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Last active December 20, 2023 14:16
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Conversion from WGS-84 to Transverse Mercator
WGS-84 is World Geodetic System data from 1984, utilized by GPS standard.
Transverse mercator is a general Mercator projection (projection of the oblate spheroid of earth onto a cylinder) that is used in most mapping systems.
These short codes allow user to specify center latitude and longitude.
Contains a simpler projection assuming earth is a sphere
>>> tmercator_meters_to_gps(coords, center)
>>> tmercator_gps_to_meters(coords, center)
and a more precise approximiation leveraging PROJ which ships with current linux systems
proj is a complete Geodetic package
with python bindings
$ pip install pyproj
>>> tmerc(lon, lat, lon_0, lat_0)
Transverse Mercator is sphere to cylinder projection explained in
The more precise, yet approximate Evenden Snyder approximation
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Proj
def tmerc(lon, lat, lon_0=None, lat_0=None, inverse=False) -> tuple:
""" converts from geographic to transverse mercator or back
centered in lon_0, lat_0
lon (float, ndarray) in degrees (or meters if inverse)
lat (float, ndarray) in degrees (or meters if inverse)
lon_0 (float) in degrees, center of projection
lat_0 (float) in degrees
inverse (bool [False]) if True, meters -> degrees
lon_0 = lon.min() if lon_0 is None else lon_0
lat_0 = lat.min() if lat_0 is None else lat_0
_tmerc = Proj(proj='tmerc', lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, ellps='WGS84')
return _tmerc(lon, lat, inverse=inverse)
# simple approximation to Transverse Mecator projection assuming earth is a sphere
# may be ok for some uses. error is ~1.5cm every 10 meters from center
def tmercator_gps_meters(coords: np.ndarray,
center: Optional [np.ndarray] = None,
radius: float = 6_378_137) -> np.ndarray:
""" degrees to meters using simplified equatorial radius
coords ndarray (N,2) (longitudes, latitudes)
center ndarray (2) long, lat, if None, centers on coords
radius float default: simplified, equatorial radius
coords = coords*np.pi/180
if center is None:
center = coords.mean(axis=-2)
center = center*np.pi/180
long = coords[..., 0]
lat = coords[..., 1] - center[..., 0]
# B = cosφ *sin(λ-λ0), x = ln((1+B)/(1-B))/2
x = np.tanh(np.cos(lat) * np.sin(long))
y = np.arctan(np.tan(lat)/np.cos(long)) - center[..., 1]
return radius * np.stack((x, y), axis=-1)
def tmercator_meters_to_gps(pos: np.ndarray,
center: np.ndarray,
radius: float = 6_378_137) -> np.ndarray:
""" meters to degrees using simplified equatorial radius
pos ndarray (N,2) (x, y) East, North
center ndarray (2) long, lat
radius float default: simplified, equatorial radius
x = pos[...,0] / radius
y = pos[...,1] / radius
center = center*np.pi/180
long = center[..., 0] + np.arctan(np.sinh(x)/np.cos(y + center[..., 1]))
lat = np.arcsin(np.sin(y + center[..., 1])/np.cosh(x))
return np.stack((long, lat), axis=-1) * 180 /np.pi
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