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Created September 3, 2023 01:52
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waiting <- geyser$waiting
n <- length(waiting)
m <- 16
a <- min(waiting)
b <- max(waiting)
h <- 7.27037
step <- 0.1
delta <- h / m
# get the bin counts
br <- seq(a - delta * m, b + 2 * delta * m, delta)
histg <- hist(waiting, breaks = br, plot = FALSE)
nk <- histg$counts
K <- abs((1 - m):(m - 1))
fhat <- function(x) {
i <- max(which(x > br))
k <- (i - m + 1):(i + m - 1)
vk <- nk[k]
sum((1 - K / m) * vk) / (n * h)
vec_z <- as.matrix(seq(a, b + h, step))
f_ash <- apply(vec_z, 1, fhat)
br2 <- seq(a, b + h, h)
# hist(waiting, breaks = br2, freq = FALSE, main = "ASH", ylim = c(0, max(f_ash)))
# lines(vec_z, f_ash, xlab = "waiting", ylab = "density", col = "tomato")
# use ggplot to plot the density and a histogram of the data
df_waiting <- tibble(waiting = waiting)
p <- tibble(vec_z = vec_z, f_ash = f_ash) |>
ggplot(aes(x = vec_z, y = f_ash)) +
data = df_waiting, aes(x = waiting, y = after_stat(density)),
bins = 20, color = "black", fill = "white"
) +
geom_line(color = "tomato") +
ggsave("ash_hist.jpg", p, width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 300)
# Plot the CDF
# Compute the estimated CDF
cdf_ash <- cumsum(f_ash * step) # Assuming a uniform step of 0.1 in vec_z
# Compute the real ECDF of your data
ecdf_data <- ecdf(waiting)
# Create a vector of values at which to evaluate the real ECDF
vec_x <- seq(a, b, length.out = length(vec_z))
# Evaluate the real ECDF at those values
ecdf_values <- ecdf_data(vec_x)
# Plot the estimated CDF and the real ECDF
p <- tibble(vec_x = vec_x, ecdf_values = ecdf_values, cdf_ash = cdf_ash) |>
ggplot(aes(x = vec_x, y = ecdf_values)) +
geom_step() +
geom_step(aes(x = vec_z, y = cdf_ash), color = "tomato") +
# geom_point(aes(x = vec_z, y = cdf_ash), color = "black") +
ggsave("ash.jpg", p, width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 300)
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