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Created March 19, 2019 17:37
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<input id="monthly" value="62" style="width: 45%;margin-left: -100px;" />
<div id="gauge"></div>
<h4>Renewal (%) in the Month</h4>
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<li>Forecasted Amount</li>
<li>Payment Amount</li>
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//main-site-four: li:three
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name: "Constellation",
data: [123, 105, 190, 117.56, 148.56, 101.04, 202.6, 186.22, 120.55, 111.31],
color: "rgb(255, 210, 70)"
}, {
name: "Direct Energy",
data: [52248, 56860.71, 59141.82, 59251.84, 58790.31, 57737.78, 57667.22, 57850.7, 55802.04, 55228.9],
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columns: [{
field: "name",
title: "Monthy of 2018"
dataSource: [{
name: "January",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 10284.88, Payment: 10101.23 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8500, Payment: 8600.11 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 638.2, Payment: 640 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 123, Payment: 98.22 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 52248, Payment: 52035.6 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 71794.08, Payment: 71475.16 }
name: "February",
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{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 12284.82, Payment: 13001 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8545.51, Payment: 8232.57 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 650.22, Payment: 666.35 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 105, Payment: 20 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 56860.71, Payment: 54290.32 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 78446.26, Payment: 76210.24 }
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{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 15561.45, Payment: 15561.2 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 9053.26, Payment: 9123 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 640.39, Payment: 601.32 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 117.56, Payment: 150 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 59141.82, Payment: 58856.27 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 84586.92, Payment: 84291.79 }
name: "April",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 15121.54, Payment: 15020 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 9140.5, Payment: 9140 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 545.32, Payment: 560 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 148.56, Payment: 127.65 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 59251.84, Payment: 59251.88 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 84176.76, Payment: 84099.53 }
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{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14427.73, Payment: 13227.63 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8947.74, Payment: 8900.37 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 605.18, Payment: 620.37 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 148.56, Payment: 150 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 58790.31, Payment: 58770.32 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 82919.52, Payment: 81099.53 }
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{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14531.07, Payment: 14000.06 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8830.63, Payment: 8930.63 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 673, Payment: 698 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 101.04, Payment: 102 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 57737.78, Payment: 56923.45 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 81873.52, Payment: 80654.14 }
name: "July",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14913.72, Payment: 14920.07 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8301.6, Payment: 8290.5 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 597.22, Payment: 580.31 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 202.6, Payment: 198.22 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 57667.22, Payment: 55677.94 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 81682.36, Payment: 79667.04 }
name: "August",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14977.68, Payment: 14223.26 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8278.34, Payment: 8250.34 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 698.22, Payment: 701.37 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 186.22, Payment: 137.46 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 57850.7, Payment: 56223.69 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 81991.16, Payment: 79536.12 }
name: "September",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14962.69, Payment: 14556.78 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8271.82, Payment: 8270 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 560.23, Payment: 530.26 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 120.55, Payment: 152.74 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 55802.04, Payment: 56000.31 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 79717.33, Payment: 79510.09 }
name: "October",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14672.17, Payment: 14337 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8271.67, Payment: 8260.22 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 590, Payment: 545 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: "111.31", Payment: 103.63 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 55228.9, Payment: 55230.01 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 78874.05, Payment: 78475.86 }
name: "November",
descriptions: [
{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 14543.79, Payment: 14554.6 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8154.14, Payment: 8001.22 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 570, Payment: 507.28 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 118.9, Payment: 115 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 52768.83, Payment: 52601.98 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 76155.66, Payment: 75780.08 }
name: "December",
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{ Supplier: "AEP", Forecasted: 0, Payment: 18700.05 },
{ Supplier: "Agera", Forecasted: 8066.08, Payment: 8066.09 },
{ Supplier: "Agway", Forecasted: 605, Payment: 635 },
{ Supplier: "Constellation", Forecasted: 145.28, Payment: 143.79 },
{ Supplier: "Direct Energy", Forecasted: 51441.4, Payment: 52134.2 },
{ Supplier: "TOTAL", Forecasted: 60257.76, Payment: 79679.13 }
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background: #e6e6e6;
grid-column:span 1;
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#main-site-six h4{
.demo-section {
text-align: center;
#chart-oct {
display: inline-block;
width: 250px;
height: 320px;
#gauge-container {
width: 250px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center;
#gauge {
height: 200px;
padding-left: 100px;
/* Stack the layout on small devices/viewports. */
@media all and (max-width: 575px) {
body {
display: grid;
"nav header"
"main main"
"main main";
grid-template-rows:10% 1fr;
grid-template-columns:150px 1fr;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows:1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
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