20
print 'Will be merged'
# and finally adding chosen lines to the end of mainfile
todo = open(mainfile, 'a')
for line in to_be_merged:
todo.write(line + '\n')
# os.unlink(cc) # remove conflicted copy file
# OR
# move it to trashbin
# directory already exists
import time
os.rename(cc, trashbin + os.sep + cc[:-4] + '.' + time.asctime() + '.txt')
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First of all, thank you @xtotdam for writing and sharing this script.

Although months have passed, I'll try to answer @balkanez is a Python script. You have to install Python ( in your computer to run it.
One scenario where I have been able to use the script successfully is the following:

  1. Your Sync device detects the conflict (Dropbox, for example, does it);
  2. It maintains the newer todo.txt and backups the older todo.txt file renaming it as something similar to
    todo.sync-conflict-20180607-001204-AQNL66M.txt (it is a real example I produced yesterday using Syncthing) ;
  3. All those files live in a folder where you can run Python scripts (for example, physically in your computer).

In my case, I work Cloudless. My devices are some computers and a mobile phone with Android and Simpletask Cloudless. I use Syncthing just to sync the GTD folder (with the todo.txt file) and it happily produces the backup of the conflicted file as I have described.
The python code above detects the "conflict file" in line 40:

40 if f.startswith('todo') and 'conflicted copy' in f

So, the conflit file has to start with 'todo' (it is the case) and has to contain the string 'conflicted copy', as Dropbox does. This second requirement does not happen with the files Syncthing produces for me, so I opened with a text editor and just changed the line into

40 if f.startswith('todo') and 'conflicted' in f

which fitted the pattern Syncthing follows.
There are other things you can change (lines 96 on), to decide wether to erase the conflicted copy afterwards or just store it in a folder named ccs (the default option, which I prefer).

Now, you have to do the following:

  1. download
  2. edit it if necessary (as I have described, that depends on your Sync machine's behavior);
  3. put it in the directory where todo.txt and the conflicted file is;
  4. Open a Shell (console, command-line terminal, or whatever you call it)
  5. place yourself in the directory where all the previous files are;
  6. run the script. In the shell in Linux it goes like this:
    $ python

The program will do the following:

  • It produces some text lines in the shell describing the merging actions taken.
  • It updates the newest todo.txt file adding the exclusive tasks of the older todo.txt with a "+automerged_file" mark.
  • It stores the conflicted file in a folder called ccs (or deletes the file if you uncomment line 96, deleting the first #).

I don't know wether one can run Python scripts in Dropbox, but if you have a local synchronized copy in a computer or device where you can run Python scripts, that is the way to go: do the sync, and if a conflicted copy file appears, run and then edit the todo.txt file should any merged lines need to be erased, or just to erase the +automerged_file added tag.

I can upload some examples to clarify the way the script works, but the best way to do it is to write some examples yourself, safe in a different folder, executing there and looking the resulting todo.txt list.

Good luck.

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