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Last active August 8, 2019 19:12
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Run ``pip install`` with a confirmation only if some packages are missing. This is useful to put in the beginning of a Jupyter notebook.
# Author: Hong Xu. This file is under CC0.
def pip_install_with_confirmation(packages):
"""Run ``pip install`` with a confirmation only if some packages are missing. This is useful to put in the beginning of
a Jupyter notebook.
packages (dict): Each key is the name of a package to be installed. Each value is a sequence of size 3. The
first two elements are the ``package`` and ``name`` parameter of ``importlib.import_module()``, respectively.
The last element is the imported name. Roughly speaking, the three elements correspond to the following three
spots in an import statement::
from {param 0} import {param 1} as {param 2}
'requests': [None, 'requests', 'requests'],
'numpy': [None, 'numpy', 'np'],
'matplotlib': ['matplotlib', '.pyplot', 'plt']
def import_all_modules():
from importlib import import_module, invalidate_caches
for package, info in packages.items():
globals()[info[2]] = import_module(package=info[0], name=info[1])
except NameError:
ModuleNotFoundError = ImportError
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import sys
pip_install_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', '-q', 'install'] + list(packages)
answer = input('Will run "{}". Confirm? [y/n]'.format(' '.join(pip_install_command)))
if answer == 'y':
import subprocess
print("Package installation succeeded!")
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