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Last active May 17, 2024 22:36
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Run the Datadog agent on NixOS with podman containers
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
# Reuse the main module's config hierarchy for simplicity
cfg =;
ddConf = {
# Reading secrets from files, make sure to strip newlines.
# Alternatively, add an environmentFiles to the container to set DD_API_KEY
secret_backend_command = "/";
secret_backend_arguments = "/run/secrets";
api_key = "ENC[api_key]";
# My common options, change as needed
# is merged to allow per-machine overrides
hostname_fqdn = true;
log_level = "warn";
log_format_json = true;
disable_file_logging = true;
logs_enabled = true;
logs_config = {
use_tcp = false;
use_http = true;
} // cfg.extraConfig;
mainConfigFile = pkgs.writeText "datadog.yaml" (builtins.toJSON ddConf);
# Creates one yaml config file per entry in
# and mounts it in the agent container.
checkConfigVolumes = lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: value:
"${(pkgs.writeText "${name}.yaml" (builtins.toJSON value))}:/etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/${name}.yaml:ro")
# Container template used by both agent containers
# Instead of using the container's s6 init to spawn the different agents,
# they are directly started in separate containers, mirroring the k8s chart:
datadog-container = {
image = "datadog/agent:7.33.1";
autoStart = true;
volumes = [
"/etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro" # Fix for DNS resolution issues at startup
"/var/lib/secrets/datadog:/run/secrets:ro" # Where the secrets are stored
user = "root"; # Needed for secret_backend_command, otherwise you can use dd-agent
extraOptions = [
"--network=host" # Allows collecting host network metrics
"--no-healthcheck" # Could not get the healthcheck to work OK
environment = {
DD_APM_ENABLED = "false";
# Common checks, more can be setup per host
services.datadog-agent.checks = {
journald.logs = [{ type = "journald"; }];
disk.instances = [{ file_system_include = [ "ext4$" ]; }];
network.instances = [{ collect_connection_state = false; excluded_interfaces = [ "lo" "lo0" ]; }];
# Make sure the network stays up so that the last payloads are sent.[""];[""];
virtualisation = {
# Podman configuration
podman = {
enable = true;
dockerCompat = true;
oci-containers.backend = "podman";
oci-containers.containers = {
# Main agent for metrics and logs
datadog-agent = datadog-container // {
entrypoint = "agent";
cmd = [ "run" ];
volumes = datadog-container.volumes ++ checkConfigVolumes ++ [
"datadog-agent-run:/opt/datadog-agent/run:rw" # Keep log tailing state in a podman volume
"/var/log/journal:/var/log/journal:ro" # journald integration
"/etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id:ro" # journald integration
# Live processes / containers agent
process-agent = datadog-container // {
entrypoint = "process-agent";
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