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Created November 24, 2020 11:09
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A variant of `takeuntil` from IterTools.jl
struct TakeUntil{I}
takeuntil(cond, xs)
An iterator that yields values from the iterator `xs` as long as the
predicate `cond` is true. Unlike `takewhile`, it also take the last
value for which the predicate `cond` is false.
julia> collect(takeuntil(x-> x^2 < 10, 1:100))
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
takeuntil(cond, xs) = TakeUntil(cond, xs)
function Base.iterate(it::TakeUntil, state=(false, nothing))
is_cond, state_xs = state
is_cond && return nothing
(val, state_xs) =
@ifsomething (state_xs === nothing ? iterate(it.xs) : iterate(it.xs, state_xs))
val, (it.cond(val), state_xs)
Base.IteratorSize(it::TakeUntil) = Base.SizeUnknown()
Base.eltype(::Type{TakeUntil{I}}) where {I} = eltype(I)
IteratorEltype(::Type{TakeUntil{I}}) where {I} = IteratorEltype(I)
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xukai92 commented Nov 24, 2020

The current takewhile is convenient to use. But for cases in which I also want to take the last value which fails the condition, it cannot do what I want. Hence here is a function called takeuntil, which basically do something similar to takewhile but also include the value which first makes the function false.

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