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Created January 10, 2021 00:12
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cv2 PIL.Image torch and tensorflow have sligthly different interpolation algorithms; curious
>>> import interpolation_diff as idf
>>> algs = ("pil", "tensorflow") # ("pil", "torch")
>>> save = "/home/z/share/benchestchirescat_%s_%s"%algs
>>> idf.test_dif(dtype="float32", mode="bilinear", show=True, algs=algs, crop=(170,370, 180, 380), save=save)
# re
import io
import os
import os.path as osp
import requests
import numpy as np
import PIL
import cv2
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from torch.nn.functional import interpolate
import torchvision
from torchvision.transforms import functional as fun
matplotlib.rcParams.update({"axes.labelsize": "large"})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'': "monospace"})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
def get_pimg(fname=None):
get from default image net or self image
fname str
full path to local file
url full path
if None defaults to url
_image_types = ("image/jpeg", "image/png")
# local file full path
if fname is not None and osp.isfile(fname):
print("Opened local Image <%s>"%(fname))
out =
return out
# url
if fname is None:
fname = ""
_cache = osp.expanduser("~/.cache/images")
_fname = osp.join(_cache, osp.split(fname)[-1])
_name, _ext = osp.splitext(_fname)
_exts = ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png"
if _ext.lower() not in _exts:
for _e in _exts:
if _e in _ext.lower():
_ext = _e
if _ext not in _exts:
_ext = ".png"
_fname = _name + _ext
# open cached file
if osp.isfile(_fname):
out =
print("Opened Image <%s> from cache"%(_fname))
return out
# open url and save cache
out = None
_res = requests.get(fname)
if _res.ok and _res.headers.get('content-type') in _image_types:
if not osp.isdir(_cache):
out =
# save to cache
print("Opened Image <%s> from url, saved to <%s>"%(fname, _fname))
print("could not open data in pil <%s>"%fname)
return out
# convert to numpy
tonumpy = lambda pimg, dtype: (np.array(pimg)/255).astype(dtype)
# convert to torch
def totorch(img):
tensor = torch.from_numpy(img).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()
return tensor.view(1, *tensor.shape)
# interpolation mode
def get_mode(alg, mode):
""" mode in bilinear, bicubic
if alg == "cv2":
_mode = mode.replace("bi", "INTER_").upper()
return cv2.__dict__[_mode]
elif alg == "torchvision":
return torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode.__dict__[mode.upper()]
elif alg == "pil":
return PIL.Image.__dict__[mode.upper()]
elif alg in ("torch", "tensorflow"):
return mode
print(alg, "not implemented")
return mode
# resize
def resize(pimg, img, tensor, alg, mode, size, dtype):
if alg == "cv2":
return cv2.resize(img, dsize=tuple(size[::-1]), interpolation=get_mode(alg, mode))
elif alg == "torchvision":
return fun.resize(img=tensor, size=size, interpolation=get_mode(alg, mode))[0].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
elif alg == "pil":
return tonumpy(pimg.resize(size=size[::-1], resample=get_mode(alg, mode)), dtype)
elif alg == "torch":
return interpolate(tensor, size=size, mode=mode, align_corners=False)[0].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
elif alg == "tensorflow":
import tensorflow as tf
if tf.__version__ >= '2.0.0':
return tf.image.resize(img, size=size, method=mode).numpy()
return tf.contrib.image.resize(img, size=size, method=mode).numpy()
print(alg, "not implemented")
return mode
def test_dif(fname=None, dtype="float32", mode="bilinear", show=False, algs=("pil", "torch"),
crop=None, save=False, width=10):
""" brief measure difference between interpolation algorithms
algs tuple, ist [("pil", "torch")] ("torchvision", "torch", "tensorflow", "pil", "cv2")
_algs = ("torchvision", "torch", "tensorflow", "pil", "cv2")
if "torchvision" in algs:
_tv = torchvision.__version__
if _tv < '0.9':
print("requires torchvision 0.9 or above to resize")
return None
for alg in algs:
assert alg in _algs, "<%s> not recognized in valid %s"%(alg, str(_algs))
# print tensor or array
_format = "%s\tmin: %.4f, max: %.4f mean: %.4f, std: %.4f \tshape: %s, dtype: %s"
sig = lambda x, msg="": print(_format%(msg, x.min(), x.max(), x.mean(), x.std(),
str(tuple(x.shape)), str(x.dtype)))
# pil, numpy image, torch
pimg = get_pimg(fname)
nimg = tonumpy(pimg, dtype)
timg = totorch(nimg) if "torch" in algs or "torchvision" in algs else None
new_size = [512, (512*pimg.size[0])//pimg.size[1]]
out_0 = resize(pimg, nimg, timg, algs[0], mode, new_size, dtype)
out_1 = resize(pimg, nimg, timg, algs[1], mode, new_size, dtype)
title = "Resize %s, %s|%s"%(mode.upper(), algs[0], algs[1])
diff = imdiff(out_0, out_1, norm=True)
if crop and isinstance(crop, (list, tuple)) and len(crop) == 4:
diff = diff[crop[0]:crop[1], crop[2]:crop[3], :]
if show:
showdiffs([diff], [title], width, 1, save)
return diff
def showdiffs(images, titles, width=10, ncols=3, save=False):
_h, _w, _c = images[0].shape
ncols = min(ncols, len(images))
nrows = int(np.ceil(len(images)/ncols))
height = width*(_h/_w)*(nrows/ncols)
print(height, width)
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
for i, image in enumerate(images):
if len(images) > 1:
plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1)
if titles is not None and i < len(titles):
if save:
if not isinstance(save, str):
print("CANNOT save, no path supplied, <save=path>")
folder, _ = osp.split(save)
assert osp.isdir(folder), "supply folder to save="
_, ext = osp.splitext(save)
if ext.lower() not in (".jpg", ".png", ".pdf"):
save += ".pdf"
print("saving figure to: %s"%save)
dpi = 300
plt.savefig(save, dpi=dpi)
def imdiff(im0, im1, norm=True):
diff = im0 - im1
if norm and diff.sum() > 0:
diff = (diff - diff.min())/(diff.max() - diff.min())
return diff
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_dif("float64", "bicubic")
# test_dif("float32", "bicubic")
# test_dif("float64", "bilinear")
# test_dif("float32", "bilinear", show=True)
FOLDER = osp.expanduser("~/share")
if not osp.isdir(FOLDER):
FOLDER = osp.expanduser("~")
ALGS = [("cv2", "torch"), ("pil", "torch"), ("pil", "cv2"), ("pil", "torch"),
("cv2", "tensorflow"), ("torch", "tensorflow"),
("pil", "tensorflow"), ("torch", "torchvision")]
DIFFS = []
MODE = "bilinear"
for i, ALG in enumerate(ALGS):
_DIF = test_dif(dtype="float32", mode=MODE, show=False, algs=ALG,
crop=(170, 370, 180, 380), save=False)
if _DIF is not None:
# TITLES.append("Resize %s, %s|%s"%(MODE.upper(), ALG[0], ALG[1]))
TITLES.append(("%s|%s"%(ALG[0], ALG[1])).replace("tensorflow", "tf").replace("torchvision", "torch"))
showdiffs(DIFFS, TITLES, width=10, ncols=3, save=osp.join(FOLDER, "ResizeDiffs3.png"))
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