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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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package scalaz
import scalaz.{State => _, _}
import scalaz.Free.FreeC
import scalaz.Id.Id
import FreeState.StateF
sealed abstract class FreeState[S, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): FreeState[S, B]
object Main extends App{
import std.list._
val size = args.headOption.fold(100000)(_.toInt)
println("size = " + size)
val list = (1 to size).toList
val F = Foldable[List]
def a = F.traverse_[({type l[a] = StateF[Int, a]})#l, Int, Unit](list)(a => FreeState.put(a))(FreeState.stateMonad)
def b = F.traverse_[({type l[a] = scalaz.State[Int, a]})#l, Int, Unit](list)(a => scalaz.State.put(a))
FreeState.eval(a, 0)
// println(b.eval(0))
object FreeState {
implicit class StateFOps[S, A](val self: StateF[S, A]) extends AnyVal {
def eval(init: S): (S, A) =
FreeState.eval(self, init)
def evalZero(implicit S: Monoid[S]): (S, A) =
def contramap[B](f: B => S): StateF[B, A] =
private final case class SetState[S, A](s: S, k: A) extends FreeState[S, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B) =
SetState(s, f(k))
private final case class GetState[S, A](k: S => A) extends FreeState[S, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B) =
GetState(k andThen f)
type StateF[S, A] = Free[({type l[a] = FreeState[S, a]})#l, A]
private def liftFreeState[S, A](s: FreeState[S, A]): StateF[S, A] =
Free.liftF[({type l[a] = FreeState[S, a]})#l,A](s)
implicit def stateFFunctor[S]: Functor[({type l[a] = FreeState[S, a]})#l] =
new Functor[({type l[a] = FreeState[S, a]})#l] {
def map[A, B](fa: FreeState[S, A])(f: A => B) =
fa map f
implicit def stateMonad[S]: Monad[({type l[a] = StateF[S, a]})#l] =
Free.freeMonad[({type l[a] = FreeState[S, a]})#l](stateFFunctor)
def gets[S, A](f: S => A): StateF[S, A] =
def init[S]: StateF[S, S] =
def put[S](s: S): StateF[S, Unit] =
liftFreeState(SetState(s, () => ()))
def modify[S](f: S => S): StateF[S, Unit] =
init[S].flatMap(x => put(f(x)))
def state[S, A](f: S => (S, A)): StateF[S, A] =
modify[S](s => f(s)._1).flatMap(_ => gets(s => f(s)._2))
def eval[S, A](state: StateF[S, A], init: S): (S, A) = {
case (s, GetState(f)) =>
s -> f(s)
case (_, SetState(ss, a)) =>
ss -> a
def evalZero[S, A](state: StateF[S, A])(implicit S: Monoid[S]): (S, A) =
def contramap[S, A, X](state: StateF[S, A])(g: X => S): StateF[X, A] =
gets(g).map(eval(state, _)._2)
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