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Created November 26, 2016 06:02
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<title>Authentication is Required</title>
<div class="enumeration">Question 1</div>
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var questions = ["In what city were you born?", "What is the name of the hospital you were born?", "What time were you born?", "What was your childhood nickname?", "What was your favorite toy as a child?", "What was your favorite food as a child?", "What was your least favorite fruit or vegetable as a child?", "What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?", "What is the last name of your best childhood friend?", "Which non-immediate family member was your hero as a child?", "Who was your favorite childhood hero?", "What street did you live on in third grade?", "What street did you live on when you turned 10?", "What is the street number of the home you grew up in?", "What color was the home you grew up in?", "When you were a child, what did you want to grow up to be?", "What was your favorite childhood vacation place?", "Where did you spend your childhood summers?", "What was your first phone number?", "What is the first name of the boy or girl that you first kissed?", "In which city were you first kissed?", "What was the first name of your first girl/boyfriend?", "What is the last name of your first boyfriend or girlfriend?", "What brand and model was your first car?", "What was the name of your first pet?", "What was the color of your first pet?", "What was the name of your first stuffed animal?", "What was the name of your most memorable stuffed animal?", "What was the first book you ever read?", "What was the first album you owned?", "What was the first film you saw in the theater?", "What was your first video game?", "What was your first gaming console?", "How old were you when you got your first gaming console?", "What year did you take your first flight?", "Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?", "Which was the first foreign country you visited?", "What is the name of the first beach you visited?", "What is the name of the first school you attended?", "What is the last name of your kindergarten teacher?", "What was the last name of your first grade teacher?", "Where did you attend sixth grade?", "What was your favorite teacher's name?", "What was the name of your least favorite teacher?", "What was your least favorite subject in school?", "What is the first name of your best friend in high school?", "Who was your favorite singer or band in high school?", "What band poster did you have on your wall when you were in high school?", "What was your school mascot?", "What is the first name of the person you went to your prom with?", "What year did you graduate from high school?", "What was the name of the band at your first concert?", "How old were you when you got your first computer?", "What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?", "What is the name of the college you went to?", "What was your major during college?", "Who was your first roommate?", "What was the first thing you learned to cook?", "If you could live anywhere in the world, what city would that be?", "What was the first major city that you visited?", "What was the first major city that you lived in?", "What is the name of the first company you worked for?", "In what city or town was your first job?", "What is the name of your first boss?", "What was the first name of your first manager?", "Where was your first date with your spouse/partner?", "During what month did you first meet your spouse or significant other?", "In which year did you meet your spouse (YYYY)?", "How old were you at your wedding?", "In what city were you married?", "What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?", "What is the last name of your best man at your wedding?", "What is the last name of your maid of honor at your wedding?", "When is your wedding anniversary (MM/DD)?", "In what city did you honeymoon?", "In which city was your spouse born?", "Which high school did your spouse attend?", "What is the name of the college your spouse attended?", "What is the first name of your spouse\'s mother?", "Where were you on January 1, 2000?", "What is the first name of your favorite cousin?", "What is the first name of your favorite aunt?", "What is the first name of your favorite uncle?", "What is the first name of your oldest nephew?", "What is the first name of your oldest niece?", "What is your eldest cousin\'s name?", "What is the first name of your maternal (mother\'s side) grandmother?", "What is your paternal (father\'s side) grandfather\'s first name?", "What is the middle name of your oldest sibling?", "What is your father\'s middle name?", "What is your mother\'s middle name?", "What is your mother\'s maiden name?", "In what city or town did your mother and father meet?", "In what city was your mother born?", "In what year was your mother born?", "In what city was your father born?", "In what city does your nearest sibling live?", "What is your oldest child\'s middle name?", "What is your youngest child\'s nickname?", "In what city does your grandfather live?", "In what city does your grandmother live?", "What was/is your father\'s profession?", "What was your grandfather\'s occupation?", "What was your grandmother\'s occupation?", "In what month is your best friend\'s birthday?", "From all history, who would you most like to have as a mentor?", "Which historical figure would you most like to meet?", "Who is your favorite historical person?", "Who is your favorite writer?", "Who is your favorite artist?", "Who is your all-time favorite musical artist or group?", "Who is your all-time favorite entertainer?", "Who is your all-time favorite movie character?", "Who is your all-time favorite celebrity?", "What is your favorite actor\'s last name?", "What is your favorite type of movie?", "What is your favorite television show?", "What is your favorite type of music?", "What is your favorite type of reading?", "What is your favorite type of vacation?", "What is your favorite country to visit?", "What is your favorite city in the world to visit?", "What is your favorite island in the world?", "What is your favorite place to ski?", "What is your favorite landmark?", "What is your favorite museum or attraction in the world?", "What is your favorite hobby?", "What is your favorite activity?", "What is your favorite summer vacation activity?", "What is your favorite winter vacation spot?", "What is your favorite cartoon character?", "What is your favorite card game?", "What is your favorite sport?", "What is your favorite board game?", "What is your favorite car?", "What is your favorite flower/plant?", "What is your favorite color?", "What is your favorite newspaper?", "What is your favorite spa?", "What is your favorite town?", "What is your favorite song?", "What is your favorite food?", "What is your least favorite food?", "What is your favorite restaurant?", "What is your favorite pizza topping?", "What is your favorite beverage?", "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?", "What is your favorite sea animal?", "What is your favorite breed of dog?", "What is your favorite warm-weather accessory?", "What is your favorite cold-weather activity?", "What is your favorite musical instrument?", "What is your favorite film?", "What is the last name of your favorite musician?", "What is the name of your favorite sports team?", "What is the name of your favorite book?", "What is the most distant city you\'ve ever visited?", "What is your library card number?", "What is your vehicle registration number?", "What is your license number?", "What are the last 5 digits of your favorite rewards card?", "What is your main frequent flier number?", "What is your preferred airline?", "What is your preferred luggage brand?", "What language would you most like to learn?", "What is your most prized passport stamp?", "What is one travel item you can\'t do without?", "What is your favorite item to order from room service?", "What is your favorite airport?", "In what city and country do you want to retire?", "If you won a million dollars, what is the most extravagant purchase you would make?", "What is your lucky number?", "What is the most memorable date from your life?", "Who is the most memorable person in your life?", "What is the most memorable location from your life?", "What is the coolest landmark you\'ve ever visited?", "What is the strangest food you\'ve ever eaten while traveling?", "What is your dream job?", "What is your dream car?", "What is your ultimate dream destination?", "What tops your travel wish list?"];
var i = 0;
if (i < questions.length) {
$(".enumeration").text("Question " + (i + 1));
else if (i >= questions.length) {
$(".question").text("Thank you for verifying your identity.");
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