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Created October 23, 2018 15:51
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type ('a, 'b) machine =
| Continue of 'a
| Done of 'b
module Kind :
type 'a t =
| Eq of 'a
| Del of 'a
| Ins of 'a
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val extract : 'a t -> 'a
val replace : 'a t -> 'b -> 'b t
val same : 'a t -> 'b t -> bool
end = struct
type 'a t =
| Eq of 'a
| Del of 'a
| Ins of 'a
let extract = function
Eq x | Del x | Ins x -> x
let map f = function
| Eq x -> Eq (f x)
| Del x -> Del (f x)
| Ins x -> Ins (f x)
let replace kind value =
map (fun _ -> value) kind
let same a b = match (a, b) with
| Eq _, Eq _ | Del _, Del _ | Ins _, Ins _ -> true
| _ -> false
let first_of = function
| i, _, _, _ -> i
let rec reverse = function
| [], acc -> acc
| elem :: rest, result :: acc when Kind.same elem result ->
let elt = Kind.extract elem in
let step = (fun xs -> elt :: xs) result in
reverse (rest, step :: acc)
| rest, Kind.(Eq a :: Ins b :: Eq oth :: acc) when a = b ->
let ins = Kind.Ins a in
let eq = Kind.Eq (b @ oth) in
reverse (rest, ins :: eq :: acc)
| kind :: rest, acc ->
reverse (rest, ( (fun x -> [x]) kind) :: acc)
let move_down = function
| y, elem :: rest, l2, xs -> (y + 1, rest, l2, (Kind.Del elem) :: xs)
| y, [], l2, edits -> (succ y, [], l2, edits)
let move_right = function
| y, l1, elem :: rest, xs -> (y, l1, rest, (Kind.Ins elem) :: xs)
| y, l1, [], xs -> (y, l1, [], xs)
let proceed_path = function
| 0, 0, [path] -> (path, [])
| d, l, ((path :: _) as paths) when d = -l -> (move_down path, paths)
| d, l, [path] when d = l -> (move_right path, [])
| _, _, p1 :: p2 :: rest ->
if (first_of p1) > (first_of p2)
then (move_right p1, p2 :: rest)
else (move_down p2, p2 :: rest)
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
let rec snake = function
| y, elem :: rest1, b :: rest2, edits when elem = b ->
snake (y + 1, rest1, rest2, Kind.(Eq elem) :: edits)
| _, [], [], edits -> Done edits
| path -> Continue path
let rec diagonals d limit paths next_paths =
if d > limit then Continue (List.rev next_paths)
let (path, rest) = proceed_path(d, limit, paths) in
match snake path with
| Continue path -> diagonals (d + 2) limit rest (path :: next_paths)
| Done edits -> Done edits
let rec find envelope max paths =
match diagonals (-envelope) envelope paths [] with
| Done edits -> reverse (edits, [])
| Continue paths -> find (succ envelope) max paths
let diff first second =
let path = (0, first, second, []) in
let len = List.((length first) + (length second)) in
find 0 len [path]
let string_of_chars chars =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
List.iter (Buffer.add_char buf) chars;
Buffer.contents buf
let str_diff str_a str_b =
let a = String.to_seq str_a |> List.of_seq in
let b = String.to_seq str_b |> List.of_seq in
diff a b
|> ( string_of_chars)
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