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Last active August 13, 2018 11:50
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module type S = Util.SERIALIZABLE
module Kind =
type t =
| Int
| Float
| String
| Boolean
| Optional of t
| Serializable of (module S)
| Xref
module Field =
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Boolean of bool
| Optional of t option
| Serializable : ((module S with type t = 'a) * 'a) -> t
| Xref of Xref.t
let coercion f x =
try Ok (f x)
with _ -> Error.coercion x
let f_int = coercion (fun x -> Int (int_of_string x))
let f_float = coercion (fun x -> Float (float_of_string x))
let f_string x = Ok (String x)
let f_bool x =
let test = String.lowercase_ascii x in
if test = "true" || test = "false"
then Ok (Boolean (test = "true"))
else Error.coercion x
let rec of_string = function
| Kind.Int -> f_int
| Kind.Float -> f_float
| Kind.String -> f_string
| Kind.Boolean -> f_bool
| Kind.Xref ->
let open Util.Result in
(fun x ->
(Xref.of_string x)
>>| (fun xref -> Xref xref)
| Kind.Optional kind ->
let open Util.Result in
(fun x ->
if String.length x = 0
then Ok (Optional None)
of_string kind x
>>| (fun x -> Optional (Some x))
| Kind.Serializable (module M : S) ->
let open Util.Result in
(fun x ->
M.of_string x
>>= (fun y -> Ok (Serializable ((module M), y)))
let rec to_string = function
| Int x -> string_of_int x
| Float x -> string_of_float x
| String x -> x
| Boolean true -> "true"
| Boolean false -> "false"
| Optional None -> ""
| Optional (Some x) -> to_string x
| Serializable ((module M), existential) ->
M.to_string existential
| Xref xref -> Xref.to_string xref
let parse_failure ln =
Error.(error (Csv (Parse_failure ln)))
type meta =
| Header of (string * Kind.t) list
| Plain of Kind.t list
let finalize kind acc recipe rev =
let open Util.Result in
|> Field.of_string kind
>>= (fun x -> map acc (fun xs -> x :: xs))
>>| (if rev then List.rev else
let of_line ln sep stream =
let rec aux escaped acc recipe kinds =
match ( stream, kinds) with
| (_, []) -> (parse_failure ln, false)
| ('\\', kinds) -> aux true acc recipe kinds
| ('\n', [last_kind]) -> (finalize last_kind acc recipe true, false)
| (chr, kind :: kinds) when chr = sep && not escaped ->
let new_acc = finalize kind acc recipe false
in aux false new_acc "" kinds
| (chr, kinds) ->
aux false acc (Util.push_char recipe chr) kinds
| exception Stream.Failure ->
match kinds with
| [last_kind] -> (finalize last_kind acc recipe true, true)
| _ -> (parse_failure ln, true)
in aux false (Ok []) ""
let of_stream_when ?(separator=',') f meta stream =
let rec aux ln kinds acc =
match of_line ln separator stream kinds with
| Ok line, true ->
match f meta line with
| Some l -> Ok (l :: acc)
| None -> Ok []
| Ok line, false ->
match (f meta line) with
| Some l -> aux (succ ln) kinds (l :: acc)
| None -> aux (succ ln) kinds acc
| (Error _) as e, _ -> e
match meta with
| Header headers ->
let (s_kinds, kinds) =
(fun (_, k) (s, a) -> (Kind.String :: s, k :: a))
headers ([], [])
let open Util.Result in
let (result, _) = of_line 0 separator stream s_kinds in
result >>= (fun _ -> aux 1 kinds [])
| Plain kinds -> aux 1 kinds []
let of_stream ?(separator=',') f meta =
let callback meta fields = Some (f meta fields) in
of_stream_when ~separator callback meta
let to_hashtbl_when ?(separator=',') f keep_if meta stream =
let (length, keys) =
(fun elt (l, k) -> (succ l, (fst elt) :: k))
(0, [])
let callback _ fields =
let hashtbl = Hashtbl.create length in
let _ =
(fun key field ->
let (k, v) = f key field in
Hashtbl.add hashtbl k v
) keys fields
in if keep_if hashtbl then Some hashtbl
else None
let open Util.Result in
of_stream_when ~separator callback (Header meta) stream
>>| (fun result -> (keys, result))
let to_hashtbl ?(separator=',') f =
to_hashtbl_when ~separator f (fun _ -> true)
let join ?(separator=',') fields =
let s = Util.push_char "" separator in
|> Field.to_string
|> (fun x -> Formatting.join s x)
let join_hashtbl ?(separator=',') keys hash =
|> (Hashtbl.find hash)
|> join ~separator
(** Special thanks to @phink ~ Paul Laforgue *)
module type S = Util.SERIALIZABLE
(** Describes the type of a CSVfield *)
module Kind :
type t =
| Int
| Float
| String
| Boolean
| Optional of t
| Serializable of (module S)
| Xref
(** Parsing/Unparsing of a field *)
module Field :
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Boolean of bool
| Optional of t option
| Serializable : ((module S with type t = 'a) * 'a) -> t
| Xref of Xref.t
val of_string : Kind.t -> string -> (t, Error.t) result
val to_string : t -> string
(** Describes the kind of CSV *)
type meta =
| Header of (string * Kind.t) list
| Plain of Kind.t list
(** Parse a specific line (stream) *)
val of_line :
-> char
-> char Stream.t
-> Kind.t list
-> ((Field.t list, Error.t) result * bool)
(** filter result *)
val of_stream_when :
-> (meta -> Field.t list -> 'a option)
-> meta
-> char Stream.t
-> ('a list, Error.t) result
(** Parse a stream to a CSV *)
val of_stream :
-> (meta -> Field.t list -> 'a)
-> meta
-> char Stream.t
-> ('a list, Error.t) result
(** Parse a stream to a Hashtbl CSV *)
val to_hashtbl_when :
-> (string -> Field.t -> ('a * 'b))
-> (('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> bool)
-> (string * Kind.t) list
-> char Stream.t
-> ((string list * ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t list), Error.t) result
(** Parse a stream to a Hashtbl CSV *)
val to_hashtbl :
-> (string -> Field.t -> ('a * 'b))
-> (string * Kind.t) list
-> char Stream.t
-> ((string list * ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t list), Error.t) result
(** Join a list of field *)
val join:
-> Field.t list
-> string
(** Join an Hashtbl of field *)
val join_hashtbl:
-> string list
-> (string, Field.t) Hashtbl.t
-> string
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