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Created April 3, 2012 06:23
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A vimL function that finds python interpreter
" Find python interp. If found, return python command; if not found, return ''
function! FindPythonInterp()
if has('unix')
let l:searching_list = [
\ 'python',
\ 'python27',
\ 'python26',
\ 'python25',
\ 'python24',
\ '/usr/local/bin/python',
\ '/usr/local/bin/python27',
\ '/usr/local/bin/python26',
\ '/usr/local/bin/python25',
\ '/usr/local/bin/python24',
\ '/usr/bin/python',
\ '/usr/bin/python27',
\ '/usr/bin/python26',
\ '/usr/bin/python25',
\ '/usr/bin/python24']
elseif has('win32')
let l:searching_list = [
\ 'python',
\ 'python27',
\ 'python26',
\ 'python25',
\ 'python24',
\ 'C:\Python27\python.exe',
\ 'C:\Python26\python.exe',
\ 'C:\Python25\python.exe',
\ 'C:\Python24\python.exe']
for possible_python_interp in l:searching_list
if executable(possible_python_interp)
return possible_python_interp
return ''
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