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Created August 31, 2022 17:50
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import simplegui
import random
import math
# Initializing the number of guesses.
count = 0
# helper function to start and restart the game
def new_game():
global count
print ("New game. Enter the lower and upper bound of numbers.\nGood luck!\n")
# for calculation of minimum number of
# guesses depends upon range
def guess_num(guess):
global count
if count < math.log(h - l + 1, 2):
count += 1
# taking guessing number as input
# Condition testing
if x == int(guess):
print("Congratulations you did it in ",
count, " try")
# Once guessed, loop will break
elif x > int(guess):
print("You guessed is: ",guess," -> too small!")
elif x < int(guess):
print("You Guessed is: ",guess," -> too high!")
# If Guessing is more than required guesses,
# shows this output.
if count >= math.log(h - l + 1, 2):
print("\nThe number is %d" % x)
print("\tBetter Luck Next time!")
# create frame
f = simplegui.create_frame("Game: Guess the number!", 250, 250)
# Taking Inputs
l = int(input("Enter Lower bound:- "))
h = int(input("Enter Upper bound:- "))
x = random.randint(l, h)
print("\nYour lower bound is: ",l, "\nYour upper bound is: ",h)
print("\n\tYou've only ",
round(math.log(h - l + 1, 2)),
" chances to guess the integer!\n")
# register event handlers for control elements
f.add_input("Enter your guess", guess_num, 100)
# call new_game and start frame
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