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Last active July 29, 2022 01:20
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import scalafix.Diagnostic
import scalafix.Patch
import scalafix.lint.LintSeverity
import scalafix.v1.SyntacticDocument
import scalafix.v1.SyntacticRule
import scala.meta.Defn
import scala.meta.Tree
import scala.meta.inputs.Input
import scala.meta.inputs.Position
class TooLarge extends SyntacticRule("TooLarge") {
private def classLimit = 500
private val treeToLimit: PartialFunction[Tree, (Int, String)] = {
case _: Defn.Def => (100, "method")
case _: Defn.Trait => (classLimit, "trait")
case _: Defn.Object => (classLimit, "object")
case _: Defn.Class => (classLimit, "class")
private val pf: PartialFunction[Tree, Patch] = Function.unlift { (t: Tree) =>
treeToLimit.lift.apply(t).map {
case (limit, name) =>
val size = t.pos.endLine - t.pos.startLine
if (limit < size) {
Patch.lint(TooLargeWarn(position = t.pos, name = name, size = size))
} else {
override def fix(implicit doc: SyntacticDocument): Patch = {
val scalaSourcePathOpt = PartialFunction.condOpt(doc.input) {
case f: Input.VirtualFile =>
case f: Input.File =>
// TODO support Windows
if (!scala.util.Properties.isWin && scalaSourcePathOpt.exists(_.contains("/src/main/"))) {
} else {
case class TooLargeWarn(override val position: Position, name: String, size: Int) extends Diagnostic {
override def message = s"${name} is too large! ${size}"
override def severity = LintSeverity.Warning
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