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Created May 9, 2011 18:56
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import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.parsing.input.{Position, NoPosition}
object Main{
sealed abstract class Insn extends ( CED => CED ){
val pos:Position
case class App( m:Int, n:Int, pos:Position ) extends Insn{
override def apply( ced:CED ) =
ced.e( m - 1 )( ced.e( n - 1 ), ced )
override def toString = "App(%s,%s)".format(m, n)
case class Abs( m:Int, body:List[App] ,pos:Position ) extends Insn{
override def apply( ced:CED ) = m match {
case 1 => CED( ced.c, Fn( body, ced.e ) :: ced.e, ced.d )
case _ => CED( ced.c, Fn( Abs( m - 1, body, pos ) :: Nil, ced.e ) :: ced.e, ced.d )
override def toString = "Abs(%s)".format(m)
case class CED( c:List[Insn], e:List[Value], d:List[CE] )
case class CE( c:List[Insn], e:List[Value] )
class GrassRuntime( val insn:List[Insn], val source:String){
val e0 = Out :: Succ :: CharFn('w') :: In :: Nil
val d0 = CE(Nil, Nil) :: CE( App(1, 1, NoPosition) :: Nil, Nil) :: Nil
def run:Unit = {
var c = eval( CED( insn, e0, d0 ) )
while( c != None ){
val Some(m) = c
c = eval( m )
def eval( ced:CED ) = ced.c match {
case Nil => ced.d match {
case Nil => None
case x::xs => Some( CED( x.c, ced.e.head:: x.e , xs ))
case code :: remains => Some( code( CED( remains, ced.e, ced.d )) )
abstract class Value extends ( (Value, CED) => CED )
case class Fn(code : List[Insn], env : List[Value]) extends Value {
override def apply( v:Value, ced:CED ) =
CED( code , v :: env, CE( ced.c, ced.e ) :: ced.d )
override def toString = "Fn"
case class CharFn(char : Char) extends Value {
val ChurchTrue = Fn(
Abs( 1, App( 3, 2, NoPosition ) :: Nil, NoPosition ) :: Nil,
Fn( Nil, Nil ) :: Nil )
val ChurchFalse = Fn( Abs( 1, Nil, NoPosition) :: Nil, Nil)
override def apply( v:Value, ced:CED ) = v match {
case CharFn( c ) =>
CED( ced.c, ced.e ::: ( if( char == c ) ChurchTrue else ChurchFalse ) :: Nil, ced.d )
case _ => throw new Exception("eval error value is not CharFn")
override def toString = "CharFn(%s, %s)".format( char , char.toInt)
object Succ extends Value {
override def apply( v:Value, ced:CED ) = v match {
case CharFn( c ) =>
val char = ( (c + 1) % 256 ).toChar
CED( ced.c, CharFn( char ) :: ced.e, ced.d )
case _ => throw new Exception("eval error value is not CharFn")
override def toString = "Succ"
object Out extends Value {
override def apply( v:Value, ced:CED ) = v match {
case CharFn( c ) =>
CED( ced.c, v :: ced.e, ced.d )
case _ => throw new Exception("eval error value is not CharFn")
override def toString = "Out"
object In extends Value {
override def apply( v:Value, ced:CED ) ={
val c = readChar
CED( ced.c, CharFn( c ) :: ced.e, ced.d )
override def toString = "In"
class GrassParser(
)extends RegexParsers{
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader._
override def skipWhitespace = false
def p(s:String):Parser[String] = s
def make( tk:List[String] ) = ( p( tk.head ) /: tk.tail ){ _ ||| p( _ ) }
def wrap[A](p: Parser[A]) = Parser{r => Success(r.pos, r)} ~ p
def w :Parser[String] = rep( comment ) ~> ( make( wTokens ) ) <~ rep( comment )
def f :Parser[String] = rep( comment ) ~> ( make( fTokens ) ) <~ rep( comment )
def v :Parser[String] = rep( comment ) ~> ( make( vTokens ) ) <~ rep( comment )
val any :Parser[String] = elem("", _ != EofCh) ^^ { _.toString }
def token :Parser[String] = make( wTokens ) ||| make( fTokens ) ||| make( vTokens )
def comment :Parser[String] = not( token ) <~ any ^^ ( (Unit) => "" )
def app :Parser[App] = wrap( rep1( f ) ~ rep1( w ) ) ^^
{ case ~( p, x ~ y ) => App( x.size, y.size, p ) }
def abs :Parser[Abs] = wrap( rep1( w ) ~ rep( app ) ~ rep(v) ) ^^
{ case ~( p, ws ~ body ~ vs ) => Abs( ws.size, body, p ) }
def prog :Parser[List[Insn]] = rep( abs ) ~ rep( app ) ~ rep( v ) ^^
{ case a ~ p ~ v => a ::: p }
def parse( s:String ):Option[GrassRuntime] = parseAll( prog , s ) match {
case Success( insn, _ ) => Some( new GrassRuntime( insn, s ) )
case Failure( msg, _ ) => { println( msg ); None }
case Error( msg, _ ) => { println( msg ); None }
def run( s:String ) = parse( s ) foreach{ }
def test( s:String ) = parse( s ) foreach{ r => dump( r.insn, 0 ) }
def dump( x:List[Insn] , n:Int ):Unit = {
val sp = (for( i <- 0 to n ) yield{ " " } ).mkString
x.foreach{ o => o match {
case Abs( i,b,_ ) => {
println( sp + "Abs( " + i + ")")
dump( b , n + 1 )
case App( i,j,_) => println( sp + "App( " + i + ", " + j + " )")
def main(args:Array[String]){
val >< = new GrassParser(List(">< "),List(">_< "),List(","))
><.run(""">< , >< >_< >< >< >< >< >_< >< >< >< >< >< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >< >< , >< >< >< >< >_< >_< >_<
>< >< >_< >< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >< >< >_< >< >< , >< >_< >_< >< >_< >< >< , >< >< >_< >_< >< , >< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >< >_< >< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_<
>_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >_< >< >_< >< >_< >_< >_< >< >< >_< >_< >_< >_< >< ><
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