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Forked from shellexy/
Last active December 10, 2015 18:38
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  • Save xufan6/4476048 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xufan6/4476048 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash -x
echo "\033[1;31;40m[i]Sync ...\033[0m"
# ignore .*.swp, .hgignore, etc
rsync -av --exclude '.*.*' --exclude '*.coffee' --exclude 'test*' $SRC $DEST
# replace conf.vars.platform, key and secret
echo "\033[1;31;40m[i] Replace platform, key and secret ...\033[0m"
sed -i "s/'platform': '\w*'/'platform': 'Web'/g" ${DEST}js/conf.js
sed -i "s/'consumer_key': '\w*'/'consumer_key': '604L17uwIwWsT1TIyjBTQA'/g" ${DEST}js/conf.js
sed -i "s/'consumer_secret': '\w*'/'consumer_secret': 'eB7cjPzO9QGZi50jpdrlIPtpPvlKkdt18uahit5oYE'/g" ${DEST}js/conf.js
echo "\033[1;31;40m[i] Done!\033[0m"
## ###########################
cat >> ${DEST}js/hotot.js <<OOO
if (conf.vars.platform === 'Web') {
var URL = document.URL.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '/');
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open_ =; = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
url = url.replace('https://', '/');
url = url.replace('http://', '/');
return this.open_(method, url, async, user, password);
ui.PinDlg.set_auth_url_ = ui.PinDlg.set_auth_url;
ui.PinDlg.set_auth_url = function(url){
return ui.PinDlg.set_auth_url_(url.replace('', URL + 'itap/'));
## html5 cache
cd ${DEST:-.}
echo -e 'CACHE MANIFEST\n' > cache.manifest
echo -e 'NETWORK:\n*\n' >> cache.manifest
echo 'CACHE:' >> cache.manifest
find . -type f | grep -Ev '^\./itap|\.gz$|cache\.manifest|cache\.html|index\.html' | sed 's/^\.\///; s/ /%20/g' >> cache.manifest
echo "# `date -R`" >> cache.manifest
sed -i 's/<html.*>/<html lang="en" manifest="cache.manifest">/' index.html
mv index.html hotot.html
echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="no-cache" /><title>Hotot</title></head><frameset><frame src="hotot.html"></frameset></html>' > index.html
sed -i "s/'use_alt_reply': \w*/'use_alt_reply': true/g" ${DEST}js/conf.js
convert -quality 30 ${DEST}/image/welcome_bg.jpg ${DEST}/image/welcome_bg.jpg
which uglifycss && which sponge && find "$DEST" -name '*.css' -exec sh -c 'uglifycss "{}" |sponge "{}" ' \;
which uglifyjs && find "$DEST" -name '*.js' -exec uglifyjs --overwrite "{}" \;
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