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Created November 22, 2018 15:39
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A excerpt of the code from my snake game dated back to 12/11/2018
Public Class Form1
Public Apath As Application
Public Filepath As String = Apath.StartupPath & "\GamePicture\"
Public XY() As Integer
Public FoodXY As Integer
Public Loca As String = "Left"
Public Marks As Integer
Public Time As Integer
Public Ball As Boolean = False
Public LastLoca As String
Dim a, b, c, d, g, f As Byte
Sub Movement(ByVal Location As String)
Dim speical As Boolean = False
Dim i As Integer = 1
XY(30) = XY(29)
XY(29) = XY(28)
XY(28) = XY(27)
XY(27) = XY(26)
XY(26) = XY(25)
XY(25) = XY(24)
XY(24) = XY(23)
XY(23) = XY(22)
XY(22) = XY(21)
XY(21) = XY(20)
XY(20) = XY(19)
XY(19) = XY(18)
XY(18) = XY(17)
XY(17) = XY(16)
XY(16) = XY(15)
XY(15) = XY(14)
XY(14) = XY(13)
XY(13) = XY(12)
XY(12) = XY(11)
XY(11) = XY(10)
XY(10) = XY(9)
XY(9) = XY(8)
XY(8) = XY(7)
XY(7) = XY(6)
XY(6) = XY(5)
XY(5) = XY(4)
XY(4) = XY(3)
XY(3) = XY(2)
XY(2) = XY(1)
XY(1) = XY(0)
If XY(0) = 0 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 132
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 1 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 133
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 2 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 134
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 3 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 135
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 4 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 136
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 5 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 137
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 6 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 138
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 7 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 139
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 8 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 140
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 9 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 141
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 10 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 142
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 11 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 143
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 12 And Location = "up" Then
XY(0) = 144
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 12 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 1
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 24 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 13
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 36 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 25
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 48 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 37
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 60 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 49
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 72 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 61
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 84 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 73
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 96 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 85
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 108 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 97
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 120 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 109
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 132 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 121
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 144 And Location = "right" Then
XY(0) = 133
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 133 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 1
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 134 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 2
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 135 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 3
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 136 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 4
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 137 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 5
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 138 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 6
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 139 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 7
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 140 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 8
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 141 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 9
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 142 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 10
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 143 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 11
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 144 And Location = "down" Then
XY(0) = 12
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 1 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 12
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 13 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 24
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 25 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 36
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 37 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 48
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 49 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 60
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 61 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 72
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 73 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 84
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 85 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 96
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 97 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 108
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 109 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 120
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 121 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 132
speical = True
End If
If XY(0) = 133 And Location = "left" Then
XY(0) = 144
speical = True
End If
If speical = False Then
Select Case Location
Case Is = "left"
XY(0) -= 1
Case Is = "right"
XY(0) += 1
Case Is = "up"
XY(0) -= 12
Case Is = "down"
XY(0) += 12
End Select
End If
ChImage(FoodXY, Filepath & "Food.png")
ChImage(XY(0), Filepath & Location & ".png")
Do While i <= Marks And i <> UBound(XY, 1)
ChImage(XY(i), Filepath & Ball & ".png")
i += 1
If XY(0) = FoodXY Then
Marks += 1
End If
For i = 1 To Marks
If i > UBound(XY, 1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If XY(0) = XY(i) Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Panel2.Visible = True
PicBoxEndMark1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxEndMark2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
End If
Ball = Not Ball
End Sub
Sub RandomToFood()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ok As Boolean = False
ok = True
FoodXY = Int(Rnd() * 143) + 1
For i = 0 To Marks
If i > UBound(XY, 1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If FoodXY = XY(i) Then
ok = False
End If
Loop Until ok = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load() Handles MyBase.Load
Panel1.Left = 0
Panel1.Top = 0
Panel2.Left = 0
Panel2.Top = 0
Panel3.Left = 0
Panel3.Top = 0
Panel4.Left = 0
Panel4.Top = 0
Panel5.Left = 0
Panel5.Top = 0
Panel2.Visible = False
Panel3.Visible = True
Panel4.Visible = False
Panel5.Visible = False
ReDim XY(144)
Panel1.Visible = False
Timer1.Interval = 300
Timer2.Interval = 1000
'Load Form
'Loading Num Marks&Time Image
PicBoxmark.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Marks.png")
PicBoxTime.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Times.png")
PicBoxmrkNum1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxmrkNum2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxTimNum1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxTimNum2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxTimNum3.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 3, 1) & ".Png")
PictureBox145.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Black.png")
'Load Panel3(StartPage)
PicBoxStartPage.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "GameMenu.png")
PicBoxStartGame.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "StartingGame0.png")
PicBoxSetting.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Setting0.png")
PicBoxDesign.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "DesignPage0.png")
'Load Panel4(SettingPage)
PicBoxSettingPage.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "SettingPage.png")
PicBoxSec30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "30(0).png")
PicBoxSec60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "60(1).png")
PicBoxSec90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "90(0).png")
PicBoxSec120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "120(0).png")
PicBoxSlow.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Slow(0).png")
PicBoxMid.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Mid(1).png")
PicBoxFast.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Fast(0).png")
PicBoxBack1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Back0.png")
'Load Panel5(DesignPage)
PicBoxDesignPage.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Design.png")
PicBoxBack2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Back0.png")
'Load Panel1(PausePage)
PicBoxPausePage.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "PausePage.png")
PicBoxcontinue.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "continue(0).png")
PicBoxreset.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "reset(0).png")
'Load Panel2(EndGamePage)
PicBoxEndGamePage.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "EndGamePage.png")
PicBoxreset2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "reset(0).png")
Loca = "left"
Time = 60
XY(0) = 15
Marks = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Is = Keys.P
Panel1.Visible = True
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Case Is = Keys.Left
If LastLoca <> "right" Then
Loca = "left"
End If
Case Is = Keys.Right
If LastLoca <> "left" Then
Loca = "right"
End If
Case Is = Keys.Up
If LastLoca <> "down" Then
Loca = "up"
End If
Case Is = Keys.Down
If LastLoca <> "up" Then
Loca = "down"
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
PicBoxmrkNum1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxmrkNum2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
LastLoca = Loca
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxcontinue.Click
Panel1.Visible = False
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Time -= 1
PicBoxTimNum1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxTimNum2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxTimNum3.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Time, "000"), 3, 1) & ".Png")
If Time = 0 Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Panel2.Visible = True
PicBoxEndMark1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 1, 1) & ".Png")
PicBoxEndMark2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & Mid(Format(Marks, "00"), 2, 1) & ".Png")
End If
End Sub
Sub ChImage(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal Path As String)
Select Case a 'switch
Case Is = 1
PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 2
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 3
PictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 4
PictureBox4.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 5
PictureBox5.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 6
PictureBox6.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 7
PictureBox7.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 8
PictureBox8.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 9
PictureBox9.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 10
PictureBox10.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 11
PictureBox11.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 12
PictureBox12.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 13
PictureBox13.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 14
PictureBox14.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 15
PictureBox15.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 16
PictureBox16.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 17
PictureBox17.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 18
PictureBox18.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 19
PictureBox19.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 20
PictureBox20.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 21
PictureBox21.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 22
PictureBox22.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 23
PictureBox23.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 24
PictureBox24.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 25
PictureBox25.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 26
PictureBox26.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 27
PictureBox27.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 28
PictureBox28.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 29
PictureBox29.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 30
PictureBox30.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 31
PictureBox31.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 32
PictureBox32.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 33
PictureBox33.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 34
PictureBox34.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 35
PictureBox35.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 36
PictureBox36.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 37
PictureBox37.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 38
PictureBox38.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 39
PictureBox39.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 40
PictureBox40.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 41
PictureBox41.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 42
PictureBox42.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 43
PictureBox43.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 44
PictureBox44.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 45
PictureBox45.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 46
PictureBox46.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 47
PictureBox47.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 48
PictureBox48.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 49
PictureBox49.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 50
PictureBox50.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 51
PictureBox51.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 52
PictureBox52.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 53
PictureBox53.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 54
PictureBox54.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 55
PictureBox55.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 56
PictureBox56.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 57
PictureBox57.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 58
PictureBox58.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 59
PictureBox59.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 60
PictureBox60.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 61
PictureBox61.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 62
PictureBox62.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 63
PictureBox63.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 64
PictureBox64.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 65
PictureBox65.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 66
PictureBox66.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 67
PictureBox67.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 68
PictureBox68.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 69
PictureBox69.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 70
PictureBox70.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 71
PictureBox71.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 72
PictureBox72.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 73
PictureBox73.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 74
PictureBox74.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 75
PictureBox75.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 76
PictureBox76.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 77
PictureBox77.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 78
PictureBox78.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 79
PictureBox79.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 80
PictureBox80.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 81
PictureBox81.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 82
PictureBox82.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 83
PictureBox83.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 84
PictureBox84.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 85
PictureBox85.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 86
PictureBox86.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 87
PictureBox87.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 88
PictureBox88.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 89
PictureBox89.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 90
PictureBox90.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 91
PictureBox91.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 92
PictureBox92.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 93
PictureBox93.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 94
PictureBox94.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 95
PictureBox95.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 96
PictureBox96.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 97
PictureBox97.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 98
PictureBox98.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 99
PictureBox99.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 100
PictureBox100.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 101
PictureBox101.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 102
PictureBox102.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 103
PictureBox103.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 104
PictureBox104.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 105
PictureBox105.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 106
PictureBox106.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 107
PictureBox107.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 108
PictureBox108.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 109
PictureBox109.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 110
PictureBox110.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 111
PictureBox111.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 112
PictureBox112.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 113
PictureBox113.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 114
PictureBox114.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 115
PictureBox115.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 116
PictureBox116.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 117
PictureBox117.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 118
PictureBox118.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 119
PictureBox119.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 120
PictureBox120.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 121
PictureBox121.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 122
PictureBox122.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 123
PictureBox123.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 124
PictureBox124.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 125
PictureBox125.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 126
PictureBox126.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 127
PictureBox127.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 128
PictureBox128.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 129
PictureBox129.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 130
PictureBox130.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 131
PictureBox131.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 132
PictureBox132.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 133
PictureBox133.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 134
PictureBox134.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 135
PictureBox135.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 136
PictureBox136.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 137
PictureBox137.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 138
PictureBox138.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 139
PictureBox139.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 140
PictureBox140.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 141
PictureBox141.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 142
PictureBox142.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 143
PictureBox143.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
Case Is = 144
PictureBox144.Image = Image.FromFile(Path)
End Select
End Sub
Sub ClearImage()
PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox4.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox5.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox6.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox7.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox8.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox9.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox10.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox11.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox12.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox13.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox14.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox15.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox16.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox17.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox18.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox19.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox20.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox21.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox22.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox23.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox24.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox25.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox26.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox27.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox28.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox29.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox31.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox32.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox33.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox34.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox35.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox36.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox37.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox38.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox39.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox40.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox41.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox42.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox43.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox44.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox45.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox46.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox47.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox48.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox49.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox50.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox51.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox52.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox53.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox54.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox55.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox56.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox57.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox58.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox59.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox61.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox62.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox63.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox64.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox65.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox66.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox67.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox68.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox69.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox70.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox71.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox72.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox73.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox74.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox75.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox76.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox77.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox78.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox79.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox80.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox81.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox82.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox83.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox84.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox85.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox86.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox87.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox88.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox89.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox91.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox92.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox93.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox94.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox95.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox96.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox97.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox98.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox99.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox100.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox101.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox102.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox103.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox104.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox105.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox106.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox107.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox108.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox109.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox110.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox111.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox112.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox113.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox114.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox115.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox116.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox117.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox118.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox119.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox121.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox122.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox123.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox124.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox125.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox126.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox127.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox128.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox129.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox130.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox131.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox132.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox133.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox134.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox135.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox136.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox137.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox138.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox139.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox140.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox141.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox142.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox143.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
PictureBox144.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "NULL.png")
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxreset.Click, PicBoxreset2.Click
End Sub
Private Sub StartGame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxStartGame.Click
Panel3.Visible = False
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Setting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSetting.Click
Panel4.Visible = True
Panel3.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Design_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxDesign.Click
Panel5.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxBack1.Click, PicBoxBack2.Click
Panel2.Visible = False
Panel3.Visible = True
Panel4.Visible = False
Panel5.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxStartGame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxStartGame.MouseEnter, PicBoxStartGame.MouseLeave
a = (a + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxStartGame.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "StartingGame" & a & ".png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSetting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSetting.MouseEnter, PicBoxSetting.MouseLeave
b = (b + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxSetting.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Setting" & b & ".png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxDesign_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxDesign.MouseEnter, PicBoxDesign.MouseLeave
c = (c + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxDesign.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "DesignPage" & c & ".png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxBack_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxBack1.MouseEnter, PicBoxBack1.MouseLeave, PicBoxBack2.MouseEnter, PicBoxBack2.MouseLeave
d = (d + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxBack1.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Back" & d & ".png")
PicBoxBack2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Back" & d & ".png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSec30_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSec30.Click
Time = 30
PicBoxSec30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "30(1).png")
PicBoxSec60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "60(0).png")
PicBoxSec90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "90(0).png")
PicBoxSec120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "120(0).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSec60_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSec60.Click
Time = 60
PicBoxSec30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "30(0).png")
PicBoxSec60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "60(1).png")
PicBoxSec90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "90(0).png")
PicBoxSec120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "120(0).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSec90_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSec90.Click
Time = 90
PicBoxSec30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "30(0).png")
PicBoxSec60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "60(0).png")
PicBoxSec90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "90(1).png")
PicBoxSec120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "120(0).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSec120_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSec120.Click
Time = 120
PicBoxSec30.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "30(0).png")
PicBoxSec60.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "60(0).png")
PicBoxSec90.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "90(0).png")
PicBoxSec120.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "120(1).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxSlow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxSlow.Click
Timer1.Interval = 400
PicBoxSlow.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Slow(1).png")
PicBoxMid.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Mid(0).png")
PicBoxFast.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Fast(0).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxMid_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxMid.Click
Timer1.Interval = 200
PicBoxSlow.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Slow(0).png")
PicBoxMid.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Mid(1).png")
PicBoxFast.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Fast(0).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxFast_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxFast.Click
Timer1.Interval = 100
PicBoxSlow.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Slow(0).png")
PicBoxMid.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Mid(0).png")
PicBoxFast.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "Fast(1).png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxcontinue_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxcontinue.MouseEnter, PicBoxcontinue.MouseLeave
g = (g + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxcontinue.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "continue(" & g & ").png")
End Sub
Private Sub PicBoxreset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PicBoxreset.MouseEnter, PicBoxreset.MouseLeave, PicBoxreset2.MouseEnter, PicBoxreset2.MouseLeave
f = (f + 1) Mod 2
PicBoxreset.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "reset(" & f & ").png")
PicBoxreset2.Image = Image.FromFile(Filepath & "reset(" & f & ").png")
End Sub
End Class
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