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Last active February 14, 2020 16:33
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test nvme cooler led code
#include <FAB_LED.h>
Trinket 85: 0 => B,0
Bluefruit LE Micro: 5 => C,6
// Declare the LED protocol and the port
// sk6812<C,6> strip;
// sk6812b<C,6> strip;
// ws2812<C,6> strip;
ws2812b<C,6> strip;
// How many pixels to control
const uint8_t numPixels = 4;
// How bright the LEDs will be (max 255)
const uint8_t maxBrightness = 127;
// The pixel array to display
grb pixels[numPixels] = {};
void updateColors(char r, char g, char b) {
for(int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
pixels[i].r = r;
pixels[i].g = g;
pixels[i].b = b;
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(57600);
// Turn off the LEDs
strip.clear(2 * numPixels);
uint8_t currentPixel = -1;
byte currentBrightness = 1;
#define BRIGHT_INC 5
#define BRIGHT_DEC -5
int8_t brightnessDirection = BRIGHT_INC;
void chase() {
pixels[currentPixel].r = currentBrightness;
pixels[currentPixel].g = 0;
pixels[currentPixel].b = 0;
strip.sendPixels(numPixels, pixels);
pixels[currentPixel].r = 0;
pixels[currentPixel].g = 0;
pixels[currentPixel].b = 0;
if (currentPixel > numPixels)
currentPixel = 0;
currentBrightness = currentBrightness + brightnessDirection;
// Serial.println(currentBrightness);
if (currentBrightness > maxBrightness) {
// currentBrightness = 1;
brightnessDirection = -1;
} else if (currentBrightness < 1) {
brightnessDirection = 1;
void pulseAll() {
updateColors(currentBrightness, 0, 0);
strip.sendPixels(numPixels, pixels);
currentBrightness = currentBrightness + brightnessDirection;
// Serial.println(currentBrightness);
if (currentBrightness > maxBrightness) {
// currentBrightness = 1;
brightnessDirection = BRIGHT_DEC;
} else if (currentBrightness < 1) {
brightnessDirection = BRIGHT_INC;
void loop() {
// pulseAll();
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