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Last active June 24, 2021 01:09
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show message when sbt build files changed
val buildFiles = SettingKey[Map[File, Seq[Byte]]]("build-files")
buildFiles := getBuildFiles((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value)
def getBuildFiles(base: File) =
((base * "*.sbt") +++ ((base / "project") ** ("*.scala" | "*.sbt"))){
f => f -> collection.mutable.WrappedArray.make[Byte](Hash(f))
def changed(base: File, files: Map[File, Seq[Byte]]): Boolean =
getBuildFiles(base) != files
shellPrompt in ThisBuild := { state => {
if(changed((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value, buildFiles.value))
scala.Console.RED + "build files changed. please reload project\n" + scala.Console.RESET
else ""
} + "> "
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