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Last active November 16, 2022 09:09
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cleanup fixture
$ python -m pytest -rP
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.13, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/xavier/src/streamsets/stf-4.x, configfile: pytest.ini
collected 2 items PASSED                                             [ 50%] SKIPPED (unconditional skip)                     [100%]

======================================== PASSES =========================================
_________________________________ test_with_s3_buckets __________________________________
--------------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------------
Allocating temp_file temp_file1
Allocating temp_file temp_file2
Allocating temp_file temp_file3
code using temp_file temp_file3
Freeing temp_file temp_file3
Allocating bucket first_bucket
code using bucket first_bucket
Freeing bucket first_bucket
Allocating bucket second_bucket
Allocating bucket third_bucket
------------------------------- Captured stdout teardown --------------------------------
Freeing bucket third_bucket
Raisin while cleaning poor_resource foo
Exception in __Exit__!
Freeing bucket second_bucket
Freeing temp_file temp_file2
Freeing temp_file temp_file1
============================= 1 passed, 1 skipped in 0.01s ==============================
import contextlib
import pytest
def writeOutput(output):
# with open('test1.log', 'a') as f:
# f.write(f'{output}\n')
def sch():
"""A fixture we depend on"""
class CleanUp(object):
"""Helper class for the cleanup fixture"""
def __init__(self, sch, exit_stack):
self.on_exit = exit_stack
def _track(self, resource):
if not hasattr(resource, '__enter__') or not hasattr(resource, '__exit__'):
raise TypeError(f"Track expects a generator function")
return self.on_exit.enter_context(NoExceptionsOnCleanup(resource))
def auto_cleanup(self, resource_factory):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return self._track(resource_factory(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
class NoExceptionsOnCleanup(contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
"""Wrap a context manager so that exceptions are suppressed"""
def __init__(self, cm): = cm
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
report =, exc_value, traceback)
if exc_type and not report:
writeOutput('Context would have not suppressed the exception')
writeOutput('Exception in __Exit__!')
return True
def cleanup(sch):
Fixture that provides and object to help in test cleanup.
`cleanup.auto_cleanup` wraps a function creating a context manager so
that the context it creates are cleaned up when exiting the test
~~`cleanup.track` adds to the to-clean list a resource that is created using
a context manager, and returns that resourc~~
~~`cleanup.on_exit` provides an ExitStack to add functions to be executed
when the test completes~~
with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack:
yield CleanUp(sch, exit_stack)
import contextlib
import pytest
def writeOutput(output):
# with open('test1.log', 'a') as f:
# f.write(f'{output}\n')
def s3_bucket(sch, name):
writeOutput(f'Allocating bucket {name}')
yield f'bucket {name}'
writeOutput(f'Freeing bucket {name}')
def temp_file(sch, name):
writeOutput(f'Allocating temp_file {name}')
yield f'temp_file {name}'
writeOutput(f'Freeing temp_file {name}')
def poor_resource(name):
yield f'poor resource {name}'
writeOutput(f'Raisin while cleaning poor_resource {name}')
raise ValueError("Poor resource")
def test_with_s3_buckets(sch, cleanup):
create_temp_file = cleanup.auto_cleanup(temp_file)
create_s3_bucket = cleanup.auto_cleanup(s3_bucket)
create_broken_resource = cleanup.auto_cleanup(poor_resource)
temp_file1 = create_temp_file(sch, 'temp_file1')
temp_file2 = create_temp_file(sch, 'temp_file2')
with temp_file(sch, 'temp_file3') as temp_file3:
writeOutput(f'code using {temp_file3}')
with s3_bucket(sch, 'first_bucket') as first_bucket:
writeOutput(f'code using {first_bucket}')
second_bucket = create_s3_bucket(sch, 'second_bucket')
third_bucket = create_s3_bucket(sch, 'third_bucket')
def test_with_bad_resource(cleanup):
def _plain_function():
return "plain_function"
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