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Created April 26, 2024 09:51
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morton codes in torch / python
Morton codes should never be done in python, but in cpp, as they require looping
Still, to understand them here are 2 different implementations/ They both assume 3d points of shape (...,3]
1. More general computes a pyramid, using np or torch
>> get_morton_codes()
>> get_points_from_morton()
2. easier to read, uses morton to compute knn
>> knn()
Sources and further reading, morton code based voxelization
def to_morton(p):
def create_dense_octree(level):
# Dividing by 2 will yield the morton code of the parent
pc = torch.floor(points / 2.0).short()
def to_morton(p):
static __inline__ __host__ __device__ morton_code ToMorton(point_data V)
__global__ void MortonToPoint(
import numpy as np
import torch
# pylint: disable=no-member
##### 1 Morton Pyramid:
def get_morton_codes(p, levels=16):
""" computes morton codes
torch float32 (N,3) -> int64 (N)
numpy float32 (N,3) -> uint64(N)
assert levels <= 16
return to_morton(quantize(p), levels=levels)
def get_points_from_morton(mcode, mmin=0, mmax=1.0, levels=16):
""" computes points from morton codes
torch int64 (N) -> float32 (N,3)
numpy uint64(N) -> float32 (N,3)
assert levels <= 16
return to_float(from_morton(mcode, levels=levels), mmin, mmax)
def to_morton(x, levels=16):
""" torch -> int64, np -> uint64
if torch.is_tensor(x):
x =
mcode = torch.zeros((len(x)), dtype=torch.int64, device=x.device)
x = x.astype(np.uint64)
mcode = np.zeros((len(x)), dtype=np.uint64)
for i in range(levels):
i2 = i*2
mcode |= (x[...,2] & (0x1 << i)) << i2
mcode |= (x[...,1] & (0x1 << i)) << i2+1
mcode |= (x[...,0] & (0x1 << i)) << i2+2
return mcode
def quantize(p):
""" [-float, +float] -> [0, 1<<16-1]
torch -> int32, np -> uint16
mmin = p.min(axis=0)
mmax = p.max(axis=0)
if torch.is_tensor(p):
mmin = mmin[0]
mmax = mmax[0]
out = (p - mmin)/(mmax - mmin) *(1 << 16 -1)
if torch.is_tensor(p):
return out.astype(np.uint16)
def to_float(p, mmin, mmax):
""" inverse of quantize
if torch.is_tensor(p):
return<<16 -1) * (mmax - mmin) + mmin
return p.astype(dtype=np.float32)/(1<<16 -1) * (mmax - mmin) + mmin
def from_morton(mcode, levels=16):
""" mcode to quantized points
torch int64 (N) -> int32 (N,3)
numpy uint64(N) -> uint16 (N,3)
if torch.is_tensor(p):
p = torch.zeros((len(mcode), 3), dtype=torch.int32, device=mcode.device)
p = np.zeros((len(mcode), 3), dtype=np.uint16)
for i in range(levels):
p[..., 0] |= (mcode & (0x1 << (3 * i + 2))) >> (2 * i + 2)
p[..., 1] |= (mcode & (0x1 << (3 * i + 1))) >> (2 * i + 1)
p[..., 2] |= (mcode & (0x1 << (3 * i + 0))) >> (2 * i + 0)
return p
##### Implementation 2
def _morton(x):
""" where x is int32
x = x + x*(2**16) masked by 11 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111
x = x + x*(2**8) masked by 11 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111
x = x + x*(2**4) masked by 11 0000 11 000 011 0000 11 0000 11
x = x + x*(2**2) masked by 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1
0xFFFFFFFF = 1<<32 -1
x = (x | (x << 16)) & 0x030000FF
x = (x | (x << 8)) & 0x0300F00F
x = (x | (x << 4)) & 0x030C30C3
x = (x | (x << 2)) & 0x09249249
return x[:, 0] | (x[:, 1] << 1) | (x[:, 2] << 2)
def toint(x, bits=10):
if torch.is_tensor(x):
dtype = torch.int32 if bits <=16 else torch.int64
dtype = np.int32 if bits <=16 else np.int64
return x.astype(dtype)
def tobits(points, bits=10):
mmin = points.min(axis=0)
mmax = points.max(axis=0)
if torch.is_tensor(points):
mmin = mmin[0]
mmax = mmax[0]
return toint((points - mmin)/(mmax - mmin) * ((1 << bits) - 1), bits)
def morton(points, bits=10):
""" float32 -> int32 -> morton
x = tobits(points, bits)
return _morton(x)
def knn(points, box_size=1024):
""" points: shape (N, 3)
num_boxes = int((points.shape[0] + box_size - 1) / box_size)
codes = morton(points)
sorted_indices = torch.argsort(codes)
sorted_points = points[sorted_indices]
# morton ordered points split to boxes
split_points = sorted_points.split(box_size)
_sect = -1 if len(points)%box_size else None
#(num_boxes, num_points, 3)
stack_points = torch.stack(split_points[:_sect], axis=0)
# bounding boxes
mmin = stack_points.min(axis=1)[0]
mmax = stack_points.max(axis=1)[0]
if _sect is not None:
mmin =, split_points[-1].min(axis=0, keepdim=True)[0]))
mmax =, split_points[-1].max(axis=0, keepdim=True)[0]))
top_kth = reject_dist2(sorted_points, num=6, k=3)# (N)
points_to_boxes = dist2_to_box(mmin[:,None], mmax[:,None], sorted_points) # (num_boxes, N)
return top_kth, points_to_boxes, points, sorted_indices
def reject_dist2(p, num=6, k=3):
""" sq distance to top-k item
-> (N)
p (N, dims)
num (int [6])
k (int [3]) topk3 -> out[2]
finds neighbors in box by rolling - returning items on other end of box at either end
idx = list(range(math.ceil(num/2), -math.ceil((num+1)/2), -1))
neighbors = torch.stack([torch.roll(p, i, dims=0) for i in idx], axis=0)
return ((p - neighbors)**2).sum(axis=-1).sort(axis=0)[0][k-1] # N
def dist2_to_box(minn, maxx, p):
""" square dist point to box boundaries
minn, maxx vector (3) | (M, 1, 3) # box boundaries
p vector (3) | (N, 3) # points
return ((torch.clamp(p-maxx, min=0) + torch.clamp(minn-p, min=0))**2).sum(axis=-1)
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