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Created January 29, 2016 20:19
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Telegram Client for SuperScript Chat Bot
var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
var superscript = require("superscript");
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var facts = require("sfacts");
var factSystem = facts.create('telegramFacts');
var TopicSystem = require("superscript/lib/topics/index")(mongoose, factSystem);
// TopicSystem.importerFile('./data.json', function(){ })
var options = {};
options['factSystem'] = factSystem;
options['mongoose'] = mongoose;
new superscript(options, function(err, bot) {
// Auth Token - You can generate your token from @BotFather
// @BotFather is the one bot to rule them all.
var token = '...';
//Choose a port
var port = 8080;
var telegram = new TelegramBot(token, {
webHook: {
port: port,
host: 'localhost'
//Use `ngrok http 8080` to tunnels localhost to a https endpoint. Get it at
telegram.setWebHook('' + token);
telegram.on('message', function(msg) {
var fromId =;
var text = msg.text.trim();
bot.reply(fromId, text, function(err, reply) {
if (reply.string) {
telegram.sendMessage(fromId, reply.string);
// From file
//var photo = __dirname+'/../test/bot.gif';
//telegram.sendPhoto(fromId, photo, {caption: "I'm a bot!"});
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